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Everything posted by Taddeusz

  1. It's included. I'm using it on mine. If you have OPT_DUO=Y then it should automatically upgrade it.
  2. I have 1.0.0-RC1 images ready to test! I have two images. One with MariaDB and one without. You may install them by changing the Repsitory on your Docker container to jasonbean/guacamole:1.0.0-RC1 for the image with MariaDB and jasonbean/guacamole:1.0.0-RC1-nomariadb without MariaDB. For the image that includes MariaDB you can still choose to use an external instance of MariaDB/MySQL by setting the variable OPT_MYSQL_EXTENSION=Y and set OPT_MYSQL=N and it will keep the extension but not load MariaDB. The image without MariaDB will load the MySQL extension with the original OPT_MYSQL=Y variable. Your guacamole.properties must be configured for a MariaDB/MySQL instance outside this container for either of these to work. For now I'm not going to provide a way to set up or upgrade an external MariaDB/MySQL instance since there's no way for me to know your database's version. So unless you really know what you're doing you should probably stick with the internal MariaDB. For those who wish to try your hand the Guacamole schema files are located in your appdata folder when you have enabled the MySQL extension. You just need to create a database, a user that has SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, & DELETE permissions to that database, and apply the two schema files to the database you created. Once you modify your guacamole.properties file for that database it should work. I have switched my personal Guacamole instance over and as far as I can tell it works perfectly. I'm actually using the image without MariaDB.
  3. I just wanted to update everyone on 1.0.0. I've taken some time over my holiday break to work on updating my Guacamole Docker with RC1. Thanks to the Guacamole team I've got a better build process. It looks like I'm going to be able to shave off about 120MB from the image size. I've also implemented a service manager and as a result I'm also able to not start the MariaDB service if you so choose. I'll also have an option to load just the MySQL extension so that you can use an external MySQL/MariaDB instance without the extra memory overhead in the current implementation. I have a few things to iron out but I think I should have 1.0.0-RC1 available for anyone to test in the next week or so.
  4. On your Emby Docker add "--device /dev/dri" to the Extra Parameters.
  5. I had bought one of these removable drive cages: Rosewill RSV-SATA-Cage-34. A couple years later I was all of a sudden getting a bunch of UDMA CRC errors. I swapped the cable with no change. I decided to eliminate the drive cage and my UDMA CRC errors went away. I don't know why it was causing problems all of a sudden since it's a passive backplane.
  6. Currently Python is not included in this container so it wouldn't be able to run. I'm not sure how much larger adding python would make it. I'm hesitant since it's already a really large container. Also, adding an interface to manage MAC addresses is not trivial. I also don't see where the script should be placed so that it will run on every connection attempt. They've recently released 1.0.0-RC1 so I'm going to be putting what time I have to implementing the new version. Feel free to clone my git repository. I will take a look at any pull requests. 1.0.0 is a huge change to the Dockerfile so any changes likely aren't going to be applicable.
  7. Have you tried swapping cables on that drive that’s getting UDMA CRC errors? That’s usually the cause. Either a lose or bad cable.
  8. Ok, maybe I'm wrong about changing the entry point. It looks like the default entry point is "/guacamole". Here doc page that talks about proxying on Nginx: http://guacamole.apache.org/doc/gug/proxying-guacamole.html#nginx. Are you only proxying Guacamole? Just wondering why you need to worry about the root?
  9. I have a bunch of different location paths. Here is an excerpt from mine showing the location for Guacamole. This isn't my whole config file. I basically followed the Guacamole docs. I also modified my Guacamole config so that the entry point is /guacamole. It makes proxying much easier. Also, the "proxy_buffering off" is very important as having it on can make your connections not work. map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade { default upgrade; '' close; } server { location ^~ /guacamole/ { proxy_pass http://<sanitized ip>:<sanitized port>/guacamole/; proxy_buffering off; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection; access_log off; } }
  10. Unraid probably reports a maximum of 32GB because that is the maximum amount of RAM that your i7 3770 is capable accessing. Since your motherboard only has 2 DDR3 slots that halves the amount of RAM you can install. I have the same issue with a similar system that has an i5 3470. A motherboard with 4 DDR3 slots would allow you to install 32GB.
  11. As far as I know you can only do this with Intel CPU's. The set up is the same as for Plex. You load the i915 driver and pass "--device /dev/dri" in extra parameters for the Docker application.
  12. It’s always better to have the physical ports for your drives without expanders or multipliers. That’s why the LSI SAS cards are so great. Try and find an 8 port 6Gb SATA card for that cheap.
  13. You also have to remember that Unraid shows bytes per second. So that 12TB drive would top out at 2Gb/s, gigabits, (256*8/1024). 5 drives pushing 2Gb/s would be more than that 3Gb/s multiplier could handle.
  14. I suppose it depends on how well the SATA expander utilizes the 3Gb/s of bandwidth. I've still heard that SATA expanders can be problematic. Ideally you would want a 6Gb/s expander. That one you linked is only 3Gb. Backblaze is "cloud" storage. Not something you would have at your house.
  15. I’ve heard SATA port multipliers can be problematic. Plus there’s a lot less bandwidth there. Squeezing 5 3 Gb drives through a single 3Gb link. Performance is likely going to be bad. Particularly on parity checks. During parity checks my LSI card can be pushing over 1 gigabyte per second during the first 25% of the scan.
  16. Not sure about the one from eBay. It shows it's shipping from China. I personally try to avoid ordering parts from China but that's just me. Mostly due to the shipping time. If that doesn't bother you they do seem to be a highly rated seller. I was looking at the 9210/11 differences last night. It does look like the only difference between the two is the position of the ports.
  17. There are a few extra steps to fully erase the Dell or IBM firmware so that the LSI firmware can be flashed. They have protections against that which are easy to sidestep. They all use an LSI chip and have branded firmwares.
  18. Don't use the firmware, it's buggy. The is the one you want.
  19. Yes, cross flashing turns another branded card like a Dell H310 or an IBM M1015 into an LSI 9211. There are a few more steps to get the LSI firmware on there. I think Dell has an HBA (IT) firmware but I'm not sure. I decided to flash mine to a 9211. No hurdles to get the IT firmware. Both IR (RAID) and IT firmwares are available in the same download from Broadcom. Broadcom now owns LSI tech. That card you linked would be easier to flash.
  20. Yes, that card is perfect. It needs a firmware upgrade anyway and would be easier to flash to the IT firmware since it's not a Dell or IBM card that needs cross-flashed. If you don't flash it with the IT firmware it works as a RAID card and I don't believe the drives aren't directly visible by Unraid.
  21. No, that one is an 8e card, meaning it has external ports. It should be an 8i card. They are SAS cards. SAS is also compatible with SATA. You also need mini SAS to SATA cables. They are fairly easy to flash. You can find several guides online. This site is a good resource: https://www.servethehome.com The nice thing about these cards is they have 8 6Gb ports on them. Getting them going isn’t always for everyone.
  22. The IT firmware removes the RAID functionality and turns them into a regular hard drive controller.
  23. You can find them on eBay, sometimes already flashed to the IT firmware, for well under $100. The last one I picked up for $30.
  24. If your motherboard can fit an additional x8 card I would recommend an LSI 2008 based card like a Dell PERC H310 flashed to IT firmware.
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