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Everything posted by knex666

  1. Hi, I have just installed the docker container from the official nextcloud docker hub. I have installed v. RC2 with a fresh installation it direcly integrates OnlyOffice and the Document Server. It works Server Adress of nextcloud is OnlyOffice Cheers
  2. Hey, does anyone installed the 18.0.0 with onlyoffice? I got it installed but its not working. Cheers
  3. Hi together I will switch to this Container as a basis Tor running on Linux with Libevent 2.1.11-stable, OpenSSL 1.1.1d, Zlib 1.2.11, Liblzma 5.2.4, and Libzstd 1.4.4.l Will be running soon
  4. Oh, thats bad, do you know where mopidy stores those files. Than you can Volumen Mount that folder. I will add it to the template. Please note that there have Bern major change between mopidy 2 and 3 thats why the configuration is different. Thanks and cheers
  5. Thank you, you´re right I have put the information into the Description Tag and not to Overview Tag. Changes have been made, I hope everything works now!
  6. Application Name: RSSNotipy Overview: Support for Docker image of RSSNotipy Docker Hub: GitHub: Please read all information on GitHub Please use the sample configuration and files on the GitHub Repo in the /data folder and copy it to /mnt/user/appdata/rssnotipy/ You have to edit the configuration for your purpose. RSS release sources to search for and upcoming movies from your rss source. Please use it for good reasons. I´ve seen people using the RSS Feed from xREL and underground forum as release source. Please support the movie industrie. For any question - dont mind to ask! The Project is still under development.
  7. Application Name: Tor Relay Server Overview: Support for Docker image of Tor Relay Server Application: Docker Hub: GitHub: Please read all information in the Overview Box Please use the sample configuration on the GitHub Repo Be shure you have a working IPV4 it will not work without. Please use Tor for good reasons! For any question - dont mind to ask!
  8. You can now grab it from the Community Apps - See first page of this Thread. Cheers
  9. Here's a update to Mopidy3 push knex666/mopidy:3-experimental RUN EXAMPLE docker run -d --name='Mopidy3' --net='br0' --ip='' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -v '/mnt/user/appdata/mopidy/':'/config/':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/mopidy/tmp/':'/tmp/':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/Musik/':'/media':'rw' -p 6600:6600 -p 6680:6680 -p 5555:5555/udp 'knex666/mopidy:3-experimental' mopidy --config /config/mopidy.conf I will make a new unraid config xml for Mopidy3 soon. Its not jet stable and its missing Iris
  10. Hey, Thats really easy #docker exec -it Mopidy /bin/bash root@123:# mopidy --config /etc/mopidy.conf local scan than CTRL + A + D to exit witout clothing the docker you can run #docker exec -it Mopidy mopidy --config /etc/mopidy.conf local scan as well thats the short way. Mopidy3: I am working very hard on this. I have setup a new debian container with everything. Iris and Spotify are not fully working on it and thats very bad. I keep this as an experimental container hoping for some updates in the next time and will uploads it as a new one. Cheers
  11. So If you are shure you put in the config to the right place the only think that comes in my mind Now is the Network Adapter. Try br0 with an IP of your subnet. Host can work as well bridge will be proxy through unraid that can cause a Problem. Good luck!
  12. As written in the description please copy and use the icecast.xml from here: This should work fine. Cheers and merry xMas
  13. This is basics of docker please consider to understand how it works. You can use br0 for mariadb or use the docker intern IP if you want to use host. you will find that by enter #docker network
  14. So you got connection to your KNX, fine. Just install the Binding for KNX and add the Gateway as a thing: Maybe you have to add it manually so network should not be your problem.
  15. Hi, Did you try - exec - it into the Container and send a ping to your KNX? Please send a ping to other Devices in your Network to Check br0 is working correctly. Should not be a setting of the docker. I am connectibg to different Gateways like tradfri etc. Hope we will find a way Cherrs
  16. Hi, you cant reach your container on the ip or you cant use KNX bus? I am using br0 and have this extra settings and network connections work fine. --tty --dns --shm-size 2g maybe you need to pass though the KNX device to the docker container. Read hot to pass though devices on docker.
  17. Hi, if you add things and items within PaperUI it will not create a conf file. If you want to add things manually with a config file create one. Here some examples of things items rules etc.
  18. I am using letsencrypt as well: maybe you could go like this: you need a subdomain like ( will not work) 2.nd put a proxy pass in your / configuration for your subdomain 3.rd have fun! location / { proxy_pass; proxy_buffering off; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection; access_log off; }
  19. Where do you get this error, while building/starting the container. Can you post a screenshot plz. Cheers
  20. Can you post the error message for me to debug?
  21. I am using bridge mode, not everyone is using mysql and I need a seperate IP for my stuff. I hope that those who come to that point will read this
  22. Think you have to remove the database to setup FileBrowser new.
  23. You are shure that you have a connection inside the Container? Error message is clear a miss config of the Network. Bride or host what have you Set up?
  24. Sorry, think this is due to auto compilation. I am trying my best to get everything working again. Dont have a clue now. Cheers
  25. Hey, oh ok. You have mounted your media to /media? have you startet the process manually inside the container with #mopidy local scan? after scan is completed restart the container. Cheers