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  1. Worked for me too! Thank you whitedwarf! I was able to update from v20.0.8 to v20.0.12 with no issues as well.
  2. I'm possibly having the same issue. Same setup with Nextcloud + Swag + mariadb. I'm also running redis, but I doubt that's the issue. Using an untangle router, but again not likely the issue. Been running Unraid and Nextcloud for years. Was getting a connection refused error and then after several restarts of Nextcloud & swag started getting a error 500 bad gateway. Now I'm getting I thought maybe I need to update. I'm on v20.0.8 and the latest for stable is v20.0.12 To update I ran via the web term All checks passed, but when I got to the "occ upgrade" command execution part, I got this error: This led me to believe that there is some kind of php issue. So with some google fu I found this: https://help.nextcloud.com/t/php-fatal-error-uncaught-doctrine-dbal-dbalexception-failed-to-connect-to-the-database/56782 (can't hyperlink) I think this is what my issue is. Might be your issue too. Unfortunately, there was no real solution provided to fix the issue if you're Docker or Unraid user. Thoughts?
  3. Server is white listed. I went ahead and checked on a browser I never use (Edge) that has no extensions on it and I have the same issue. Hope this gets fixed! (If a mod sees this I accidentally posted anonymously so please ignore that)
  4. See attached image for my current display settings.
  5. I found a temporary fix for anyone interested. 1. Configure Deluge so that is exactly as you want it. 2. (Make sure you have the CA Backup / Restore Appdata plugin installed) Backup your docker data | MAKE SURE TO LEAVE DELUGE ON | (either backup all the dockers or just deluge). 3. Navigate to your backup, unzip the backup, copy the entire deluge docker backup folder. 4. In UnRaid, stop the deluge container, remove the container (make sure your have 'also remove the image' is checked) 5. Navigate to your Docker data/share (make sure deluge is shut down and removed). Delete the entire deluge docker folder. Paste in the deluge docker folder you copied from step 3. 6. In UnRaid, add container, navigate your ('my') containers, select the deluge one, assuming all settings are correct, hit apply. 7. Deluge will probs auto start, and you should be good to go!
  6. I'm having this same issue. I tried manually editing the core.conf, core.conf~, web.conf, and web.conf~ with no luck. I then tried accessing deluge from: localhost:8112?dev=true still no luck. None of my plug-ins stick after a deluge docker restart. Just to be clear, I'm running binhex's latest deluge docker container on unraid 6.6.6
  7. Hey, I'm not very good at writing scripts or anything. But as an avid and active user of your script could I request added support for backing up the nvram file(s) as well? Thanks for all your work!
  8. Have you read the rest of this thread? What have you tried? I suspect that the unraid server is answering too slow, so you need to adjust the delay in controlr settings. It's explained earlier in this thread as per trurls advice. I have tried to adjust the time settings...i changed the manual to 20000 ms and the auto to 10000 ms my unraid server ip is static at 192.168.1.xxx so i dont know what eles to try...do i need to open a port on my unraid server or something?
  9. Hey Guys! This is my first time posting to this forum, or any lime tech forum. Haven't needed to until now. So i downloaded this app earlier today and cannot get it to connect to my server...i must be running the latest version of the app and my unRaid server version is: 6.2.0 rc2 My phone is a huawei honor 5x running lollipop 5.1.1 Any ideas guys?
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