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Everything posted by tjb_altf4

  1. I posted this in spaceinvader/gridrunner's Privoxy video, but I'll repost here now too where its more searchable In unRaid, go to Jackett docker... Edit Switch Docker template to Advanced view (top right). Add to the following to Extra Parameters: -e "RUN_OPTS"="--ProxyConnection=" * update IP to match your server * Now I tested it by making changes to Jackett first, running tracker test, then failing (due to Privoxy not enabled). Now enable Privoxy in DelugeVPN, retest tracker test in Jackett, should pass this time
  2. +1 Same use case I'm interested in.
  3. Does Privoxy traffic actually go through the VPN tunnel? Do you see any merit in building a standalone VPN+Privoxy docker @binhex ?
  4. Have been with other providers (that log) in the past and US endpoints are susceptible to receiving copyright infringement letters, which get passed down. No such issues outside of US.
  5. If I wanted to run a second instance of DelugeVPN, do I only need to change the container name + port (Host Port 1). I know PIA supports up to 5 connections as long as they are different servers. Just wondering if the VPN adds additional complexity. Cheers
  6. Uninstalled the docker and manually wiped all the related appdata (from both paths), not just the folders stated on last release notes. Normally an uninstall doesn't wipe this data.
  7. I got that error too, wasn't sure if pebkac or issue with update. Ended up doing a clean install and re-downloading data and all was good after that.
  8. Win10 has a really annoying issue like the one you described... effecting in my case both network(unraid) and a secondary SSD. I only recently fixed it and it was simple to do with immediate results. I also Cleared File Explorer history for good measure while I was there. Hope that fixes your issue
  9. Can anyone explain how to do this? which username and password needs to be used? thanks Just did this yesterday, here is what you'll need to to get up and running. [*]Create a user in the deluge auth file other than the existing local user. Set you own username/password as explained here: http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/Authentication [*]Make note of your unraid IP address, and the used deluge port should be 58846 unless you changed it [*]Download deluge for windows, make sure the version matches deluge version in unraid (shown in tab of webUI, currently 1.3.13) [*]Once installed, go preferences > interface > untick classic mode, then restart deluge [*]In deluge connection manager add your details you previously noted above, click add then connect
  10. No, no need for the plugin for over-the-air to work. Are you on iOS or Android ? Android (Nougat). I can now see the 2.4.0 in play store, so I've just pushed that update now.
  11. Does the over the air update only work once the ControlR plugin is installed on Unraid? I've only recently picked up the app and it's very good, but not added plugin yet and not seen an update to the app yet (version 2.3.1 and unraid 6.3.0)
  12. I came from windows + utorrent with some customised scripts that worked very well to do my renaming and sorting. Nearly just created a windows VM and recreated my setup. However when I moved to unraid I swallowed a bitter pill and started from scratch using Couchpotato (for movies) + Sickrage (for TV) + Jackett + DelugeVPN. Was worth it in the end, particularly for easily searching + adding new content.
  13. I had to manually add the variables for download and music folder mappings, might need to be added to the template ? Being fairly green on unRAID and linux it took me a couple attempts before I realised I could map the folders myself in lieu of somewhere to do so in the template. All a learning experience
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