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Everything posted by andrewraynor

  1. Passthrough: Very unlikely. Virtual GPU (CPU/VNC): Should be possible. Doesnt look like anytime soon as no word from limetech Maybe something to look in to for unRAID 6.4. Should be pretty simple to build ARM guest binary for QEMU. My original goal was to slim down the binaries for QEMU and that's why there is only x86-64bit support today but it sounds like there's some interest in ARM guests. I have a few Raspberry Pi projects I'm working on as well Great news
  2. I have 2 amd gpus. I can use kodi fine in a windows vm. But in openelec/libraelec template sound breaks up alot. Using either card. I tried installing not using template and got the same result. Would you explain what to put in the snd-hda-intel.conf file please?
  3. Passthrough: Very unlikely. Virtual GPU (CPU/VNC): Should be possible. Doesnt look like anytime soon as no word from limetech
  4. so are there any plans for arm emulation? @limetech do you have plans to add arm emulation?
  5. crusader is easy to use. drag and drop between 2 colums
  6. great yes got it working with 360 controller and been playing final fight! thanks this is awesome having emulation in a vm
  7. try removing chrome totally then reinstall it
  8. if you have updated the docker image using either CA or the update button in the unraid web ui then there will be no remanence of the in place upgrade you have done, apart from the potential updating of database or config files which live outside of the docker container (/config folder), but i would think you should be ok. thank you all working great now
  9. Thanks for the replies. Yes @squid i have been using sab so i may change to nzbget. Is it a lot better than sab all around? @ jonathanm okay i will look at how to do that as I'm not sure how. I currently have a script run for sick rage to process the file when done so if downloaded by sonnar sick rage knows its done. But when sick rage downloads something unless i rescan everything i don't think it realises its been downloaded
  10. so are there any plans for arm emulation?
  11. i have used the google app controlr and it works well
  12. I would like to do this swell. i saw this post but don't really understand it. Can someone here make sense of it? https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=37386
  13. Thanks will try later when home. But will it replace the icons already in unraid?
  14. I use both sonar and sick rage as sometimes sick rage doesn't pick everything. However sometimes i download same think twice. is there a way to be able to run both without duplicates?
  15. Ah ok so that would explain why my sick rage will normally just freeze after a few hours and i need to restart. I have always updated through the web interface. I have just updated the docker, but should i just remove the whole docker then reinstall or will the update docker gone over the web updates?
  16. i am on 6.2 and was thinking of upgrading but reading this i am worried. will upgrading to the 6.2.1 or 6.3 rc be likely to change iommu groups for anyone who uses acs override?
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