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Everything posted by ich777

  1. It is also enough to only rename the file... Please send it over and give me some hint where I should go to where some buildings or something is.
  2. Sorry I wasn't clear enough, try to rename your world to Dedicated.db/Dediacted.fwl and copy it via smb to your server, this should do the job just fine if you pull a fresh copy from the CA App. BTW I also now tried it with a completely different world on my server (copied one from my computer to the server) and it works just fine. No, Dedicated is the default name: (please always use that variable in the template)
  3. Why? There is a line in the template that does this. No there is no compatibility issue. Yes, but please don't use the -world parameter use the line in which is defined in the template. This is not imported the container should set the permissions on each start/restart from the container, how do you copy over the files. Do you stop the container first and then replace the world? Have you yet tried to rename your world files to the default files which are in the folder and replace it then? I can tell for sure that Valheim is working with crossplay because I added this feature about 3 weeks ago.
  4. Yes, because if a lot is going on on the screen it has to render it in the web browser which is not really efficient, you should always close the noVNC window if it is copying something. Oh, have you changed anything in terms of quality in the side menu from the noVNC window? No, this is definitely not the case (and not possible) because otherwise your transfer speed would be painfully slow, the screenshot that you shared above with 120Mpb/s translates to about 12MB/s. If you watch the sync, regardless of which application we are talking about, through noVNC it is always a bit more demanding because there is usually a lot going on on screen. CPU usage seems a bit high but since you didn't include which Laptop or better speaking which CPU you are using I really can't tell if that's appropriate. Don't forget, the more it has to render the more CPU and Network usage will be displayed.
  5. I've only made a template for Factorio it's also based on factoriotools/factorio:stable as you can see in the template: Please double check your port forwarding and also if you have forwarded UDP, also note, some ISPs blocking port forwarding for UDP ports in general but this is only just a guess. Also please check your configuration file if the token is set correctly without any spaces in the front/end. With which editor did you edit the file, it's not the first time that the editor messes up the config file.
  6. No issue over here, at least it seems like no issue (this is definitely not the default world😞 After the first server start I let the server create the default world and let the server fully start. After that I stopped the container, put your world file in the "Worlds" folder and then changed two things in the serverconfig.txt: Finally I started the server again and it loaded the world just fine.
  7. Can you please send me your world file (simply drop it in the text box) so that I can try it on my server? Have you installed a cache drive? To what is your appdata Share set in terms of Use Cache in the Share settings? Have you changed anything else in the container template?
  8. I pointed that now out multiple times that you should ask in @Spectral Force‘s Discord.
  9. I think the first thing that you should really do is buy a valid license, after you've did that I and @SpencerJ are happy to help.
  10. This is still weird but I think somebody else had a similar issue and that was also the way to solve it, I really can't tell why it's that complicated with GarrysMod or why a Cache drive is even needed.
  11. Ich benutze immer TigerVNC von hier: Klick (du brauchst den Viewer 64bit) Im container musst du ein neues Port mapping anlegen damit du dich auch direkt zum VNC server der im container läuft verbinden kannst. Der Container port ist immer 5900 und als Host port würde ich dir irgendwas anderes ans Herz legen, sowas wie zB: 5999 (hat den grund da die VMs standarmäßig 5900, 5901,... belegen) , sollte dann so ausshen: Danach kannst dich mit dem VNC Viewer mit UNRAIDIP:PORT verbinden. Ja, genau so wie oben beschrieben aber den Host port auf 5998 oder was auch immer ändern damit sich die nicht überlappen, ein port kann immer nur einmal belegt werden systemweit.
  12. Funktioniert alles. Sieh dir hier auch mal Jellyfin (Open Source) bzw. Emby (Lizenzmodel so wie bei Plex) an als alternative. Sieh dir hierzu mal AdGuard Home an, finde ich persönlich ansprechender und reicht vollkommen aus. Auch möglich, nicht schwer aufzusetzen, bedenke aber das zB Ark ordentlich Leistung (...auch Resourcen) und dadurch auch mehr Strom braucht. Da kann dir vielleicht jemand anderer besser helfen (evtl. @Rockikone) aber es gibt ein paar Surveillance apps in der CA App Shinobi, Frigate,... Kommt drauf an welche Anforderungen du hast, bitte beschreib mal genau ob du VMs haben willst bzw. wieviele Spiele Server usw. gleichzeitig.
  13. You are talking about the console or am I wrong? If yes, this has nothing to do with the game itself. Please log in as an admin from the in-game console with "adminDocker", you can't log in to the console from the container itself.
  14. Do you maybe have a drive lying around that you can put temporarily into the server and use it as a cache drive formatted with BTRFS and try if the path /mnt/cache/... makes any difference?
  15. Yes and no, it is rather complicated when the card falls from the bus and how hard it crashed but is not always guaranteed that it is working. Please also make sure that you enable, disable the options that I've mentioned already in the BIOS.
  16. It is also possible that the miner crashes your graphics card and that it drops off the bus and it isn't able to recover from that.
  17. Please read this post, basically the same applies to your CPU:
  18. Do you have Above 4G Decoding and Resizable BAR Support in your BIOS? What you can also try is to disable ASPM in your BIOS and also boot with CSM (Legacy) instead of UEFI.
  19. Seems like you have an issue with your mining container: Oct 24 02:01:32 Tower kernel: miner1[3117]: segfault at 21 ip 0000000000467ce4 sp 0000147641dfd740 error 4 in t-rex[400000+19fa000] Oct 24 02:01:32 Tower kernel: Code: df e8 30 7b 4f 00 48 83 7b 58 00 0f 84 8d 00 00 00 48 8b 43 48 0f b6 50 21 31 c0 84 d2 74 54 48 83 c4 18 5b 5d c3 48 8b 43 48 <0f> b6 40 21 84 c0 0f 94 c0 48 83 c4 18 5b 5d c3 0f 1f 40 00 48 8b Are you sure your card is working properly, was this card working before?
  20. Please upload your Diagnostics.
  21. What is the name of the world? Did you follow the third recommended post on top? Where did you copy the world file? You can also post a zip with the world files in here and I will test if it works on my server.
  22. Please post your Diagnostics, without them I can‘t tell much.
  23. Sorry I'm really not into ARK and can't help there... but in theory it should work.
  24. Please see the second recommended post from the top, I link it here for you: @Cyd has thankfully written a comprehensive guide on this and what is needed to get it working. Maybe someone else can help you too, I've never done Clusters on ARK but I know that many people run my container (or better speaking multiple instances from my container) as a Cluster.
  25. As said above I don't know what is missing because some things need to be manually enabled and also configured to run properly. I provide only the basic functionality so that the dedicated server installs and modding is always up to the user. Please reach out to @Spectral Force on his Discord channel and he surely can help you. Also @Spectral Force also reached out to you here on the forums and mentioned that he saw no question on his Discord about that.
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