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Everything posted by ich777

  1. The server executable, so to speak the jar file is named server1? You also have to change the game version variable to „custom“.
  2. Please post a screenshot from you Docker template.
  3. Sorry I can't help with modding Ark and especially not with clustering since I only provide the basic functionality with my containers, modding is always up to the users, maybe @Cyd can help but I don't know if he is much around on the forums. Also I would suggest that you post screenshots and what you did exactly since otherwise nobody really can help here. I know that a few users are running indeed a cluster and it is working just fine.
  4. Second recommended post on the very top of this thread by @Cyd.
  5. Will look into this ASAP, give me a few days please.
  6. Please do the following to upgrade to 5.0.0: Stop the container Backup your "Worlds" folder and your "serverconfig.txt" from the main directory to your local computer (Maybe also backup the "ServerPlugins" folder, but only if you have custom mods installed) Remove everything from the terraria-tshock directory that lives in your appdata folder Copy the "Worlds" folder and you "serverconfig.txt" back to the terraria-tshock directory (if you backed up the "ServerPlugins" folder, create a Directory named "ServerPlugins" folder in the terraria-tshock directory and copy only the mods from the "ServerPlugins" in the newly created folder) Start the container again If you are pulling the container for the first time it will work OOB. However if you got a message without a version number in it similar like this: ---Something went wrong, can't download TShock Mod v, putting container into sleep mode!--- please stop the container and wait for at least an hour before you start it again <- this has something to do how I pull in the version number.
  7. I have to look into this, give me a bit, I will report back.
  8. Do you remember with what you messed in IDRAC? Did you install anything in the meantime? As said above it could be also a packge that was installed manually.
  9. But this was released 3 days ago which should be thuesday, I made the post on monday, so this release was released after I made the post. Does it not work or what is the exact issue now?
  10. No, sadly enough not, I provide only the basic functionality with my containers. Modding is always up to the user or at least I try to help where I can but DayZ is completely out of reach for me because I'm really not that familiar with it. Anyways, it should be not different than on bare metal.
  11. I really don't know because I don't use it. Maybe it messes with Docker or changes some kind of runtime. What is the output of: cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
  12. Have you yet tried to reboot? Oh, can you try to force an update from a container which is affected. Also please make sure that you uninstall any packages installed through nerd pack IIRC one user has had an issue where he had installed a extra package which causes the same issue.
  13. Have you yet tried to boot with Legacy (CSM) mode? The issue with the VM should be unrelated to that, but please maybe try to reboot. Also make sure that you've disable C-States in the BIOS and also make sure that you enable Above 4G Decoding and Resizable BAR support in your BIOS. This issues occure most of the times on AMD systems, I'm not 100% sure what's causing that. Did you recently update the BIOS or anything similar?
  14. Are you really sure that you have enabled Above 4G Decoding and Resizable BAR Support? Please double check if you have any other options for BAR or something like 64bit support in the BIOS. Please also try to disable to onbaord Aspeed AST graphics if possible to see if this makes any difference. I'm pretty certain that a setting in the BIOS is wrong, please also update your BIOS since you are on version P1.20 where P1.50 is available.
  15. Yes, through a plugin or in the go file. Give me a bit, I have no hardware on hand currently, I really want to make sure that it works which it obviously will, I would recommend that you do it like @Sundtek mentioned it here („or something like this“ method from the linked post) in the go file but before emhttp is started to make sure the devices are there before all other services from Unraid start.
  16. No. More or less, most vendors are not really interested in creating drivers for Linux and rely mostly on non related developers to implement that into the Linux Kernel (most of the times without proper documentation) therefore you have to do such things on Linux.
  17. Because the Sundtek script installs everything inside the container to /config (which is mounted to your host) it does indeed persist container updates.
  18. Please make sure to enable Resizable BAR Support and Above 4G Decoding in your BIOS. Also please try to boot with Legacy (CSM) Mode instead of UEFI. Do you maybe did a BIOS update in between too? It seems like that something is set wrong in your BIOS: Nov 2 18:30:57 Plex2 kernel: NVRM: This PCI I/O region assigned to your NVIDIA device is invalid: Nov 2 18:30:57 Plex2 kernel: NVRM: BAR0 is 0M @ 0x0 (PCI:0000:2d:00.0) Nov 2 18:30:57 Plex2 kernel: nvidia: probe of 0000:2d:00.0 failed with error -1 Since you are using a AMD CPU please also try to disable C-States.
  19. Do you run the script from SpaceInvaderOne? Please remove that script, reboot and see if it's the same. If that doesn't help, please go in the container template from a affected container change something and change it back so that you can press the Apply button and see if anything changes after pressing Apply.
  20. ich777

    Download error 4

    Markier einfach eine Antwort als Lösung dann sieht man das es erledigt ist (Button "Mark as Solution").
  21. ich777

    Download error 4

    Welches Video? Lass doch DHCP drin? Dann verteilt dein Router die IPs, hast du denn auch einen DNS server angegeben wenn nein, liegt sicher dort das Problem. Definier einen fixen DNS server zB Cloudflare mit oder Google mit oder du kannst natürlich auch deinen Router/Modem als DNS Server eintragen bzw. als Gateway muss die IP von deinem Router/Modem rein.
  22. Jedes Speichermedium wird kaputt vergiss das nicht, das die LED im Sekundentakt blinkt ist aber kein Problem... Du weißt doch auch nicht wieviel geschrieben wird von der LED oder? Wenn nur ein paar KB geschrieben werden ist das auch nicht weiter schlim weil du müsstest dann schon wirklich lange ein paar KB im Sekundentakt schreiben bis du die TBW der SSD überschreitest. Das würde ich jetzt so nicht sagen, hast du denn den Healthcheck an von deinen containern? Wie gesagt, vergiss auch nicht die logs die werden permanent geschrieben und vergiss alles was auf dem root Dateisystem ist, das läuft bei Unraid aus dem RAM alles was auf eine disk schreibt ist normalerweise unter /mnt auf Unraid. Also ich würd mir jetzt wegen einem blinken im Sekundentakt keine Sorgen machen, wenn dann müsstest du schon deine TBW im Auge behalten usw. Vergleich doch mal mit deinem Desktop PC, meiner blinkt auch im Sekundentakt obwohl ich nichts mache, nur mal so als Vergleich. Das hat normalerweise nichts mit dem Array start zu tuhen.
  23. ich777

    Download error 4

    Hast du denn irgendwelche IP addressen manuell vergeben bzw. wie hast du denn den USB Stick erstellt?
  24. Ja aber was stört dich genau dran? Das Blinken? Es ist ganz normal das immer irgendwas in den Cache schreibt bzw. das BTRFS Dateisystem schreibt immer ein wenig auch wenn du fast nix drauf machst. Hast du denn Docker am laufen? Denk doch auch nur mal dran das Docker die logs auch irgendwo hin schreibt. Ich kenne eben deinen Aufbau nicht aber irgendwas schreibt fast immer auch wenn es nur kleine Datenmengen sind.
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