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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Ist nicht bald Black Friday? Ich würd warten...
  2. Please post your Diagnostics. What happens when you downgrade to 6.10.3 again?
  3. I will take a look at this and report back. EDIT: No issue over here, what does the log say? With what settings do you run Ferdi in the template?
  4. Hmmmm, hopefully my container isn't also affected, please let me know about your findings.
  5. Glad that it is working, may I ask what the unpack bug is?
  6. I don‘t think that this would be an issue, maybe try to setup my container as a test instance and see of it works. But keep in mind my Docker containers are working a little different and bareley get Docker updates because they update the application thats running inside the container on a container start/restart.
  7. No, the issue is another one. For what Kernel version is the AUR package? I'm even considering dropping the TBS-OS driver package until it's properly fixed.
  8. Unraid uses a different Kernel version like the user in the GitHub thread. Seems like no one is interested from TBS to do something. I would strongly suggest to all TBS users to write the support directly if the plan to support Kernel 5.19+ and since Kernel 6 is now stable if the will even support that. TBH I‘m a little bit dissapointed by them since I recommended their products and now it seems they are not interested in doing anything. Think a little bit further if the „workaround“ breaks again woth a newer Kernel version it is basically the same. BTW the user that managed to compile it stripped out much drivers and it is most likely the case that very much TBS drivers are missing.
  9. I can‘t add them because I don‘t have any hardware on hand that I can test with and since those drivers are working completely different (no Kernel modules) I really want to make sure that they are working as expected. As said above they are not supported by my plugin, I also think that Sundtek drivers should be made as a dedicated plugin.
  10. But then you also have to add at 1 that you have to do that on each reboot. Nothing is persistent on Unraid since it loads itself into RAM on boot, that was also the reason why I offered to help with a plugin. Or simply remove 1 and recommend only to install it directly in TVH
  11. Then you can install it like explained there but this has nothih to do with my DVB Plugin since it‘s not supported by this plugin. 😉
  12. Please see this post here: I think there are other containers in the CA App with forge pre installed or am I wrong about that?
  13. Neu ≠ Gut (zumindest nicht immer), das wollte ich eigentlich mit meinem Post sagen.
  14. Nein leider nicht. Es kann auch durchaus an der Firmware liegen, ich hatte damals auch das Problem mit meinem Dell PercH310 im IT-Mode das die Platten ständig hoch und dann wieder runter gefahren sind, wurde mit einem Firmware downgrade gelöst, jetzt mittlerweile bin ich auf der letzten Firmware und läuft alles wie es soll. Den sollte man doch auch flashen können oder etwa nicht?
  15. This command will only show what is utilizing the card, nothing more, so if nothing is utilizing it or nothing is running it will show no processes.... I think @Josh.5 can help here but I would strongly recommend that you post on his support thread for Unmaic, never had issues with Unmanic. I'm pretty certain it's a miss-configuration.
  16. As you can see here it is this version: Source: https://github.com/Pryaxis/TShock/releases/tag/v4.5.18 As time of writing this is the latest version.
  17. My plugin are just the MFT and not the driver, the driver ships with Unraid itself.
  18. Have you ever tried to issue: watch nvidia-smi from a Unraid console if the card is used like I've mentioned above. From my perspective it can only be a little thing why it's not working because over here and for many users 8k+ it is working just fine.
  19. Only English support over here. Maybe try it on the German sub forums. Isn't there also a Forge version from another developer available on the CA App?
  20. This is a thing where I can‘t help since I don‘t use traefik
  21. I would recommend that you post that on the General Subforums, this has nothing to do with the MLX Firmware tools. Please also post your Diagnostics there.
  22. Bitte stell auf IPVLAN um in den Docker Einstellungen.
  23. Definitely not, this is the WebConsole. Click on the container icon and select WebUI and you will see that this is the port it points to: (also the description should tell you what it is...) I'm not entirely sure what log you are referring too, the masterLog.0? Why do you need a backup from the log? You can however create a user script that backups your log on a daily basis if you want to with: docker container logs CONTAINERNAME > /mnt/appdata/PATHTOFILE/logfile_backup_$(date "+%Y-%m-%d").log (of course change CONTAINERME to your container name <- case sensitive and of course change PATHTOFILE with the correct path where you want to have the backups) This will create a file called "logfile_backup_2022-10-30.log" (the date will be determined by the server). I won't make the log persistent since this involves also a log rotate (because the log can get pretty big if you let it run for a year) in the container and from my perspective that's not worth it. This message is nothing to worry about. IIRC this message is displayed on most Minecraft Bedrock Linux Docker servers.
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