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Everything posted by ich777

  1. So then the screenshot from your template from a few posts back doesn't reflect your current settings I think... Can you try to also try to put the GMod server into the port range 27015 - 27030 (these are usually the Steam ports). May I also recommend to start over, delete the container, delete the folder for garrysmod which lives in your appdata directory and pull a fresh copy from the CA App.
  2. And how do you get it out of the loop? Can you post a log please? Issue this command form a Unraid termainl: docker container logs CONTAINERNAME (maybe put the output in a text file and drop it here into the text box, of course replace CONTAINERNAME with the container name - case sensitive!)
  3. 7DtD itself. Please answer the question, have you yet joined the Discord server from @Spectral Force? He can certainly help, from what I know he uses both containers and helps other users out.
  4. Have you yet joined the Discord server that I linked you above? I can definitely tell that many people using my two containers in combination and that it is working just fine. Please join @Spectral Force‘s Discord for more help.
  5. Please look at the very last screenshot form this post again: If the container doesn't restart after that message it is properly started and should work. How much resources does the container consume after this message appears (CPU/RAM)? Jup, but don't forget not every Source game is the same, for example Pirates versus Knights is a real pain to troubleshoot because it is really dependent where the files are and I think this was the game that won't work on the Array (...still not entirely sure). Which ports did you change to get it working because you run DoDS and CSS in parallel?
  6. You weren't kicked back to the overworld to another cave, you where actually teleported to another overworld world, if that makes sense to you... I've now pushed another fix and I've tested it again twice if everything is working now and it seems like it is: Please delete the container, delete the folder in for dontstarve in your appdata directory and pull a fresh copy from the CA App. Now it should just work fine. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  7. I think there is something wrong with the forwarding. But may I ask if you can join @Spectral Force's Discord server? He helps me out with 7DtD and CSMM-7DtD because I'm not super familiar with it, here is the invitation link: https://discord.gg/VwwYA5h
  8. I would recommend that you start over, delete the container, delete the folder for rust that lives in your appdata directory and pull a fresh copy from the CA App. I've now tried it and it works OOB with OXIDE enabled (attached the log too): rust.log
  9. You don't have a cache driver IIRC, correct? To what specific disk have you pointed the directory? Does something move Data on your Array? I remember some user had a similar issue when putting a game server on the Array but I can't quite remember if it was Garrys mod. Segfaults usually happen when you specify the FUSE path (/mnt/user/...) and you don't point to the real path (/mnt/diskX/... or /mnt/cache/...).
  10. This is not the full log or am I wrong? Please post the full log preferably in a text file. How do you know that the server isn't started, how much resources does it use on your server (CPU & RAM)?
  11. Hmmm, maybe something else is wrong, have to look again into this tomorrow... Will report back.
  12. Something seems wrong in your case, are you sure the server can connect to GitHub? Can you check if you have a file called OxideMod-VERSIONNUMBER.zip in your main directory? If yes, stop the container, delete the file and start the container again. This should fix the issue.
  13. Your config files are located in your appdata directory within the ark folder. This is a thing I can't answer since I haven't modded an Ark server, maybe someone else can help.
  14. Kannst du aber dann wachen die Platten konstant auf, bei einer anderen Backup Lösung wäre es aber ao ziemlich das gleiche. Du könntest den profiles Ordner auslagern aber wie gesagt das ist dann das gleiche in Grün und deine Festplatten wachen wieder auf wenn du eine Mail bekommst. Hast du denn keine 2. Cache Platte drin? Könntest auch alternativ CA Backup dazu nehmen.
  15. Das Clipboard ist by default aktiv aber du musst das Seitenmenü mit dem kleinen Pfeil öffnen und dann auf das Clipboard symbol klicken, dort dann den Inhalt deiner Zwischenablage einfügen und dann hast du es in der zwischenablage vom Container, ich weiß, ist ein wenig umständlich aber das ist eine Limitierung des bzw. der Web Browser. Kannst dich auch mit einem VNC Client verbinden wenn du noch das passende Port hinzufügst. Der Thunderbird container erzeugt übrigens auch keine Last, außer er indiziert, aber das machter er nicht oft.
  16. Kannst du bitte mal einen screenshot von deinem container template posten? Ich würde gerne wissen warum es bei dir nicht funktioniert. Hast du die sprache geändert im template möglicherweise? Wenn ja auf was?
  17. I've fixed the container now, please delete the container and the folder that was created for dontstarve in your appdata directory and re-download the container from the CA App. Caves are now loading properly.
  18. Ich für meinen Teil nutze un-get aber Nerd Tools sollte auch funktionieren wobei ich kein Freund davon bin das die ihre Pakete mit einem suffix versehen da dies zu Komplikationen führen kann.
  19. Yes, modify the task, click on Advanced, go to Command Options, click on User defined, type in: --delete-before and click on add This should then look something like this: Also make sure that in the Command Options at Templates the option: Delete files on destination is disabled because you override this with --delete-before.
  20. No issue over here: It's even listed in Game here (you should see that I'm connected in the following screenshot): And there is no issue connection to it: Here is the log output from the container: Haven't tried to make it publicly available but this should be no issue too.
  21. Genau die T400 Das sollte auch der UVP der Karte sein und gabe es sogar in GPU-Shortage Zeiten um den Preis.
  22. Please read the first post, the red text on top.
  23. If you are virtualizing Unraid I really can‘t help because I use it on bare metal and one wrong setting on the Host can prevent the card from working when virtualizing it. Maybe ask on the Proxnox forums or over in the Virtualisazion Sub Forums like @trurl pointed already out.
  24. I haven't got time yet to compile it, I will try to compile it next week.
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