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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Something seems wrong or don't know what is different on your system: Please keep in mind I do this all from inside the VNC container. I've now also tried it from a windows terminal (please ignore the authentication failure on the root user for the first time, typed in the wrong password... ) : Also tested this from a non VNC container here (of course I set the root password first) : This is just normal since you are changing it from the user shell and not the root shell, if you change a password from the root shell from a user it doesn't ask for the current password. Please keep in mind when you trying this on a non VNC container that no passwords are set by default, not even for the root user. Something must be wrong somehow on your end, I've did the exact same steps as you did with slightly different commands. As you can see from my screenshots everything is working just fine...
  2. This seems like a Docker issue itself and not related to the container, have you yet tried to restart Unraid?
  3. Yes, give me some time and I will add it too but this is a little bit more complicated. Please also keep in mind that the automatic installation is more a PoC to show what is actually possible.
  4. From what I see you are using WSL or am I wrong? Do you have any special distribution installed for WSL or is this the default one? You should be also able to connect to your server with: "ssh [email protected]" and if you've enabled ssh for the root user "ssh [email protected]" Oh sorry I display the wrong password for the user debian it's actually "debian" (without double quotes) and not Unraid, will fix that ASAP. Anyways if you get the token authentication error then the password is wrong, log into your root user and try: passwd kulisch with this you don't have to enter the old password. But keep in mind it is not intended for now to change the default user "debian" to another user since this will need a lot more steps than simply creating a new user. For now this is more a PoC to show the possibilities.
  5. I've now tried it from a terminal inside the container: This screenshot was taken from the VNC Desktop, opened a terminal, typed in "su", typed in the default password "Unraid", typed in "passwd" changed the password to something different, logged out from the root shell, typed in "su" again and the new password for root. Do you made sure that you restarted sshd with "systemctl restart sshd" and also edit the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config like this: After that I'm able to log in from a foreign machine with the root user and the above changed password: This shouldn't be needed, should be enough to destroy the container. EDIT: Forgot to say that everything is working too for the default user "debian".
  6. Diese Antwort ist nicht mal in irgend einer weise hilfreich...
  7. I don't know if it will work with HDR because HDR is always a bit weird and funky...
  8. This is a really weird issue that you are experiencing... have to go through the plugin code again if there is anything that causes this but I don't think this ever happened yet to another user so far...
  9. Das hier sollte weiterhelfen: Klick
  10. Try to turno off transcode to h265 in the settings menu. Are you using my container or the official one, haven‘t tried my container yet on Alder Lake.
  11. Not on your CPU… See this matrix: Click Sandy Bridge is only even able to transcode up to h264 (AVC).
  12. Kannst du bitte einen screenshot von deinen Docker Einstellungen für Conan Exiles machen? Sieht für mich ganz normal aus, wieviel RAM und CPU braucht der Container wenn er so läuft (Advanced View oben rechts auf der Docker Seite an machen und danach wieder aus machen da dies sonst Leistung kostet auch wenn du nicht auf der Unraid GUI bist). Wenn du sagst du hast ihn mehrmals neu installiert, hast du den Container gelöscht und auch das Verzeichnis ais deinem appdata share für Conan Exiles? Auf was steht dein appdata share bei Use Cache?
  13. Maybe a dumb question, but have you installed a cache drive and on what Unraid version are you? Have you yet tried to install a container from the terminal? You‘ll find how to do that in the LXC tab and after that click on Guide.
  14. Which path have you choose for your containers in the LXC settings? I think the plugin can't write to the path that you've specified since this message is displayed when something went wrong while downloading and installing the container.
  15. From my perspective nothing, I run it since it was introduced. Keep in mind some routers have issues with this, especially the Fritzbox from AVM, nothing bad should happen, you can always go back to MACVLAN.
  16. Have you yet tried to switch from MACVLAN to IPVLAN on 6.10.2? What containers are you running...? Maybe mark me in the other thread about that and mention me from time to time, the coming next two months I'm not able to be much around.
  17. Currently Alder Lake won't work with transcoding and especially not with Plex. Alder Lake is simply not supported by this Kernel that Unraid 6.10.2 uses and causes crashing. Alder Lake is a completely different story.
  18. This thread is not about Alder Lake!!! Alder Lake is a whole different story and will be fixed somewhat in 6.11.0 beta series, although Plex has to fix it's stuff first since on Jellyfin everything is working with the newer Kernels and only Plex crashes the servers.
  19. Please don't use the LAN option in game, I think it will only work if you use this option on the server side too. It should always be reachable when you click direct connect and enter your Unraid IP.
  20. This was probably me saying that... You also have to keep in mind that the iGPUs where never intended to be run as headless things who are only used transcode... Would be really interesting what pops up on the screen if the crash happens, but actually no one that has this issue has a screen attached to their systems the whole time so you can take a picture from the error on screen. I know it's frustrating for you where it isn't working, but it is frustrating for me too because troubleshooting is hard and it can be nearly everything, faulty hardware, hardware incompatibility, a really messed up BIOS (from the manufacturer),... It is strange since some people actually owning a i3-9100 and have no issues whatsoever on the German subforums who also use this CPU for transcoding...
  21. Have you changed anything in the template or the ports or something similar? I'm using OPNsense which should be pretty similar, here is what it looks like on my OPNsense Firewall:
  22. Haven't tried this yet, first I would like to get Intel iGPUs to work in the containers. But don't expect this to happen in the next two months because, well, real life is a bi*** sometimes...
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