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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Please add a full screenshot from your Docker template. From what I see in your screenshot you haven‘t specified a container port, have you changed the port in your game configuration file too?
  2. And thats the reason why it works on br0 but not in bridge mode. With br0 the container has a dedicated IP and all ports are reachable wothout any forwading (the forwarding in the template isn’t necessare in this mode) in your local network where in bridge mode it uses the hosts IP with the assigned ports in the template.
  3. Du benutzt aber watchtower und ich weiß nicht ob dir entweder portainer oder watchtower nicht orphan images löscht. Hast du denn bridging an in Unraid. Ich sags nochmal, ich weiß nicht ob Portainer dir da nicht in die Netzwerke reinpfuscht, bedenke, möglich wäre es.
  4. Weil du wahrscheinlich mit Portainer immer reinpfuscht, Portainer hat dir vermutlich den Container von Unraid gelöscht. Nochmal, ich bin kein Freund von Portainer auf Unraid, dubhast zwei management sachen drauf die sich gegenseitig Stören, stell dor das ganze so vor wie wenn du zwei Vorenscanner drauf hast und ich würd dir dazu raten das du die Mittel nutzt die Unraid an Board hat.
  5. Ich kann dir leider nicht mehr weiter helfen, bei mir läuft AdGuard auf 6.9.2 ohne weiteres und ohne Probleme auf br0 mit einer statischen IP. Ich weiß auch nicht ob Portainer irgendwas hinzufügt oder an den Netzwerken ändert auf Unraid. Kann sein das Portainer das Problem ist kann aber auch sein das es was anderes ist.
  6. Try the official one once more and put in the necessary variables for HW transcoding (you can find them in the second post from the Nvidia Driver plugin). Really curious if it is working there.
  7. What filesystems are you using, I‘ve never seen anything like that and I also have files like you mention with ‘öäß and so on… I don‘t think that luckyBackup gets confused because luckyBackup is just a frontend for rsync. I will create such folders for testing and report back but this can take one or two days. Back then when I created the container I tested a few files with Chinese and Japanese characters in it and they also work just fine.
  8. Can you please do: ls -la in the source and in the destination directory from a Unraid terminal? Do you have snapshots enabled in luckyBackup?
  9. I can't reproduce this on my test machine. It's a ASRock J3710-ITX with a NVIDIA T400 (driver version 510.60.02) and 8GB of RAM and I've now tried various files (4K HDR, 4K, 1080p, 720p) and tried various transcoding presets (720p 6MB, 720 4MB, 480 2MB) and they all work perfectly fine with NVENC. Have you yet tried another container from another maintainer if it's the same there too?
  10. No need to apologize... On Unraid it is general recommended and most of the containers out there are configured that way.
  11. Yes, because you want to read it from SMB and the default SMB user is 99:100 You should always use UID 99 and GID 100 I think it would be good to start over again... Really can't think of an issue why the virtual Display in the container isn't available... Maybe some permissions are messed up... What you can also try is that you remove the variable "TURBOVNC_PARAMS" from your template entirely and see if the container is starting up just fine?
  12. Can you try to do a force update on the Docker page with Advanced View turned on. I tried to install it and it works as expected. Have you changed anything in the template?
  13. Container is done and should be available in the next few hours in the CA App.
  14. As you can see from the docker run command your UDP port 7777 is already in use by another container. Is it possible that you run another container which already uses port 7777 UDP, maybe another game server?
  15. Hier steht es: Klick Du brauchst nur irgend einen container (SWAG zB) oder computer der htpasswd installiert hat und dann gibst du das ein: htpasswd -B -n -b <USERNAME> <PASSWORD> Damit erzeugst du deinen hash und den fügst du in die .yaml datei ein.
  16. I will have to look into this on my server, will report back after the weekend. Have you yet tried another Jellyfin container if it‘s the same too?
  17. Can you give me a link to the game or what this is exactly?
  18. Please first post your docker run command with bridge mode enabled, if you don‘t answer my questions you I can‘t explain it properly.
  19. So it was a port issue… You really don‘t need to use br0 for this but you can do it like that if you really want to.
  20. Please post your docker run command, there you will see the error (please follow the link from docker run and you will get a tutorial on how to get the output). You should also double check if it says failed or if it was successful. Most of the times it's a port that's already in use by another container.
  21. Do other files work? Please make sure that you've disable HEVC en-/decoding in Jellyfin itself because your card simply doesn't support h265, maybe not related but you should do this anyways. Please double check that your transcoding directory is not full and has the right permissions. What driver version are you using?
  22. Also läuft er… Stoppst du den container auch immer vorher, änderst die config und startest den container dann erneut? Probier mal das passwort leer zu lassen, ich weiß es nicht mehr wie du das im container zurücksetzt.
  23. Aber der container läuft? Wie gesagt jeder findet was anderes gut aber ich versteh eben nicht warum man was anderes nimt als den Docker tab in der GUI wenn man mit dem Docker tab auch alles konfigurieren kann. …du installierst dir auch nicht Windows um dann damit in einer VM Linux zu nutzen. Ich glaube du verstehst was ich meine. 😉 Die container laufen doch auf Unraid, du benutzt nur Portainer als GUI, was anderes machst du nicht.
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