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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I don't run MagicMirror2, this container where a request by @TGFNAS Have to look into this when I got a little bit more spare time, but to be honest I don't know whenever that is...
  2. But this isn't my container I think or am I wrong? No, my container can't be stopped from auto updating. But a fresh install is working fine since I've tried that a few days ago.
  3. How hot did the cards get? Are you sure this is caused by the transcoding itself? Is it possible for you try Handbrake if the same happens there too?
  4. Is this a new or a used card? Something seems very strange here to me... Never had a problem using my P400 and playing such files.
  5. Ich persönlich bin immer gegen solche prebuilts für zu hause da alles propietär ist und wenn du mal ein problem hast naja, günstig wird es dann sicher nicht. Es kommt immer ganz auf den einsatzzweck an, was hast du genau damit vor, du schreibst oben "ein paar vms" wieviele sind ein paar. Die frage ist auch wieviele davon laufen parallel bzw was sind tools? Bedenke auch wenn du ein paar SSDs und HDDs einbaust wird es in dem Gehäuse gleich mal eng, 4 Einschübe soweit ich das hier sehe und vergiss auch nicht das externe netzteil. Du könntest auch sowas hier nehmen: Klick (Gehäuse mit 4x einschüben inkl. Netzteil wobei ich sagen muss du bringst in das gehäuse dann noch sicher 2 SSDs zusätzlich rein, hab ich bei einem kumpel auch so) Wenn du dich für den selbstbauweg entscheidest stehen dir alle türen offen und es gibt auch "sparsame" systeme die jetzt verfügbar sind, kommt immer drauf an wieviel leistung du willst und was dein maximaler power draw sein "darf". Ich persönlich würd schon auf 10th oder 11th gen Intel gehen und nicht mehr 8th oder 9th gen nehmen, das die ein bisschen mehr brauchen ist kein geheimnis. @sonic6 du brauchst im idle mit deinem 10400 glaub ich so um die 25Watt wenn ich mich nicht täusche oder?
  6. Kannst du bitte ein wenig mehr informationen preis geben (unRAID version usw), evtl auch deine Diagnostics?
  7. I've tried it now on a new installed instance and it works just fine: I hope this screenshot makes sense to you... As you can see from the game log it says: "Successfully synced VPlus configuration from server" (sorry for the cut off image).
  8. Actually no, what you can do is try to what @demps recommended and reboot the server. Have you any blocking software installed like PiHole, AdGuard or similar somewhere in your network?
  9. Can you also post a screenshot from your Docker template? I think that's the issue. Since the template uses /mnt/cache/appdata/... it writes it to another directory, I always recommend to set the share where the game files are on to "Only" or "Prefer". Have you installed another cache that is called "cache"?
  10. Have you still set up the RAM cache as described above? Can you try to disable it for testin purpouses and let it write to a disk instead? That's dependent on the input format, in my case that's a HEVC file with HFR (this is the biggest file I use for testing if everything is working). I'm running my T400 in a x4 slot with no issue at all. I think that something is wrong with your settings, can you try Jellyfin for testing purpouses?
  11. Let's talk about that when it's released. 😉
  12. You should have a "Server" directory in your projectzomboid folder that lives in your appdata directory and there you should have a file called "server.ini" or something like that and there you can change the server name and other various settings. Please keep in mind the container is not really different from a dedicated server running on bare metal, pretty every dedicated server guide (in terms for configuration) should be appropriate or at least get you through.
  13. Kannst du uns sagen was der Fehler war oder was die Lösung war, nur falls das Problem nochmal wer hat.
  14. No worries, but it would be best to search for this specific error on the Photoprism Github.
  15. This is what a 4K HEVC HFR file looks like: Tue Oct 5 18:27:50 2021 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 470.74 Driver Version: 470.74 CUDA Version: 11.4 | |-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC | | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. | | | | MIG M. | |===============================+======================+======================| | 0 NVIDIA T400 On | 00000000:04:00.0 Off | N/A | | 40% 49C P0 N/A / 31W | 1156MiB / 1876MiB | 42% Default | | | | N/A | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Processes: | | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory | | ID ID Usage | |=============================================================================| | 0 N/A N/A 1254 C /bin/ffmpeg 1152MiB | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Keep in mind this is a T400 but it would make not much of a difference to a P400. You can also look here: Click (Click on the first "Show All" to deselect all GPUs and then select "GP107 - Pascal" and you will see what the card is capable of)
  16. Why? This is a 4K HEVC movie and the card is well capable of transcoding it becaus I did it too. You can of course transcode one or two 4K HEVC movies at the same time with this card without having a issue, have you throttle transcode on in Plex?
  17. Please see this issue here: Click Also keep in mind this is not my container, I've only created the template for the official Photoprism container.
  18. Can you please be a bit more specific? What does not work? What does the log say? The container should work right OOB.
  19. As said above, in the next beta release, you have to wait until it's released. That may be possible but if you've linked the VM to your Microsoft account you should be able to recover it.
  20. The only thing that you maybe have to do is that you have to add a "new" VM with the same settings and the same vdisk as you have right now in your current VM but with the OVMF TPM BIOS so that the TPM emulation kicks in like: When you have done this delete the "old" VM but keep the vdisks. Please also keep in mind that you maybe have to reactivate Windows if you do it like that but that would be the easiest way to do it and if you have linked your VM to your Microsoft account you should be able to recover the activation/key. Hope I explained that in an understandable way... This changed a little bit to make the switching experience a little easier. The things that are necessary are that your current installation from Windows 10/11 is OVMF based and you've linked your Windows 10 VM to your Microsoft account to reactivate Windows after you've switched from "OVMF" to "OVMF-TPM". If you have a SeaBIOS VM you can convert that to OVMF with a little more steps involved.
  21. Do it like in my example above, this will basically expose the whole /dev/dri device which includes renderD128 and card0. Please keep in mind don't pass this through as a path, you have to do that as a device like in the example above. You don't have to user /dev/dri:/dev/dri
  22. How many simultaneous transcodes are you running and what is the input format? Can you please be a bit more specific, how much VRAM is free, does this happen with one stream only? Have you already tried another file? May I ask if you are willing to test Jellyfin with HW transcoding if is the same?
  23. Why not a Nvidia T400 (Turing based), the should be basically the same price if you buy it new... Where did you get such a message? The card should be more then up to the task because I used to have the same card...
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