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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Don't think you've did something wrong, maybe the URL changed again, will look into it ASAP, give me one or two days please.
  2. How did you copy over the world? SMB? Where there a new world file created? Have you tried to rename the world to the default world name from the container or replace the files with your world when renaming?
  3. The GeForce GT 520 has 48 Cuda cores I think this would be a waste of electricity even if it draws around 30 Watts... A Quadro P400 has 256 Cuda cores and also draws around 30Watts... Anyways, no the drivers or better speaking the container toolkit, runtime,... only supports drivers >= 418.81.07 so you couldn't get it to work in a container anyways, besides that I only compile the latest Nvidia driver that is available when a new unRAID version is released and also the following Nvidia drivers for this release cycle and start over again when a new unRAID version is released.
  4. I also see that you've changed the render device path, so it actually can't work... I have it activated on my instance, with a 10th gen CPU and it works just fine. Can you open up a unRAID terminal and give me the output from: ls -la /dev/dri/ Please look also at this post maybe something needs to be activated in the BIOS:
  5. ich777

    fritz exporter

    Du kannst im DHCP server AdGuard lassen aber in unRAID selbst solltest du die IP deiner Fritzbox beim DNS Server eintragen (das sollte man immer machen wenn man sowas wie PiHole oder AdGuard benutzt) da unRAID der Server ist und uneingeschränkten zugriff ins Internet benötigt was du ja so nicht erlaubst.
  6. Have to look into it... I don't use ZFS currently and I'm not really familiar with ZFS and the Exporter. Is it necessary to create a entry for each mountpoint or is this discovered automatically?
  7. It is in the works. As you can see from my screenshot from above (2 posts above yours) it is indeed working and the only change I've made is to the xml in terms of the TPM module and the BIOS (pretty minor changes) but that can be integrated into unRAID.
  8. ich777

    fritz exporter

    Ich kann mir nur vorstellen das es an der Fritzbox liegt aber wie gesagt, ich kenn mich mit den Fritzen echt nicht aus...
  9. I could create a plugin for this if necessary... So the users won't have to deal with the command line and had to just install the plugin from the CA App. Have you seen my thread here yet:
  10. You don't have to set the world name first, can you try to copy the world to your local computer and load it there in single player and then put it over to the server? Maybe something is messed up with the world. I don't play Valheim anymore (sadly enough I don't got much spare time currently... ) but I've heard/read somewhere that with the last patch the dedicated server worlds where reset or better speaking you had to start new or am I wrong?
  11. You don't need to make the edits to the go file if you have installed the Intel GPU TOP plugin. Please keep in mind that you CPU (Haswell) maybe doesn't support all the codecs you've selected, please look here for further information: Click Your CPU doesn't support HEVC, VC8, VC9,... It only supports MPEG, h264 and VC1 <- decode only. Also I would really strongly recommend to us the VA-API instead of QuickSync, they are basically the same where VA-API is an open standard where QuickSync is proprietary.
  12. What have you done exactly? Have you passed through the device /dev/dri and what have you done in the settings from Jellyfin? Can you provide a few screenshots?
  13. A little bit more progress...
  14. This is already in the works from @limetech itself but will need an additional Kernel module and will be most likely included in the next or one of the next RCs. But keep in mind if you pass through the TPM from the host you can use it only for one VM at the same time.
  15. ich777

    fritz exporter

    Jein, so hab ich das eigentlich nicht geplant gehabt, normalerweise hat man nur eine Fritzbox. 🤣 Theoretisch möglich mit einem Eintrag im go file für die 2. Fritzbox die eine 2. Instanz des Exporters startet aber das Dasboard in Grafana musst du dir dann selbst anpassen das es mit einer 2. Fritzbox funktioniert...
  16. ich777

    fritz exporter

    Schau dir bitte dazu meinen Prometheus Support Thread an, der 1. Post in dem Thread genauer gesagt, behandelt Schritt für Schritt wie du alles konfigurierst und behandelt auch deine fehlende Datei. Ist zwar Englisch aber ich hab zu jedem Schritt ein Bild hinzugefügt und ist wirklich Schritt für Schritt. Im ersten Post wird auch gleich der Prometheus Node Exporter installiert der dir alle Infos von unRAID selbst sammelt und anzeigt.
  17. Are the two containers in the same custom network bridge or how did you configured the networks of both containers? I think this is a network issue of some kind or a database permission issue. Make sure the syntax is like: DBUSER:DBPASSWORD@tcp(DBIP:DBPORT)/photoprism?parseTime=true Please note that in this case the database name is 'photoprism'. Another note: if you have them on the same custom bridge network you also should be able to use the container name instead of the IP from the container, but this will only work if you have a custom bridge created and they are both in the same custom bridge. How have you granted the usage to the database? Like in this example with a fixed IP: GRANT USAGE ON photoprism.* TO 'photoprism'@ IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword'; This could also cause problems because maybe the internal IP from the container is used and not the one from your network, I would recommend doing it like this with '%': GRANT USAGE ON photoprism.* TO 'photoprism'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword'; With this you allow connections from any IP to the database.
  18. The server version is always the latest, please note that the container itself is not updated very often because the start script checks for updates and updates from the game are applied at the start/restart from the container itself. Please see the 3rd recommended post on top: Please note that you have to set the appdata share to use the cache "Only" or "Prefer" if you set it to "Yes" or "No" my containers won't work properly until you change a few things in the template.
  19. Only for your information a little more work is needed but it is in the works since OVMF also needs secure boot enabled and a few other things.
  20. Never thought of that but I think it should be possible, the log is only output to Docker by default but look at this issue it explains how you can pipe that to a file but also involves to create a file and modify the template: Click
  21. ich777

    fritz exporter

    Hab mich schon mal damit gespielt aber ich hab dan aufgegeben aus Zeitmangel, ich hab einfach zu viel momentan um die Ohren im echten Leben. Ich weiß nicht mehr genau was man da machen muss, irgendwas hat dann Probleme gemacht. Hast du schon mal versucht grafana klein zu schreiben statt groß? Ich bin eigentlich überhaupt kein Plex fan, wenn ich mal Zeit hab kann ich mir das ansheen aber das wird länger dauern...
  22. ich777

    fritz exporter

    Hast du zufällig auch eine andere Datenbank in Grafana eingebunden außer Prometheus, ich kann mich erinnern das es da mal ein Problem gab, musste man glaub ich in Grafana was umstellen. Muss dann wenn ich mal mehr zeit hab im Englischen Support Thread nachsehen.
  23. Only creating a plugin... The swtpm is running but it shows Code 10 within Windows 11. Have to look into this when I got more time, my time is really limited right now.
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