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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Stop the container, delete the "valheim" folder that lives in your "appdata" directory and start the container again.
  2. Like the post says, you have to click on "Show more settings ..." in the template then change the value from "2456" to something like "2466", then delete the entry "UDP - Game Port Range" entirely, then click on "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device" from the drop down select "Port" at container port enter "2466-2468", at host port enter "2466-2468", at connection type select "UDP" from the drop down, click on "Add" and "Apply". Now you have a server running on port 2466. This is how the new entry should look like:
  3. Can you give me a screenshot from your template please?
  4. I've now restarted my Valheim server and it picked up the update just fine: If you have any troubles please see here:
  5. Restart the container, if it doesn't pick up the update give it a little time please. On some systems it can take a few hours to actually pick up the update, don't know what's causing that, maybe try to restart your router/firewall and then try to restart the container. If you run Unbound, PiHole, AdGuard or something like that in your network please try to restart these too. You can also try to set Validat to 'true' but if you affected by this issue that it isn't picking up the update from Steam right away you have to wait...
  6. Why would you do that? The main problem here is that you have to manually restart the Afterburner exporter once after unRAID is started for the first time, after you did that you don't have to restart it even if you turned off the machine where Afterburner Server is running, the exporter will automatically pick up the machine.
  7. Aber was machst du dann? Du brauchst doch nur das Nvidia Driver plugin aus der CA App da brauchst du nichts mehr nachinstallieren, bzw gibts auch noch das Intel GPU TOP plugin für QuickSync.
  8. It is tested on 6.9.x on AMD APUs 3xxx series, AMD APUs 4xxx series and some Radeon CPUs with iGPU with Jellyfin (best would be to visit my Jellyfin support thread). I don't had such a new CPU until now, try to upgrade unRAID to 6.10.0-rc1 and downloading the app Radeon TOP from the CA App. After that open up a terminal from unRAID itself and type in: ls -la /dev/dri/ After that you should get an output that lists a folder 'card0' & 'renderD128' If that is working you can try to install my Jellyfin container from the CA App and pass through the device /dev/dri (the description of the template and the variables should tell you everything). Go to the settings from Jellyfin and at Playback enable Hardware transcoding and press save at the bottom. Then go back to the main menu from Jellyfin click on a video file and try to play it, click on the little gear icon after the playback started and change the quality to something lower than the input file is. If everything is working it should transcode through the iGPU. Keep in mind that your load on the CPU can be still pretty high since the audio is most likely to be transcoded as well and that is done on the CPU and throttling is not working in Jellyfin (even if the checkbox is there).
  9. Exactly usually there is a setting to set a timeout for the screen to turn off and a timeout to put Windows 10 into sleep.
  10. Did you log off or did you just close the connection? Maybe it has something to do how you quit the session, that's just a really wild guess but maybe this has something to do with it. May I also ask if you habe disabled sleep from the monitor and also sleep from the VM too?
  11. No problem, overlooked your post... sorry... This looks fine to me and should not cause any issues. What is the exact problem you have? Is it possible for you to let the exporter run in English and edit the values or at least the Dashboard in Grafana to fit your needs?
  12. Don't know if he also uses Jellyfin but I can tell for sure that @binhex is using Plex woth a Quadro P2000 I think. Maybe a reinstallation from the container does the trick. Go through the first few pages please from this thread, there where also people with the same issue and I think a reinstallation from the container did the job.
  13. Try to force an update from the binhex container, it should theoretically work on binhex's container without a problem from what I know.
  14. Maybe I got time later today to send you a screenshot from my Jellyfin instance with NVENC running if you don't get it to work.
  15. Can you try only just for testing purposes with my or the linuxserver Jellyfin container? I have no problem utilizing NVENC (Nvidia) or VAAPI (Intel) in my container.
  16. Can you try to install a VNC server inside the VM and connect to the VM through this VNC server and not over RDP and check if it also hapoens that the server hangs?
  17. Du könntest dir auch mitteps ZFS einen zpool erstellen im RAID0 und den manuell mounten per script oder in ein backup script einbinden usw... Wäre nur eine alternative idee. 😉
  18. Muss es denn über Unassigned Devices sein, warum machst du dir nicht einfach einen 2. Pool in einem Raid0 dann hast du 12TB an Speicherplatz und nutzt diesen als Backup Ziel.
  19. I don't know if it's related to Blue Iris or GVT-g in general but from what I know @alturismo uses it on a daily baisis and it works flawlessly. Maybe it's Blue Iris that doesn't like GVT-g...
  20. Genau, meine container basieren alle auf Debian und der OpenVPN container von dperson basiert auf Alpine da musst du das paket anders installieren, aber vergiss nicht nach einem uodate oder änderung im Docker template in unRAID ist curl wieder weg, so funktioniert Docker... Es genügt wenn du es in einem Container machst, die teilen sich das gleiche Netzwerk wie @alturismo oben schon geschrieben hat, der jDownloader2 hat kein eigenes Netzwerk mehr und benutzt das von OpenVPN. Die werden auf Windows was anderes benutzen und nicht OpenVPN, soweit ich weiß ist die Performance bei den meisten mit OpenVPN um einiges schlechter als mit deren nativen Clients.
  21. Please join @Spectral Force's Discord for support for my 7DtD container: https:// discord .gg/VwwYA5h I personally don't own 7DtD and I really can't help with this container.
  22. Das verstehe ich nicht... Warum installierst du dir nicht den Plex Docker container und dann das dementsorechende Plugin für deine Grafikkarte, Nvidia Plugin, Intel GPU TOP Plugin?
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