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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Führe in der container konsole: bash apt-get update apt-get -y install curl aus dann hast du curl im container verfügbar.
  2. Das liegt wahrscheinlich am provider selbst das der per OpenVPN nicht so schnell ist, ich glaub das hatten wir hier schon mal. @alturismo hast du hier eine Idee bzw. eine alternative evtl? EDIT: Da langsam relativ ist, wie langsam ist langsam im gegensatz zu was (dummer Satz ich weiß, aber ich glaub du weißt worauf ich hinaus will @jluerken)?
  3. There you go (since 6.9.0-beta23 in the CA App): On the plugin page is a Guide to flash the cards, crossflash, remove the boot ROM and you also can change the mode if you are running Mellanox Infniband Cards to Ethernet if they support it, but please keep in mind that these are the open source Mellanox Firmware tools and they all start with mst... and not only with flint like the most tutorial mention, but this is basically the same.
  4. Wie @mgutt schon sagte unRAID basiert auf Slackware und ist nicht Debian basiert und hat kein aptitude. Was willst du mit apt-get machen oder was fehlt dir auf unRAID?
  5. Du meinst ohne die Ordner "user0", "cache", usw? Ich würd das eher so lassen, hab dafür die Beschreibung angepasst.
  6. I tried it now, go to the settings from the folder, click on "Permissions" and set it like this: After you've done this run once 'chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/MEGASync' (without quotes) from an unRAID terminal and restart the container, this should fix the issue.
  7. Command? Do you mean installation? Anyways, thank you for the report and also the Diagnostics, will create a Github issue to let @CyrIng know and also so that he can fix the issue. Sorry to hear that but if nothing was writing to the Array at the time of installation or better speaking the crash you can abort the Parity check.
  8. This is completely wrong I think... In this example start by creating a share like MEGASync on unRAID itself, then get the MegaSync container from the CA App and delete the entry that has /mnt/user in it and create a new one with the Container Path /mnt/MEGASync and the Host Path /mnt/users/MEGASync <- this is the share that you've created, after that start the container and select at the step where you have to enter a folder that you want to sync /mnt/MEGASync, done, now you should be able to put files in the share that you've created on unRAID and it should sync to Mega and vice versa (keep in mind that big files can take quite some time to sync depending on your up-/download speed). Please don't try to set permissions, you can make things worse... The container sets the permissions on every start/restart.
  9. Should only happen when you are on the Dashboard in unRAID or am I wrong? This is very unlikely to be caused by the plugin, also consider enabling nvidia-persistenced mode.
  10. Both of you, can you please open up a terminal from unRAID and issue the command 'nvidia-smi' (without quotes) and post the output as a screenshot here? The main problem is that this two cards are really old by nowadays standards and it is very common that these cards report not much anymore through nvidia-smi, this is a common problem with older Nvidia cards and there is nothing @b3rs3rk or I can do about this. May I ask for what both of you are using the card? Also keep in mind that Nvidia dropped support for 6xx & 7xx series cards and will not be supported with the next driver release (Nvidia driver 470.xx.xx is the last one that supports those cards).
  11. Du musst auch den Treiber von der VirtIO disk laden damit Windows den laden kann, schau mal hier und hier, das musst du bei der Windows installation machen, bzw. hast du die richtigen Treiber geladen? EDIT: Du darfst die Disk in UnassignedDevices nicht mounten, das kann nicht funktionieren! Die Disk muss exklusiv für die VM verfügbar sein und das ist sie nicht wenn du sie in Unassigend Devices gemounted hast. Du kannst in UD auch wenn du auf das Zahnread klickst "Passthrough" aktivieren (aber vorher unbedingt die Disk unmounten, damit wird der Mount button ausgegraut. Soweit ich weiß funktioniert das einwandfrei mit einem Cluster und du sparst dir eine Menge an Resourcen.
  12. Seems like they are not supported anymore in the official TBS Package: Click (full list from supported cards is at the bottom) This is not the official Github repo and I think these drivers won't compile anymore. Even here you can't find the card anymore in the list: Click From what I see this is a very old card and should be based on CX23885 but it seems to me that it is not supported anymore. You can find such cards (dual tuners) for cheap on ebay or locally on the used marked. I bought such a card for about Eur. 25,- about a year ago.
  13. I still can't reproduce this on my server, as you can see from the screenshot above the red line is from where I restarted the container and you can see almost at the bottom that the log says "Success! App '740' already up to date." and it continues without any updating, somthing forces your container to update: Have you put in Steam credentials to the template if yes, please remove them since they are only needed if the are marked as required with the read asterisk (*).
  14. Bitte mounte niemals eine disk in unRAID irgendwo so!!! Wenn du pech hast tauscht nach einem BIOS update oder aus Spaß an der Freude eine Festplatte mit der anderen sdc und du hast ein riesen Problem! Also ich hatte noch nie Probleme es so zu machen: (Du musst dir natürlich vorher den richtigen Namen bzw. ID deiner disk raussuchen) Du weißt schon das ich für ARK einen Docker in der CA App anbiete, wenn du einen Cluster erstellen willst kann ich nicht viel helfen aber im Support thread von ARK ist einer der angepinnten Beiträge oben von @Cyd der ein komplettes Tutorial geschrieben hat wie das mit meinem Container funktioniert.
  15. Is the container installing the game completely new or is it just verifying the game? Have you set the share to use cache only in the share settings?
  16. No, can you post a screenshot from the paths in the template? I think there is something wrong. Usually the server doesn't do this every time, on my system the server updated (haven't started it in a long time) and after a restart it starts just normally without validation, have you maybe installed something else (mod or something like that) that is forcing a validation?
  17. Das problem hierbei ist oftmals das irgendwas die disk aufweckt, und ich rede hier nicht von smart read, sondern irgendwas anderes und smart read wird nur ausgeführt wenn die platte wirklich aufgeweckt wird weil du in unraid angezeigt haben willst wieviel grad die platte hat usw... Viele wissen zB nicht das emby oder jellyfin einen bibliotheksscan macht und dort zB auch die platten aufgeweckt werden, kann man bei den beiden deaktivieren indem man die schedulles innerhalb von emby/jellyfin deaktiviert, standardmäßig wird bei den beiden auch auf änderungen im verzeichnis geachtet und neue sachen werden so automatisch gescannt. Du müsstest mal alle container und VMs ausschalten und über nacht unraid so laufen lassen und nachsehen ob es dann das gleiche ist, besser wäre du bootest unraid im safe mode (dabei werden die plugins deaktiviert) und deaktivierst dann auch noch alle container und wartest über nacht und probierst dann morgens ob dein array "wach" ist. Yep, new config setzt die einstellungen für die platten zurück.
  18. I think your game files are spread over multiple disks and this is why it downloads it every time new, but it could also be that a update was released and it downloaded the update. Create a share that is only allowed to access one disk on your Array and put the gamefiles there or even better put it on a disk in Unassigned Devices that is not on the Array (please don't forget to also edit the template to point to that share, for example: '/mnt/disk1/gameservers/csgo') Keep in mind that CS GO has many really small files and the validation or updates on spinning disks can take very long. If your cache drive is big enough I would recommend to put the files on the cache since this would speed things up significantly... As mentioned above create a share and set it to use Cache Only in the share settings, by this you make sure that the files stay on the cache drive but also please edit the template so it point's to the right directory eg: '/mnt/cache/gameservers/csgo' The CS:GO server shouldn't use much resources if you leave it on if nobody is playing, they are relatively "efficient" when they are empty. Hope that all makes sense to you...
  19. Bin zwar kein Freund von Plex, aber momentan ist die Plex Pro Week bei der man einen Plex Lifetime Pass um -20% bekommt, Aktion von 13. bis 17. September 2021. Klick Danke an @sonic6 für den Tipp.
  20. You have to do it like described here: Otherwise the option would do nothing... You have to modify the line a bit, simply append: "cx23885.dma_reset_workaround=2" (without quotes) to your syslinux.config What I also would recommend is to shutdown the server entirely, pull the power cord from the wall, press the power and reset button a few times (to empty the caps) and then put the power cord back into the wall and turn on the server again. I experience that sometimes that one of my cards is not recognized or all are not recognized after multiple reboots.
  21. Deleted my previous comment, found a bug where the iscsid.conf wasn't properly created on the boot device. I've already implemented that the iscsid.conf is created but that failed -> should be now fixed with version 2021.09.13, please update the plugin. If you now edit the file /boot/config/plugins/iscsi-initiator/iscsid.conf and add your CHAP details there it should work after you reboot your server. A reboot is necessary because the iscsid daemon has to be restarted after you've changed the file. Hope that's ok for you, here is how to do it: Change this lines from: #node.session.auth.username = username #node.session.auth.password = password to: node.session.auth.username = YOURUSERNAME node.session.auth.password = YOURPASSWORD After that reboot the server.
  22. iSCSI allows you to share a disk or a image file. A share is not possible since this is not SAMBA, iSCSI was created to share disks over the network (as the name implies), what you can do is that you create a FileIO image on a disk/share with the size that you want and then you can share this image as a disk via iSCSI. Be also sure to turn on "Write Back" for the FileIO image otherwise the transfer rates can be pretty slow.
  23. Leave the variable "Validate Installatio" empty in the Docker template and the container shouldn't verify the game on start. Do you have the game installed on a hard disk or ssd? Please remember if you don't let it run for 24/7 then please close the port in your router too. May I ask why you don't want to run it 24/7?
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