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Everything posted by ich777

  1. iSCSI Initiator This plugin allows you to connect to iSCSI Target(s) and mount the Volume(s) to unRAID. Installation of the Plugin: Go to the Community Applications App and search for 'iSCSI Initiator' and click on the Download button (you have to be at least on Unraid 6.9.2 to see the plugin in the CA App) : Or download it directly from here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/iscsi-initiator/master/iscsi-initiator.plg Go to the plugin page to get your Initiator IQN, you can also change it if needed (a random one is created at plugin installation): (Please note that changing the Initiator IQN is only possible when no Target exists) On your Target set up the Volume(s) that you want to use on unRAID and assign it the Initiator IQN from Step 2. Back on unRAID enter the Target IQN, the IP and the Port from the Target and click "Create & Connect": If everything went correctly you should see at the bottom from the plugin page at the section "Active iSCSI sessions" that the connection is established and working: Go back to the "Main" tab from unRAID and you will see that the Volume is now mounted to unRAID. Now you can use the Volume as if it is a device that is physically attached to unRAID. If you experience any problems (eg: "Active iSCSI session" showing: ) when creating the connection click on this button on the top right corner to open up the syslog and create a post with the error from iscsid here, but first please make sure that you've entered the right Target IQN, IP and Port. You can delete wrong/non-working/unwanted entries here by simply selecting the target and click "Remove & Disconnect": ATTENTION: It's not recommend to add Volumes, which are mounted through this plugin, to your Array or Cache Pool(s) because if the Target is not reachable or went offline when unRAID is running really bad things can happen.
  2. Please share your Diagnostics.
  3. Do you already joined @Spectral Force's Discord? The container shouldn't update itself when you have the value in place, it's basically the same as if you do it manually and it shouldn't update to anything higher.
  4. As said before, you have to forward all ports from the template in the router, not only 27015 and not both protocols, you have to go in the template and forward the ports that are in there with the exact same protocol, some game servers don't like it when you forward both and it is only UDP needed for example! Also note that you have to restart the server after you forwarded the ports correctly.
  5. You can leave all domain stuff enabled, you only have to forward the ports that are in the Docker template in your router and your friends should be able to connect.
  6. Nope, this is a game without Linux in mind and I have no chance of getting it to work with WINE and since there is no native Linux client available this is almost the only way... Really can't help with this since I did this game on request and actually didn't own this game. But it should basically just work like on a default Linux server, maybe look at the recommended post from Cyd on the top of this thread, he wrote a tutorial for a cluster for ARK but the two games are based on the same engine if I remember correctly.
  7. Forward the ports with the right protocol and you should be good to go. Please don't route anything through a reverse proxy from a game server because this can make things really complicated... If you did everything right it should show up on the in game server list (keep in mind this could take a few minutes after you've started the server) or simply give your friends your domain name with the port like: 'yourdomain.com:27015' for the Steam Server browser. Actually I don't remember if you can direct connect in TheForest...
  8. Keep an eye on the logs, it actually will tell you at the start if it updates.
  9. No, you don't have to keep the Docker running, updates are only picked up when the container is started/restarted. Also a recommendation from my side... disable validation in the template, if you let this on by default the container start will take much longer because you force a validation of the files.
  10. As said above on some systems it takes a few hours so that it picks up the update, don't know why. Have you tried to disable it? I really can't do anything about that that it not updates, please be patient and try it in a few hours. You will also find a few entries in this thread from users who had the same problems but this was resolved by disabling the adblocker or waiting for a few hours...
  11. But this is the Steam game version and not the Epic game version?
  12. You can set VALIDATE in the template to 'true' (without quotes) but from my experience on some systems it takes longer to pick up the update, don't know why and on what this depends, do you run any kind of blocking software like PiHole or AdGuard in your network, maybe try to disable it.
  13. This seems perfectly fine, because 27015 is the Steam server query port so that it can communicate with the Steam servers and it is then translated to 7777. Have you changed any port in the template itself with another one or is this the default template as it is available in the CA App? Eventually @Cyd can help with this. I have now tried it with the bare default template and I can connect fine without a problem, but I also run it in bridge mode.
  14. What doesn't work? Steam Server command? What did you do exactly? What do you mean with this? Can you post some screenshots?
  15. The game server containers aren't updated with updates from DockerHub, they update itself when you start/restart the container with the latest version (the description also tells you this) because updates will be a big mess... This container runs through WINE because there is no native Linux server for the game, this can cause various different things including a high ping, that's why it's marked as BETA.
  16. Have you even tried to connect with the Steam Server Browser from your local network? To what port do you try to connect? From in game I think you have to use port 7777 from the Steam Server Browser you have to use 27015. Please try it first with the usual tools not with network tools and from your local network too, this would be the first troubleshooting steps. Also the outputs doesn't help I think, where did you run these commands from inside the container or from the host?
  17. Just append this to your GAME_PARAMS in the Docker template (well change YOURSERVERNAME with your server name): +InternetServer/YOURSERVERNAME
  18. Can you send me a screenshot from what you mean exactly? I don't have that issue on a new install from Krusader, I see the progress on top in Krusader itself and no new tab is opened.
  19. You can do that by setting the GAME_ID to: '294420 -beta alpha13.8' (without quotes) of course this would also work for any specific version you want, in your case something like '294420 -beta alpha19.5' (without quotes) should work - the game is still in alpha or am I wrong? I also recommend joining @Spectral Force's Discord server, he is thankfully helping me out with 7DtD...
  20. You don't miss anything the server is up and running from what I see in the logs, have you already tried to connect through the Steam server browser. Please note this was asked a lot of times here, keep in mind you have to set everything correctly in the in game server browser to see your game (and there are a lot of checkboxes). Probably one checkbox is set wrong and the server doesn't show up, just ARK... EDIT: First try if you can reach it with your internal IP and then I would take it a step further and try to reach it with your external IP.
  21. Ja genau, die fehlende Festplatte müsste trotzem noch mit /mnt/diskX emuliert werden und somit sollte man die Daten kopieren können. Aber wäre ein rebuild hier nicht besser?
  22. Will look into this... I think my card also doesn't show everything, give me a few days please.
  23. Where did you see this message is the exporter not working?
  24. Dieser Artikel ist vorrangig für Firmen und Hauptberufliche Entwickler die DockerHub nutzen und nicht für Endnutzer. Ich muss aber ganz erhlich auch gestehen ich verstehe diesen Schritt, jeder lädt hoch und braucht Speicherplatz und produziert in weiterer Folge Traffic auf deren Servern, irgendwo muss das Geld schließlich herkommen um die Infrastruktur usw. zu bezahlen. Selbst nutze ich auch das "Free" tier von DockerHub weil ich einfach kein fixes Einkommen hab durch meine Container usw... Bitte vergiss nicht Docker ist nur ein Name und durch DockerHub bekannt geworden, eigentlich handelt es sich hierbei um Container. Du kannst auch mittlerweile auch auf Github Container bauen bzw. raufladen. Es würde noch immer die Möglichkeit geben eine private Container Registry zu machen und diese unRAID Nutzern zur Verfügung zu stellen wenn es jemals soweit kommen würde. Ich bin mir Sicher LimeTech würde sich dann sicher was einfallen lassen das Container in einem privaten Container Registry gehostet werden bzw. von DockerHub gespiegelt werden so das die Container die in der CA App verfügbar sind auch dort noch immer kostenlos geladen werden können. Auch wenn DockerHub irgendwan konstenpflichtig wird, es ist jedem selbst überlassen wo man die Cointainer hochlädt und man kann sie auch auf unRAID von anderen Registries runterladen. Ich sehe mit diesem Schritt eigentlich nicht wirklich ein Problem.
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