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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I just restarted my container about an hour ago and it was picking up the update just fine (you have to restart the container so that it pulls the update since it checks on every start from the container for new updates through steamcmd) : Welcome to Pal Server[v0.1.3.0] It will also tell you that in the log:
  2. Make sure that your local version is up to date. The container checks for update on each restart, so to speak, simply restart the container if you want to update it. BTW I have not seen that there is an update, my server currently tells me this when I issue the info command: Welcome to Pal Server[v0.1.2.0] and one player is currently on it playing, so I'm not too sure if there is an update necessary.
  3. They are there to improve performance: Source (scroll all the way down) You can't improve what is already improved. However, the developers from the game need to fix a lot of things because the server uses a lot of CPU and RAM by default and this can be optimized, at least I think but that is something the developers from the game need to fix.
  4. Can you please post your ligs? Usually you just restart the FiveM container and it will check for the latest FiveM version. TBH I‘m not sure if the latest version from txAdmin ships with FiveM
  5. Please look at this post: Are you really sure that the files from your appdata share stay on the cache and not being moved to the Array if you are using the path: …/mnt/cache/appdata/… for the game files in the template?
  6. These Opteron CPUs are missing instructions I think that Unreal Engine 5 and in particular this game needs. However are you sure that you get the same log output since this user experienced a network error, it would always be very good to post your log.
  7. And if you read on a bit further, does it say it loaded it fine from another location?
  8. Wow, this is bad... Can you please not discuss this here since this is not my container?
  9. No, you don't have to set it to 777 just leave it at 770. Please don't mess with the permissions it is most likely the case that you messed up something already and that's why it's not working. Reason behind this is that the container sets the permission on start to 770 and as said, you don't have to change them usually. Most likely something is already wrong with your appdata directory but please don't run new permissions on this directory because you will mess it up even more.
  10. Sorry but this is a game issue and you have to ask on the Steam Community Forums or in the official Discord.
  11. Please look into my SteamCMD repository over here and go through the different branches.
  12. What container? If we are talking about Palworld the answer is no and for every other dedicated server also no because these are dedicated servers and designed for use without a GPU.
  13. Yes, but should be maybe possible through WINE. Please also read this post:
  14. Did you forward the ports in your router/firewall, otherwise nobody is able to join. Please also keep in mind that a public IP without CG-NAT is required for that to work.
  15. Nope, just search for "Palword Dedicated Server RAM usage", keep in mind this is a Early Access game and the developers maybe have to fix a few things in order that the server is running fine. There are many workarounds out there for preventing this but I don't want to implement a workaround since this can cause corrupt saves and other funny bugs. However I would recommend that you restart the container once a day to lower the usage but I assume if you build more and more on the map the RAM usage will go up and up like it was back in the day the same for Valheim. You could also limit the amount of RAM the container can utilize but if it reaches that utilization it will crash and restart, which is similar like if you restart it but this could also lead to a corrupt save game. I've limited it to 20GB and experienced a crash yesterday with seven players on the server but it restarted just fine and a little progress was lost.
  16. I thought the container was restarting...? At least I think I was asking if the container was stuck in a restart loop... If it was not restarting it was most likely the case that it was started. Yes that's a display issue that I can't do much about, sorry... Sometimes it shows and sometimes not.
  17. Oder mit deinem mirror der bei dir benutzt wird, du musst jetzt eigentlich nur mehr LANCache in dem container installieren (wenn du das willst und in dem zug auch Docker), sonst ist alles schon vorkonfiguriert und installiert, ein bisschen anders wie in dem tutorial aber meiner meinung nach besser.
  18. Naja dann mach das von einem Unraid Terminal: wget -O /tmp/lxc_container_template.xml https://github.com/ich777/unraid_lxc_adguard/raw/main/lxc_container_template.xml Dann gehst du in deinem Browser dort hin: http://SERVERIP/LXCAddTemplate Dann stellst noch alles ein wie du willst und klickst create, dann musst du warten bis der Done button angezeigt wird, fertig. Du kannst dir noch ein wenig von hier durchlesen wenn du willst, ist ähnlich aufgebaut.
  19. Willst du denn AdGuard oder eher PiHole? Ich hätte alternativ PiHole für dich das viel einfacher zu installieren geht.
  20. Wie gesagt ich kann dir nicht genau sagen was bei dir da los ist, hier funktionieren die container ohne Probleme. Vielleicht gibt es auch ein problem bei dem Mirror der bei dir verwendet wird. Check morgen nochmal ob es das selbe ist.
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