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Everything posted by ich777

  1. And what was your solution the / or the char device?
  2. Ah I completely forget about that, please look at that post: Seems like something is broken, stop the container, edit the file and put the port in the mentioned file.
  3. You have an extra / at the beginning of the device inside the container, try it like this: lxc.mount.entry = /dev/kfd dev/kfd none bind,optional,create=file If that is still not working try the following: lxc.mount.entry = /dev/kfd dev/kfd none bind,optional,create=char
  4. But why do you specify such a big port range? This is not necessary... You only need one port for one server so to speak 7777 for your first server and 7779 for your second one. Are you also really sure that you want to expose the port on both WAN connections? This is maybe also an issues since you are advertising the dedicated server on two different public IPs. Are you also really sure that you are connecting to the correct server? Do you use two different server names? If this is a cluster I can't help much because this is a pretty complicated setup that I'm not familiar with. It could also be possible that the Team behind Ark only allows one server for one IP (this was the case initially).
  5. Ich wusste das es funktioniert (solange das Gehäuse eine eindeutige ID produziert), jedoch nicht welches Gehäuse eine eindeutige ID hat, frag mich mal wieviele SATA USB Gehäuse ich jetzt zu Hause habe... Gibt sicher auch NVME Gehäuse die funktionieren, bin aber mit SATA völlig zufrieden.
  6. That depends on you and how you like to configure things. For me for example I have about 40 always on Docker containers and 3 always on LXC container. For example I like to have my whole DNS Stack (PiHole, Unbound, keepalived, DoH Server and LANCache) in one single container and that the routing is done internally in the container and the most important thing is that I don't have to change any ports on Unraid since a LXC container has always it's own dedicated IP. I also like to have my HomeAssistant instance running in a LXC container to have more granular control over it because I was really unsatisfied with the Docker container and it broke multiple times after an update. There are also other things which are better (in my opinion) to set up in a LXC container like AMP, the main benefit is that a LXC container is more kind of a VM than a Docker container and it is easy to set up Docker in it. Here is it what it looks like on my Server: You can also try the AMP, Hass or PiHole container, I already have premade container archives for that which you can find here: https://github.com/ich777/unraid_lxc_pihole https://github.com/ich777/unraid_lxc_homeassistant_core https://github.com/ich777/unraid_lxc_amp Just download the RAW file 'lxc_container_template.xml' which you'll find in each repository and put it in the directory /tmp/ on your server. After that navigate to: http://yourserverIP/LXCAddTemplate On the next page you can configure the container how you need it (similar like if you are installing it a Docker container from the CA App), click Create and wait for the Done button <- this can take a bit depending on your Internet connection. Hope that helps.
  7. Naja solange das Gehäuse in Kombination mit der SSD eine gültige und vor allem einzigartige GUID erzeugen geht das, warum auch nicht...? Es funktionieren auch nicht alle Gehäuse, ich kann nur sagen das es mit diesem gut funktioniert und ich das auch echt super finde das nicht das Gehäuse eine GUID hat sondern die Kombination aus Gehäuse und SATA M2 eine GUID erzeugt.
  8. That sounds like a some kind of misconfiguration. Something seems very wrong here, you usually choose a source port and then forward that port to the destination or at least a port range... Yes, because this dedicated server works differently and you can specify the port here:
  9. I just switched my build toolchain over to my repository, you now shouldn't need to put that one file into place (Unraid 6.12.10+). If Unraid is detected it will automatically disable the chip check.
  10. Bitte nochmal eine Mail schreiben, evtl ging die Mail nicht durch. Was heißt das on und off? Hast du mal Diagnostics oder irgendwas? Ich benutz mittlerweile das hier: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B01N4EUXCU und https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B077H276GQ Läuft perfekt und die GUID ist eine mischung aus der Seriennummer vom Gehäuse und verbauten SATA M2 SSD. Sollte natürlich auch mit jeder anderen beliebigen SATA M2 SSD funktionieren. Das Gehäuse (in kombination mit der SATA M2 SSD) hat dann immer eine GUID.
  11. I only made a little change to the module itself. When the module/driver is run on Unraid it set's the detect_chip automatically to off/false. This is a global fix for all users and will be working on 6.12.10+ (except for the closed beta so far but I will be recompiling the driver for the latest closed beta too).
  12. Sorry, I completely overlooked your post... I tried it now and it seems to have some kind of issue now, sadly enough I made this game on request and I don't own the game so I really can't test what's wrong... Sorry to have bad news but I'll deprecate the container since it's really hard to troubleshoot for me without owning the game.
  13. Please uninstall the plugin, then remove the .conf file that you've created with: rm -f /boot/config/modprobe.d/qnap_ec.conf then install the plugin again, reboot and see if it is working.
  14. Hmm unfortunate... I'll keep you updated, give me 15 minutes and I think I can upload a custom version.
  15. Please put the attached binary on your server, navigate to it in the terminal, make it executable if not already and execute it: cd /path/to/file chmod +x check_chip ./check_chip Please post the output. check_chip
  16. If possible yes, I‘m curious what Intel-GPU-TOP does on boot.
  17. Can you please do me a favor? Please issue this command form a Unraid terminal: mkdir -p /boot/config/modprobe.d echo "blacklist i915" > /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf After that make sure that Intel-GPU-TOP is installed, reboot, pull the Diagnostics after the reboot and post it here please?
  18. I just read that ASUS for example released a new BIOS where they now improved stability. Don't know if Gigabyte has/will also release a new BIOS. Please also check if you have a option to improve performance from the CPU in the BIOS and disable it.
  19. I'm not 100% sure because this is a game specific question but couldn't you connect through the in game console or via filtering LAN games only or simply by connecting through your servers LAN IP?
  20. I'm not sure if I agree with that since otherwise you shouldn't be forwarding containers. In my opinion it should be safe to put this one VM with it's own dedicated DMZ VLAN on the DMZ (as long as you only put the VM in this VLAN) since the forwarding is done on the Router/Firewall/Switch and as long as your VM running the Mailserver is up to date it should be fine. Sure the VLAN filtering is done on Unraid but that happens on the Kernel level and is part from the Linux network layer which should be considered also safe. That should be in it's own pretty hard since you don't use the Hosts Kernel and is isolated from the Host, but you know nothing is safe, nether VLANs are 100% safe... In my opinion it should be pretty safe and many people run Mail servers in VMs or even Docker containers (which shares the Kernel from the host). This is my opinion on that...
  21. I do that also with User Scripts. Something like: docker container stop CONTAINER1 CONTAINER2 … will do the job just fine... If you need to stop the container for example in 45 minutes you can do: echo "docker container stop CONTAINERNAME" | at now + 45 minutes
  22. Just in case are you sure that your CPU is stable? I heard a lot of things in regards that 13th and 14th gen are really unstable and even crashing on Windows quiet frequently… Please make sure that your BIOS is up to date and ensure that your power limits are under control.
  23. This is caused because you have the WebUI from TVHeadend on the same IP running as SABnzbd. You have two (or maybe more) options: Make sure that TVHeadend and SABnzbd are not running on the same IP address Don't open the WebUI from TVHeadend and SABnzbd on the machine where you manly access the WebUI from SABnzbd (Open TVHeadend in a Private Browser window) (Open TVHeadend in another Browser that you don't user for SABnzbd) ... This is nothing weird this is a known issue.
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