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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Just a heads up, like you've mentioned this will work for Minecraft, but not for many other game servers...
  2. Change the port in the template to something different like 8081 and put it on the bridge network. Create a new entry at the bottom in the template with "Add new path, port, variable" select path -> at the host path select the folder which you want to use for the downloads on unRAID at the container path use /mnt/Downloads. When you download something in the container set as destination the path /mnt/Downloads.
  3. Is it possible that California is a non standard map and that's why it's not working when you enable internet play? You can also try to remove that parameter and/or replacing it with '-california':
  4. Can you send me a screenshot from your Docker template for ARK? From what I know this could be cause when the files are spread through multiple disks on the Array... you can try to change the path to the GAME_FILES to /mnt/user/PATHTOARK (of course change PATHTOARK to the folder where ARK lives). It's currently in a loop because the server is crashing.
  5. Where and when does this folder need to be created, in the main directory? The problem with this is I can't create something when a script is running... This shouldn't be necessary because the start script runs as this user, I think you where in the root shell not in the user shell. But if someone doesn't enter a proper value he would have a problem I think or am I wrong? Already done and will be shipped with the next update. Thank you for all the recommendations/suggestions.
  6. Can you edit this file? I'm not too familiar with Unturned but maybe it needs another confog for internet games...
  7. Nothing changed, I updated the container from Debian Buster to Bullseye, nothing else changed. Actually I got 19 tasks and created now a 20th task, hit save and it works fine, haven't tried to sync yet because this will take a few hours but I think this will work too.
  8. Please check if the 7th profile has anything in it that crashes luckyBackup. Maybe try deleting the 7th and 8th task and after that try it again with anythin on your server just for testing purpouses. As said above I have abou 15tl tasks in the default profile with no issue whatsoever.
  9. Does the Validation and Okay button always crash luckyBackup or do I get this wrong? Also do you mean 7 tasks or profiles, only asking because I have luckyBackup on my Backup server with about 15 tasks each one of the 15 tasks over SSH.
  10. Das ist nicht der screenshot den ich gemeint hab, ganz oben, mich würd interessieren wie du die cache eingestellt hast und auch den mindesten freien speicher.
  11. Oh sorry, hast es auf Deutsch... Freigaben -> auf die Freigabe klicken wo du momentan hinkopierst und von diesem einen screenshot.
  12. This is a fresh install from CSMM without any existing data in it? I see an error where it says that jq is missing and also that something is wrong with the databse. Will look into this ASAP and report back.
  13. Dann ist das womöglich momentan der Flaschenhals. Aber ich frag mich auf der anderen Seite wie das möglich ist mit einer 100Mbit/s Netzwerkkarte. Warum machst du einen Parity check? Parotätsprüfungen brauchst du nur alle paar Monate machen meiner Meinung nach, ich mach das immer Quartalsweise, sprich alle 3 Monate. Eine Paritätsprüfung dient nur dazu die Parität zu prüfen, die ändert sich auch nicht nach einem Fehlgeschlagenem Kopiervorgang oder ist deswegen falach. Wie meinst du das? Kannst du mal einen Screenshot von den Einstellungen von einem Share posten was du genau eingestellt hast?
  14. Ich hab es jetzt wieder zurückgestellt auf /mnt/user, war evtl. eine vorschnelle Entscheidung das Template von Kruasader zu ändern. Bleibt prinzipiell nur jede disk einzeln zu mounten... Wäre aber interessant wie stark der Athlon II bei einem 1Gbit/s Dateitransfer belastet wird bzw. wäre es noch interessanter wie er sich bei einem transfer von Unassigned Devices verhält da dort der SAMBA wegfällt...
  15. Warte kurz muss mir den Thread durchlesen, bin eigentlich gerade am Sprung...
  16. Oh I see, it's because I'm forcing windows to be maximized. Can you try to wipe the container entirely and also delete the folder for Krusader in your appdata folder? I still can't reproduce this on my installation, only got the progress bar on the top right in Krusader itself.
  17. Das wäre doch dann gelöst, dann hat man im Container alle diskX, user, cache, disks,... ich würd aber jedem empfehlen das man wenn schon ein UD mount eingebunden wird auf R/W Slave umzustellen, mit dem hatte ich am wenigsten Probleme und auf disks die im laufenden Betrieb angeschlossen wurden bzw. gemounted wurden konnte ich auch ohne Container neustart darauf zugreifen.
  18. Trim sollte bei BTRFS ab unRAID 6.9.0 Standard sein jedoch nicht mit XFS.
  19. Ich ändere das template so das Host /mnt und Container /mnt sprich im container sieht man dann auch alles in /mnt.
  20. Can you open a container console window and try to issue the same command just to be sure everything is working inside the container? What you can do too is that you open up a terminal from unRAID and type in 'watch nvidia-smi' this will call nvidia-smi every 2 seconds and then try to force transcode a video file and see if anything shows up in the line where it says "No running processes found"
  21. This plugin allows you to mount Volumes from targets, the above shown plugin makes unRAID a Target and let other devices mount the Volumes. No, but there is actually another plugin that allows you to do that (simply search for "iSCSI" and you will find both plugins):
  22. Are you sure that it isn't working, have you tried to issue the command 'nvidia-smi' from the command line yet and see what it tells you, please post a screenshot when transcoding something or using it in fold at home. If it shows some utilization it definitely is doing something. Have you tried to restart the server yet? From what motherboard did you switched from? Try to disable the C-States.
  23. I think @SpaceInvaderOne mentioned @binhex's container and not mine... I usually don't make the whole filesystem available in my containers but you can do that by going into the template and change this value as follows:
  24. Try it to without the file, but I can't imagine that this makes a difference... Have you changed any other settings? Please note that some Motherboards actually need a display or a dummy HDMI plug installed so that everything is working properly even if it's set to the primary display output when you have dGPU in your system (like in my case). I have to create an issue on the intel_gpu_tools Gitlab if the problem persists with the details from your Diagnostics if that's okay for you.
  25. What have you done exactly or better speaking what is not working? On what unRAID version are you? Can you share your Diagnostics?
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