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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Welche zuweisungen hast du denn im template?
  2. Warum brauchst du denn eine IP, wenn du in bridge bist hat der container die IP von dem Host also von Unraid und den Port den du im Docker template angibst. Wenn du in br0 bist gibst du dem container eine eigene IP und alle Ports sind frei. Jedoch können die beiden Netze nich kommunizieren standardmäßig. Lies dir mal das hier durch:
  3. Which game are you talking about. Can you post the log please? But I think the master server can't talk to your server. Have you forwarded all the ports with the right protocol in your router/firewall?
  4. Please attach your Diagnostics, currently I'm collecting them to make a Github issue later on.
  5. Can you post your script and the error message please?
  6. Then I really can't tell why it's taking so much longer since the plugin is only 5MB in size and is installed very fast. But anyways I think that something is preventing the plugin from pinging Google ( and this would make the boot process about 30 seconds longer since it gives up after about 30 seconds.
  7. I have to say, at first I was the same, but that changed quickly and as always in the tech world you have to stay up to date otherwise the migration to something completely new is always really difficult... Also I find Windows 10 more performant on lower speced hardware than Windows 7.
  8. I tried it now but I can't get the driver to install on my Intel UHD graphcis, I even tried the latest driver v15.45.5174 for Windows 7 but still nothing. But it could also be that the UHD graphics are not really supported by Intel on Windows 7 anymore because I read a few threads online that other users have problems installing it on bare metal. May I ask why you need Windows 7? Have you got an older application that is not compatible with Windows 10? Keep in mind that even if you get it to work on Windows 7 you have to have install Ultimate or higher since otherwise the RDP server is not integrated (I know there are workarounds for this... ).
  9. Kannst du aus einem Container heraus im br0 netzwer unraid anpingen bzw kannst du vom bridge netzwerk unraid anpingen? Manchmal funktioniert die option Allow Host Access nach einen reboot nicht, da dies eigentlich ein Workaround von Unraid ist, stoppe und starte den Docker Dienst dazu einmal neu oder mach einen kompletten reboot, dann sollte wieder alles funktionieren.
  10. Please contact @Spectral Force on Discord with the link from the post.
  11. But do you run PiHole or your Firewall on Unraid.
  12. Sorry but I really can't help. I've also called a friend now, that runs a ARK server on Unraid and actually plays on it with a few friends of him, and he confirmed that everything is working as expected and that he never got a problem connecting.
  13. @Cyd do you have a clue why it doesn't work in his case?
  14. No, but never say never... Nvidia confirmed that they will add official support for Virtualization, please read this:
  15. What kind of files are you transcoding? Are you sure that the 960 is capable of transcoding the file. Keep in mind that the "older" Nvidia cards have problrms with some HEVC formats... If it's a HEVC file then try a h264 file instead if that also doesn't work.
  16. I don't know what happens there... Have you put in your Steam credentials in the Docker template? Also please turn off the validation. Please update the game on your local computer so that the versions match.
  17. Please look again at the post, this wasn't a answer for you... Please remove that entry... Why would you restart SteamCMD? SteamCMD isn't running anyways when step 3 is executed (start the dedicated server), SteamCMD is only needed when the game is donwnloaded/updated. Please ignore the SDL warning, this has nothing to do with your issue!!! Is this from the Steam or Epic Game? Something seems to be wrong with the ports when you get this error. I now noticed that you run this in a custom br0 configuration, can you please try to run this in "bridge" mode instead of "br0" and then connect with your UNRAIDSERVERIP:7777 Something seems wrong with your network configuration, I can only tell you that I just can connect fine to the server and everything is working just fine.
  18. Look what I've found: Also please be sure to leave the Steam credentials in the template empty since they are only needed when they are marked with the red asterisk (*). If you have filled in the credentials, delete the container and also the directory for ARK that is created in your appdata directory and start over.
  19. Have you also added '+exec autoexec.cfg' to the GAME_PARAMS? Otherwise the autoexec.cfg isn't loaded:
  20. Please keep in mind that the container does 3 main steps: Check if SteamCMD is installed Start SteamCMD and check if the game is installed and up to date Start the game The warning that SDL isn't found is displayed at step 2 and has nothing to do when step 3 is executed. SDL isn't needed because this is only a media layer that SteamCMD wan't to use but is not necessary. Yes, you get this message in all my Steam based containers and they all run just fine. Can you please post a screenshot from the Steam Server Browser or what error message do you get? You give so much little information.
  21. Something with your setup is wrong I think, I now tried it and downloaded a fresh copy from the CA App, I can just see it fine from the Steam Server Browser: ...and also can connect to it and play on it.
  22. Have you already tried port 7777? Have you also tried to connect through the Steam Server Browser? Can you explain to me why this should fix your problem?
  23. Can you give me a little more information? Does it work? One user posted that it doesn't work but I've actually never tried it with Windows 7. It is recommended to install the latest version of Windows to get GVT-g working.
  24. What port did you try to connect to? I can only tell you that you have to connect through port 27015 if you are using Steam.
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