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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Sieh dir dieses bild mal an: Und hier der zugehöroge link zur erklärung: Klick
  2. Sadly enough no, eventually create a issue on Github (the link above), that it's not working with your CPU. I have a suspicion because it's a "U" processor.
  3. The problem with this low powered "Atom" chips is that they are not listed as compatible. Only the Core-Series and the Xeon-Series that have a iGPU built into it are listed as compatible: Click
  4. Exakt. Sorry hätte die Frage lesen sollen (wobei ich habe nur den letzten Satz so richtig gelesen... ). Die option muss an wenn du mischt "br0" und "bridge" mischt dann können sie kommunzizeren. Wenn du sie im gleichen Netz hast kannst du sie aus lassen.
  5. Nein, aber das eine kann auf das andere Netz nicht zugreifen standardmäßig, ist ein Sicherheitsfeature von Docker. Du müsstest das hier einschalten bei deinen Docker Settings damit sie miteinander kommunizieren können (Neustarten nicht vergessen):
  6. Can you please post your Diagnostics? That's not dependent on your iGPU, what Generation of processor do you have? As I can see from your screenshot you have no modes available and selecting a empty mode from the drop down and assigning it to a VM does nothing.
  7. If you experience any crashes or something like that please make a short post in the support thread of the plugin with the Diagnostics attached, got a few reports of crashes. I run this on two machines and haven't got any crashes yet.
  8. Läuft einer der Container evtl. im "Bridge" modus und einer im "br0" modus?
  9. Normalerweise sollte das funktionieren, hab schon einmal von Owncloud nach Nextcloud und dann von der Nextcloud in einer VM auf den Container gewechselt. Wenn du wechselst trag in der config von Nextcloud dein passwort für die Datenbank in Klartext ein, das sollte dann von Nextcloud wieder übernommen werden das es verschlüsselt wird. Das Problem ist meistens das verschiedene Developer auch verschiedene Herangehensweisen haben und evtl andere Pfade, Ports,... verwenden. Aber grundsätzlich sollte eine Migration schon möglich sein.
  10. I completely understand what you are after but that is simply not possible in my container, since if the FiveM application is killed or restarted, the whole container also restarts because this is the main process and not txadmin. Eventually someone else made a container that can do it like you described it for Windows, sorry really can't help here...
  11. Please make a short post on the GPU Statistics support thread with the screenshot from the output from nvidia-smi
  12. Eventually the download failed and it can't install the driver package, but on the other hand that can't happen because I have built in a check if the download fails that the plugin installation aborts. Really don't know what caused this... That's a good question, some cards display more than others do, what is the output from 'nvidia-smi' now? Eventually make a short post in the GPU Statistics plugin support page, @b3rs3rk is the real master when it comes to this plugin.
  13. Is it bad that the whole container is restarted? It's should be basically the same as you restart only txadmin. The thing about this is that I designed the container differently and the container restarts if the main app (in this case FiveM) is stopped/restarted or has crashed.
  14. It seems that the driver isn't installed. Can you try to press "Download" on the Plugin page and tell me what happens?
  15. What is the output of 'nvidia-smi' in the console? Thank you! EDIT: Can you try to do a 'modprobe nvidia' (without qutoes) from a terminal after you tried the command 'nvidia-smi' from above?
  16. Please post your Diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drop the downloaded zip file here in the text box), otherwise I can't say anything... What does it show instead?
  17. You can't see this port open because Valheim uses a proprietary protocol and you can't just check if the port is open with port scanner sites because it won't answer a default TCP or UDP query (see the port checker site as a German speaker and Valheim as a English speaker and both of them can't speak the others language, they simply can't communicate with each other - really oversimplified... ). You are trying this from you internal network or am I wrong? Have you setup NAT reflection in your UDM (sorry I don't own any Ubiquiti gear and don't know if there is an option for that in there). Have you already tried it from outside your internal network (please do this first since this is a really common issue)? Do you try to connect with your public IP? Also please make sure that you just open the ports 2456, 2457, 2458 UDP (only UDP, not TCP not TCP/UDP, only UDP). No because you have to forward the mentioned above 3 ports, please also read the second recommended post that you can find on top of this thread, eventually this helps.
  18. Try to remove the vGPU assignment from the VM and reassign it. @alturismo experiences also a similar problem...
  19. Have you installes a custom build with the gnif vendor reset patch installed? When does this happen? Right after you installed the plugin? After the reboot is the plugin installed?
  20. ich777

    E-Mail Archivierung

    Wäre zB in Thunderbird möglich. Eigentlich ist ja Thunderbird ein Emailclient aber funktioniert auch zum archivieren. Oben haben @mgutt und @Ford Prefect doch schon Lösungsvorschläge gemacht, evtl ist dort was dabei.
  21. ich777

    E-Mail Archivierung

    Der Titel sagt schon Archivierung aber ich wollte hier nur mal meinen Senf dazu geben, ich benutz meinen Thunderbird Container als "Archivierung" und gleichzeitig als zentralen Email client unabhängig vom Smartphone oder anderen Geräten.
  22. Please keep in mind I would strongly recommend doing this by adding a user.sh script to the container that you mount from Unraid to the container since if a update is released or you change something the container will be reset and the application is uninstalled (your settings will persist but the software will be removed). If you want to install something manually open up a terminal and enter: su (to become root) YOUR_ROOT_PW and press ENTER (please note that no keyboard output will be displayed while entering the password) apt update (to update the repositories) apt install -y handbrake (to install Handbrake) Here is a example to do it with user.sh (so that the container actually checks if handbrake is installed on every start):
  23. This was solved as far as I know. Please head over to @Spectral Force's Discord to get support for 7DtD: https://discord.gg/VwwYA5h Are you sure that you have the folder where you 7DtD directory is located to Cache Only or Prefer? If you have set it to Yes or no then the container can't work in the default configuration. I will look into it ASAP.
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