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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Yes, but to circumvent this simply add the modprobe command to the end of your 'go' file. If you don't know how to do that please feel free to contact me again.
  2. Are the tuners now showing up after the modprobe? Can you also give me the output of 'ls -la /dev/dvb'?
  3. The server runs basically but I have some problems connecting to the server through the Server Browser and I've created a issue for that on Github: Click I can connect just fine if I edit the file manually but that's not how I want it...
  4. Can you open up a terminal and type in 'modprobe cx23885' and after that 'lsmod' and paste the output here?
  5. Drivers are updated now. Uninstall the DVB Driver plugin, reboot, install the DVB Driver plugin and reboot again.
  6. I will look into this ASAP.
  7. In general this should be possible to passthrough the graphicscard when the Nvidia Plugin is installed. As @Squid said, it seems that there is something else wrong here. Try to put in another PCIe slot and if it's actually recognized in the BIOS if you have the possibility to list the installed cards in the BIOS.
  8. Yes and no... I dodn't added it because you actually can make things worse if you don't know what you are doing... I have many other variables integrated in Containers that are not visible to users because these are "in case someone needs this for whatever reason" variables for me... No one ever requested this but I will look into it ASAP.
  9. Have you got a tutorial for me how to set this up since I got the container up and running but ran into some problems or at least point me in the right direction?
  10. If I understand that correctly you want to get Mail notifications from LB? I have to look into this but I think you have to configure it in LuckyBackup itself since you can't easily use the Mail notifications that are configured in Unraid.
  11. Oh, now I get it, since you are using it through one container (one network) you also have to change the RFB port because they use both inside the container 5900 and two times 5900 can't work, I would suggest that you create a Variable with the Key: 'RFB_PORT' in both containers and as Value for the jDownlaoader2 '5905' and in the Chrome container '5906' (you don't have to create a port forwarding in your Wireguard container for that, this is only how they communicate internally in the container with noVNC and the VNC server). Hope that makes sense.
  12. Sadly enough this driver is for Kernels pre 5.x and they are not working on recent versions of Unraid. The newer drivers dropped, like you said, the ConnectX-3 cards and only supporting ConnectX-4 and the last recent version that I saw ConnectX-5 and up.
  13. I don't think so, have you rebooted after installing the plugin? If not, please try to shut down the server completely, pull the power cord from the wall, press the on/off and rest button on your server a few times (to empty the caps) wait for 30 seconds, put the power cord back into the socket and turn on the server. After you booted please attach the Diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download) and drop the downloaded zip file here in the text box if it doesn't work after the reboot.
  14. Can you send screenshots from the two templates? Do you want to connect through noVNC (web) or through a VNC vlient? You don't have to add a port if you want to connect through noVNC you have to change the default web port from 8080 to 6001 for the first container and 6002 for the second. If you want to connect through a VNC client then you have to also change to ports to two different ports for the containers (eg 8080 and 8081) and then add the VNC_PORT variable and also a new port entry to the containers for the VNC_PORT's.
  15. Can you please double check that all varaibles have the right value and key? It can be only a minor problem but I think it has something to do with the parameters itself. If you run it without this parameter you don't hand over the GPU to the container and it can't work. Also you don't hand over Cuda.
  16. That has nothing to do with the docker.img file. If the container won't start if you are passing the argument '--runtime=nvidia' to it then there is something else wrong. Is Plex working with the same settings?
  17. Something seems wrong with your Docker service since it can't actually connect to the nvidia runtime. Also it can't find Cuda because you are not passing it through.
  18. Actually not. I own the game and sometimes the server runs and sometimes not, I can't release such an unstable container... This game was requested a few times here but I really can't do much about it. This is actually the same with the Dockers out there, they where working fine before they broke everything, now not one container is working anymore and they are all depricated because SE uses that much Windows libraries that is not that easy to run it through WINE. As said, from what I know there is not only one Docker container out there that runs on Linux.
  19. Ah, yes, they have changed that, try to remove the parameter '--runtime=nvidia' and then start up the container. When it is started click on the container and then add the '--runtime=nvidia' again and it should output what's wrong with it. Have you restarted your server after installing the Nvidia Driver Plugin?
  20. Download the LibreELEC build from my Unraid-Kernel-Helper and replace all bz* files on your USB Boot device with the ones from the downloaded archive, that's pretty much also a upgrade...
  21. But I think 6.8.3 was long enough around... Also I really don't know anyone who have lost his data because of an upgrade... But that's up to you, I would have more fear from a security perspective to run such an old build.
  22. Nope not on such an old version. I only have a version for 6.8.3 with the LibreELEC drivers built in ready to download in my Unraid-Kernel-Helper thread. I strongly recommend you to upgrade not only because I don't support such old versions but from also from a security perspective...
  23. Then there is something wrong with the plugin or the nvidia driver itself. Can you change a setting in the container template itself and post the Error that you get when the docker run command is executed. Also what is this server error? Also please remove the /dev/dri entry. EDIT: I tried the container a few days ago with my GTX1060 6GB and it ran flawlessly.
  24. On what Unraid version are you? You have to be on Unraid version 6.9.0rc2 or higher to see the Driver in the CA App. @mhweb you have to actually click my name so that I get a notification:
  25. First things first, if you want to mention me, you also have to click my name. Install the DVB Driver Plugin, check if the LibreELEC drivers are selected and reboot. After that you should see the tuners in the Plugin.
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