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Everything posted by ich777

  1. It is tied to the specific Kernel versions. All the drivers that you see are built for the specific Kernel version that Unraid runs on. Exactly from somewhere is from here: Click (and if don't built it already and the Kernel version isn't found in the repo I added a fallback and then it is download from the LT servers itself because as said above LT builds always the latest version from the driver for the new Kernel version or better speaking Unraid release). Exactly, the Plugin checks on boot if it finds a newer version of the drivers if 'latest' is selected or it checks if the selected version is already downloaded and matches the current Kernel version. If that fails it will download the new preferred version, if that also fails (because I don't built the drivers that quick) it will check if a driver is available on the LT servers and download the latest one from there and finally installs the drivers and enable them. Please note that this will change in the near future so that the version(s) will be already available when the new Unraid version is released and this is only a temporary solution for now.
  2. No, if you change the path inside the template so that it matches your configuration it won't change automatically. EDIT: To what path did you set it?
  3. Please read this post: You have to start the container with an empty 'ConfigFile' Variable otherwise txAdmin won't load, also you don't have to fill in +set txAdminPort 40120 you only have to add the Port like in the linked post above.
  4. Exactly. In my templates it is not possible that it changed autmoatically. I do it that way because some applications inside Docker containers needs the "real" path to the directory where the files in otherwise they won't work and I also won't change that in my templates. As said above it is very unlikely that this path is reseted out of nowhere because I have disabled to auto update user templates in my templates if I change something in the main template. @Squid can you help here or imagine what changed the path?
  5. Probier das: #!/bin/bash currenIP="$(wget -qO- ipecho.net/plain)" filepath="/mnt/cache/myip.txt" if [ ! "$(cat $filepath | tail -5 | grep ${currentIP})" ]; then echo "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')" ${currentIP} >> ${filepath} fi Nur kurz zur Erklärung: if holt sich die letzten 5 Einträge deiner myip.txt Datei mittels tail und prüft dann mittels grep ob diese gefunden wird mittels grep und das ganze wird umgekehrt durch ! am Anfang sprich: Wenn einer der letzten 5 Einträge in deiner Datei myip.txt nicht gleich der aktuellen IP ist dann schreibe die aktuelle IP in die myip.txt hinzu. (die letzten 5 Einträge deswegen weil es durchaus möglich sein kann das du nach einer Woche oder ein paar Tagen wieder die gleiche IP hast die du schon mal gehabt hast und die würde dann nicht geschrieben werden wenn du einfach blind nach der IP suchen würdest, kannst 5 auch mit 3 oder so tauschen wenn du noch weniger prüfen willst oder sich deine IP nur selten ändert) Bei meinem Script füge ich dann noch den Datum hinzu am Anfang damit du siehst wann das war, Uhrzeit finde ich hier ein wenig übertrieben. Hoffe das ergibt Sinn. EDIT: Du kannst es auch zusätzlich ins syslog schreiben nur damit du siehst was er so macht... currenIP="$(wget -qO- ipecho.net/plain)" filepath="/mnt/cache/myip.txt" if [ ! "$(cat $filepath | tail -5 | grep ${currentIP})" ]; then logger "Writing current public IP: ${currentIP} to myip.txt" echo "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')" ${currentIP} >> ${filepath} else logger "Nothing to do, current public IP: ${currentIP} hasn't changed." fi
  6. Eventually, in my case I haven't specified a port and it worked just fine where my ISP doesn't support connections over port 25. That's really strange and interesting, because I also only use v4 and it is working without a problem. No pressure on that, really appreciate the responses and the updates about your findings.
  7. ich777


    Hast du deine Nvidia Karte auch richtig zum Container durchgereicht? Hast du eine Device in deinem Container Template durchgereicht die /dev/dri heißt bzw. evtl. in den Extra Parameters eingetragen? Wenn ja dann entferne sie. Du hast doch eine AMD APU und Plex unterstützt soweit ich weiß AMD APU's noch nicht, wenn dann müsstest du die Nvidia GPU durchreichen für Transcoding (du hast ja schließlich auch das Nvidia Plugin drauf.
  8. Please read this for more information (try my best to build the packages as quick as possible but this time something prevented the automatic upload of the packages):
  9. Can you eventually try to use a different mail provider, just for testing purposes. Eventually you have a Gmail account or something similar. In my case 'sendemail' detected that it has to use port 587 and STARTLS and sent the mail successfully.
  10. The packages are all up now, they where built automatically but haven't uploaded automatically, have to investigate why... Please also look at the second post of this thread there will be updates for which version the Drivers are built already.
  11. Sorry seen your post just now. That should be possible but you have to create the assignment by hand, like in the tutorial you linked. Or do you mean the UI? The UI is more or less in Beta...
  12. This is just pretty normal, like @SimonF said, since I have to rebuild the packages. The reason why it's displaying it like that is because I also have built in a fallback so that the latest driver is always downloaded from the LT servers (LT builds only the latest version) so the driver installation won't fail on boot and cause the Plugin to error out if my packages aren't built yet. When the drivers are available in my repo then the drivers are display on the WebUI or better speaking if you wait for at least 6 or 8 hours (I try to minimize the time but something haven't prevented the automatic upload to my repo after building the packages) after a new release of Unraid the other versions of the driver should be be built already and your preferred version is installed on boot, hope this makes sense to you. The UI relies completely on my repository otherwise this would be a complete mess... The update process and build process will change with the next releases of Unraid and everything should be already available when you upgrade. Try to go to the UI once more and you should see that now all versions are available. This might be because the fallback kicked in. EDIT:
  13. Then it has to be something different even if the old drivers aren't working... Eventually it's hardware related.
  14. Yes, I thought it would be also somehow possible to hand the audio over to a device that is passed through but after thinking again that can't work. I will look into this ASAP.
  15. Was sagt 'which emcmd'? Evtl. wird grad ein anderes Kommando ausgeführt und du bekommst den Status zurück. emcmd ist doch auch nur ein wrapper oder täusche ich mich da?
  16. I could theoretically make a plugin for this but I have to look into this since 'SOUND' isn't enabled for Unraid. Is this enough for QEMU to make it work or that what you want? Also shouldn't it be possible to emulate sound and give it back to the passed through Graphics Card with integrated HDMI audio (if you do it like that)? I have to look this all up because I'm not really into QEMU.
  17. The problem here is that I have to compile QEMU from source and I don't know how QEMU is compiled exactly for Unraid and since I don't wan't to break something I can't do this easily... I tried it once and it compiled just fine but some VM's on my Dev machine won't fire up after installing my custom QEMU build since I'm pretty sure I don't compiled it with the right flags and options to work with Unraid. I'm also looking for a way to compile QEMU with GL support since I'm currently looking into Intel GVT-g and this has a really big potential for HW accelerated VM's with vGPU's (for example iGPU's). Currently the VM's run with HW accelerated Video if you use it over RDP or Parsec and you feel the difference that they have a "real" graphics card attached to them but the GL support for QEMU is missing and so I can't get SPICE with MESA EGL, QEMU Display,... not to work. Eventually @eschultz can help here. 😃 I think they are planing to release ARM support if I'm not mistaken for quite some time but I think that there are some heavy modifications to the GUI needed otherwise this is all command line only or in terms of Unraid XML editing only. The build options for QEMU would be really nice but I also understand that they (as a company) don't give it to us since you can do very bad things with it and if something isn't working the support for it can be very "frustrating" if the user does not tell them in the first place that something custom is installed. I will definitely look into QEMU again but currently my time is very limited... EDIT: Eventually I should rename the container from "Unraid-Kernel-Helper" to "Something-For-everyone"...
  18. Ja weil die Druckdateien wo anders liegen die du hochlädst... Die werden in der Octoprint datenbank angelegt und dann mehr oder weniger in das richtige Verzeichnis "einsotiert". Warum mountest du überhaupt einen Ordner dort hin? Die werden doch über das Webinterface hochgeladen. Mach mal einen issue auf Github das deine Dateien immer verloren gehen nach einen Docker update bzw. neu erstellen obwohl der bind mount drin ist.
  19. Also ich hab mir dein Template und seins mal angesehen, die Pfade dürfte er eigentlich nicht automatisch abändern da du ja seinen angepasst hast. Das Problem sehe ich eher hier: Du darfst diese variable nicht löschen, was du ja in deinem screenshot gemacht hast, lösch lieber deine MK3s variable wenn die ursprüngliche wieder auftaucht. EDIT: Das mit dem Wizard kann ich dir auch nicht beantworten, das sollte eigentlich nicht passieren, denn selbst wenn mal ein update von dem Docker kommt dann hast du das gleiche Problem.
  20. I think you got another game server running with that port allocated, the easiest thing would be to change the Query port to 27016 like this in the template: After that delete the Port entry that is named 'UDP Steam' and create a new one like this: After that you should be able to start the container, if you don't have any other conflicting ports. (Keep in mind that you have to do it that way and that it isn't enough to simply change the Port entry named 'UDP Steam' to 27016 because game server ports don't like it if they are translated to another port and you are eventually not able to connect) I think so, keep an eye on this. Also please report back what happens over time if more things in the world are built and changed when the world size grows, I think the file size of the world is bound to the RAM usage, but as said, could be wrong about that...
  21. @giganode can you help here please?
  22. The sensors are working in Windows for example, the problem is that some newer features break things for other "older" cards in nvidia-smi and that's it... I think you know what I mean... Nvidia...
  23. Not deprecating... Think of the GTX1050Ti's, at least some of them, they work perfect about a year ago and reported everything in nvidia-smi and then after a driver update the power reading was broken, that's actually a problem with a lot of cards these days...
  24. Eventually the card doesn't support all outputs, some drivers break the compatibility with some cards...
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