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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Du hast nix falsch gemacht, kann es sein das dein monitor evtl zu langsam is? Sprich wenn er die refresh rate vom BIOS screen ändert? Das timeout ist standardmäßig auf 5sek eingestellt. Du kannst aber auch wenn du im Main tab bist in Unraid auf die Blaue schrift bei Flash klickst kannst du wenn du ein wenig weiter runter scrollst mit den radio buttons aussuchen wie du Unraid booten willst und dann ganz unten mit Apply speichern. Danach ein restart und du solltest im gewünschten modus sein.
  2. This should be fixed now, also it would be nice if you tell me things like that next time so I can actually fix it. No, no changelog whatsoever. Valheim is one of the few containers where I did custom things like Valheim Plus or BepInEx, the Backup and the Update because this game is such a pretty alpha state. Normally I don't need a changelog because I only keep the containers running. The next time the developers of Valheim Plus change anything that breaks the function of the container I will drop it because it's not worth the effort for me to keep it runing with Valheim Plus, the most updates where bacause of Valheim Plus...
  3. I don't understand... The container checks on every start/restart if there is a newer version of the game itself and when enabled of Valheim+ is available and downloads it, please open the log from the container and scroll a little up and you will see which version of Valheim+ is installed. EDIT: I implemented an automatic backup function and also an update check function for the game if you have both enabled (by default the backup function will take backups every 61 minutes and keep the last 24 of them and the update check will restart the container if a newer version is found, this check is executed every 60 minutes).
  4. Theoretisch, momentan kann ich aktuell auf meinem 10600 2 vGPU's machen aber ich experimentier nur damit rum momentan... Naja wenn sie in der VM verwendet wird kann das nicht funktionieren... Ich kann dir nur sagen wenn du sie einer VM zuweist und Plex transcodiert beispielsweise gerade fällt die GPU aus Plex raus und wird exklusiv für die VM verwendet, kann aber auch passieren das sich Unraid als ganzes erhängt. Hab auch schon Berichte gehabt das sich Unraid aufhängt wenn die VM an ist und man versucht in Plex einen Transcode zu starten. Kann sogar der Fall sein wenn die VM an ist und du den Container startest das sich Unraid erhängt. Auf jeden Fall rate ich jedem davon ab seine Nvidia GPU gleichzeitig für einen Container und für eine VM zu reservieren bzw. zuzuweisen.
  5. Die Treiber lädt er deswegen das der Stromverbrauch der Karte runter geht soweit ich weiß und er wird speziell mal den persistence mode aktivieren in Unraid schätze ich oder (sorry hab mir das Video nicht angesehen, fehlt momentan ein bisschen die Zeit, Familie geht vor)? EDIT: Aber sobald der die VM anschaltet ist die GPU von Unraid weg. Momentan nur mit meinem GVT-g Plugin (ist noch nicht released und noch ein wenig buggy - nicht falsch verstehen es ist vollständig funktionsfähig nur muss die vGPU entfernt und wieder neu hinzugefügt werden) möglich und auf Intel Platform aber es funktioniert.
  6. As I said, I never had a single problem... And I will stick to BTRFS since I never had a single problem wirth it. No, this is a VM that only builds the containers and uploads them to Dockerhub so I can build very quickly and very much containers at the same time...
  7. Are you really sure that you forwarded all ports with the right protocol?
  8. In all my templates (at least in the ones that I don't forget to set it... ) the settings are never automatically changed and everything is up to the user... Eventually because the template had the option to update itself in it to update itself (this is what I try to avoid and my containers or at least templates should not do that).
  9. I think this is the template from the other container if I remember correctly... You should be able to switch easily to my container template. Also my container isn't that long around, I think I created it somewhere around last November...
  10. This is not my container, there where a container in the CA App that was also from dperson but not created by me and I think that is the container you are running... Please look in the CA App how my template looks like.
  11. Yes, it should be resolved... What was your issue exactly? Nvidia or intel? To what device is the screen connected if you got more rhan one gpu in your system?
  12. As said had never problems and can say the same about BTRFS as you said about ZFS... Back in the times I also hosted about 4 VM's on the BTRFS pool and they where all running fine but now I switched completely to Docker containers and only got one VM running and this VM has a whole NVMe drive passed through for building my Docker containers.
  13. I never got a single problem with BTRFS in the default RAID1 configuration, but please keep in mind that everything beyond RAID5 is experimental in BTRFS terms.
  14. Can you connect to the server? What is not working? If you change it to host it wouldn't change much. I run two TS3 servers on my server and got no problems whatsoever.
  15. Can you try to update the container and then create a variable like this and the container or better speaking lucky backup should start as root:
  16. This is a really strange issue eventually @Cyd can help but I don't think that the container can mess up your whole network.
  17. Yes this is a standard behaviour or at least how the manufacturer of the card implemented it in the BIOS of the card itself, some need some kind of load after booting up the server so that they detect that they can now idle others do this by default. You can also switch on persistence mode but this would be the last thing I would do since Nvidia already announced that they will drop this feature some time in the future.
  18. Der fehler wird am laufwerk gespeichert den bekommst du nicht weg, tud dem betrieb aber nichts zur sache wenn du kabel getauscht hast. Evtl war das kabel schuld oder eine defekte backplane.
  19. Thank you for testing! Is it enough to implement this in the next few days, we are having a bigger internet outage now and I really can't do any real 'work'. I will report back as soon as I got a fix.
  20. Probier mal das BIOS zurückzusetzen aber behalt im hinterkopf das bei so server geschichten die einstellungen meist ein wenig komplexer sind. Kann auch sein das bei deinem board irgend ein LACP oder irgend so etwas in die richtung eingestellt ist. Wenn er keine IP hat wird das schwierig, einfach mal versuchen. Localhost sollte funktionieren.
  21. Yes, I've looked into this but this is not doable very easily and I've given up on this. I think the easiest way would be to create a second Container with another Name and another path to the GameFiles and leave all the other sattings as they are. So you can switch between them, but keep in mind if you do it like that only one container can run at a time because the ports are the same. Or you can create a second Container with the above modifications and modify the port too so that you can both servers side by side but that involves a little bit more to be done also in terms of port forwarding. You have to replace localhost with the IP from your server.
  22. Exactly the only difference is that the main folder and everything is located in your appdata directory in the scp folder.
  23. I never configured a SCP server, but I think that there must be a subfolder with cfg or scp/cfg where the setting files are. Please search for something like "configure SCP dedicated server" and you will find much documentation on this.
  24. Ist das der onboard RAID controller? Wenn ja und der gleich zum P420i ist dann solltest du dir mal mein 'hpsahba' Plugin von der CA App ansehen und dann diesen Thread besuchen: Dort gibts eine genaue Anleitung was zu machen ist.
  25. You have to create it or at least copy it and rename it if there is nothing there. Hope that makes sense, I would first try to connect through your local IP and then port forward everything and see if it works from outside and then configure the server.
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