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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Please go to your Plugin page and look if you have the tab Plugin Errors if the Nvidia Plugin is there remove it and then try to redownload it from the CA App. Does your server has a active internet connection on boot or do your run anything on the server that eventually doesn't let it connect to the internet like PiHole or a Firewall in a VM? The plugin has a 30 second built in timeout if there is no internet connection available so this shouldn't be the problem. Can you do this once more? Install the Plugin and then reboot and SSH into it and do a 'cp /var/log/syslog /mnt/user/appdata/' (this will copy the current syslog in your 'appdata' directory. And after that can you post this syslog here? Are you sure that the Nvidia Plugin is the main problem here, I even don't see something about Nvidia in the syslog nor do I see the Plugin installed. DVB is the last thing I see that wants to install but I don't see a Plugin in your diagnostics. Something strange is happening on your system... But I think we can solve this... Also I see you are booting to GUI mode, is the monitor attached to the P2000 I think?
  2. Eventually it's the backup that got stuck but can't really tell if this is the case... From what I've see in the screenshot the Valheim server should not be the problem because it only consumes about 1,4GB of your system memory, eventually it got stuck because it had to less memory left... Have you a VM spun up or something that reserves a lot of memory?
  3. Exactly, but please be also sure to build it with the gnif/vendor-reset patch (please also note that if you want to use it in VM's I don't think the GPU Statistics will work if it's currently used by a VM). If you only plan to use it for Docker containers then you can also use the stock unRAID builds and install the Plugin from the CA App. Can you post a screenshot?
  4. I don't know but it don't have to be Valheim, have you tried to connect to the Valheim Server? Have you noticed that you also running out of RAM and this can cause the problem too? 13,2GB from 13,7GB are used (btw. the 10% for Valheim are just normal should be about 1.4 GB) It's also eating up some resources and on my system but I have 12 threads instead of your 4 threads.
  5. I would at least stick to one btrfs volume for the containers: The question is what you want to do with Unraid, as a Cold/Hot storage system it is perfect for me (Cold: Array - slow copy speed but houses all the data that I don't use on a daily basis | Hot: Cache Pool(s) - normal copy speed and data for selected shares that are not used on a daily basis can be automatically transferred over to the Array on a scheduled interval or have also the option for selected shares that you leave it on the Cache).
  6. Have you got a active internet connection on boot? Does this happen on every reboot or have you upgraded Unraid itself? Can you please post your Diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drop the downloaded file here in the textbox)? EDIT: Are you sure that the Plugin is not in the Plugin Error tab on the Plugin page?
  7. I'm not completely sure how that works for that "mod" but it should be possible in the container, but as said, haven't got much time these days... The inventory should be somewhere in the worlds folder I think... But glad to hear that it works again.
  8. I'll test the RX480 in the evening and report back.
  9. Where did you save the job file? It is save to store the jobs in '/dirsyncpro/mycooljob.dsc' insidr the container. To what option is the Use Cache setting set where your dirsyncpro directory lives in the Share settings?
  10. Please read this post and the following two. I will change the template.
  11. If you click on Yes but it will throw an error that it can't delete the image bacause it's already in use by another container if you got a second instance of the comtainer installed. But in your case I would click on no.
  12. This is from octoprint.org: For now yes, you don't have to copy over the 'runtime' folder.
  13. @Joly0 & @Marshalleq any news on ZFS v2.0.4 and Docker? Is everything now working with the "new" version?
  14. Ich mach mal den Anfang hier und markier gleich mal @Joly0 der hat auch ZFS am laufen, hab das leider nicht so am laufen. Kann dir aber nur sagen das ZFS im Zusammenspiel mit Docker auf Unraid sehr Buggy/Schwierig ist meines Wissens nach vor allem mit ZFS groößer v2.0.0
  15. Ja, oder einfach 'modprobe i915' oder einfach das Intel-GPU-TOP Plugin von der CA App drauf, ist im prinzip alles das gleiche. Das ist nur bei der methode notwendig mit dem file das erstellt wird.
  16. There you go: Click I usually don't support mods for the games itself since this would easily eat up all me spare time... From what I see the container should just work fine, I think you can't join because you only changed the host port and not the container port or am I wrong? Try the following: Stop the first non working container Save the world folder from your old server to your desktop (including nether,...) Delete the whole container from the first non working container from your appdata directory Start the non working container and let it create the world and everything Restart it once and it should work fine Then stop the container and copy over the world folder(s) that you saved in the 2nd step to the minecraft directory Edit the server.properties so that it matches the world name Start the container and (hopefully) it will load the world from step 2 You are using a MAC I think? Which editor do you use to edit the files (some mess up the format, note that this is not visible to the user). No, because nothing changed...
  17. Normally the server executable creates the necessary folders for it in the main directory, for example in the main directory for Spigot/Bukkit is a folder named 'plugins': I even don't know what that is... A quick google search brought me to a massive forum...
  18. The Xbox drivers are basically the same as the LibreELEC drivers, haven't got time to remove the Xbox option from the plugin but it will vanish soon... I don't think it's a driver issue, also wrote a PM to you.
  19. This game stutters all the time... even in single player...
  20. I don't think so because it will only use one core. Please keep in mind that Valheim is in early beta and there are some bugs in it for example if lots of people playing on it there can be much lag desynchronisations and so on... These are all known bugs and the developers try to fix them ASAP.
  21. Just for testing, you don't have to delete the old one. Just be sure to give it another name, serverpath and ports.
  22. Can you also give me a 'lspci -vv' when you are using the LibreELEC drivers and also the Diagnostics? The strange thing is that only the CI Interface is listed and not the addon cards with the DigitalDevices drivers. Yes and no, I can build it for you since this involves some tinkering with my Kernel Helper since I'm only allowing currently the newest driver to be built.
  23. Meinst du diesen Fehler? Der Fehler ist direkt im SMART auf der Platte gespeichert, den bekommst du nicht weg, ich hab mittelerweile auch 2 Platten bei denen das so ist, solange die Zahl nicht steigt ist alles gut, den Fehler kannst du ausblenden indem du auf den Blauen Text der Festplatte klickst und dann ein wenig runterscrollst und das deaktivierst (die Checkbox das Blau ist - Attribut 199): Würde dir aber nicht empfehlen die zu deaktivieren weil dann werden dir keine weitern Fehler gemeldet, ob du mit der "Fehler" anzeige leben kannst musst du entscheiden... sonst kannst dir nur eine neue Festplatte kaufen (da wie schon oben geschrieben der Fehler auf der Festplatte gespeichert ist, ein CRC error sollte auch nicht schlimm sein hat meistens was mit der Übertragung, also Kabel, zu tuhen und das entsprechende Paket wird auch nochmal geschickt das den CRC Error ausgelöst hat damals also ist es kein schlimmer Fehler).
  24. This is a completely different error, seems like the container can't access the file 'Oriath.jar'. I tried it now on a completely new instance from Minecraft and it works just fine: minecraft.log
  25. Yes. Are you sure that the hardware isn't the problem? Are these new tuners? Is the power connected properly to the tuners? Which version are the tuner? Have you updated the cards itself? See my screenshot above, all of my Cine C/T v6 are recognized and working just fine.
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