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Everything posted by ich777

  1. ich777

    Unifi Controller

    Klick mal auf das Logo und dann auf Log und kopier den ganzen Inhalt in eine Textdatei und zieh die dann hier in die Textbox. EDIT: Warte mal du hast "host" Netzwerk ausgewählt warum? Der Controller hat doch normalerweise Bridge oder?
  2. Warum reicht ihr nicht gleich den ganzen HBA durch? Bitte wenn du schon einen Doppelpost im Deutschen und im Englischen Bereich machst dann füge auch dort deine XML hinzu. Hast du deine xml schon mal nach "0x1b" durchsucht bzw hast du das schon gesehen: <memballoon model='virtio'> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x1b' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/> </memballoon>
  3. If it works from your local network then it has to be something with the port forwarding. Also haven't you said you configured something for public access in the template? What have you changed? A screenshot from the template would be nice.
  4. If you can connect through your local IP then it's a problem with the forwarding itself. Have you made sure that your ISP doesn't block UDP port forwarding or have you other UDP port forwarding that are currently working? With which IP:PORT do you try to connect to the server in the steam server browser? A log output would be helpfull if the container actually downloaded the files, if the download fails the container stops and tells you in the log to disable it and restart it without the true option. You also have to have the same configurations on the client as on the host if you use Valheim Plus. No, if you set ValheimPlus or BepInEx to true all the necessary things are done by the container and I can confirm that they are working.
  5. I don't use pfSense anymore but from what I remember you also can set a port range at "Destination Port" at "From" type in '2456' and at "To" '2458' this will open all three ports at once. And "Redirect target port" has to be the frist port of the "Destination Port" and pfSense will automatically forward the other ports in the range. I'm not 100% sure if NAT reflection is correctly setup like in your screenshot.
  6. Don't open those ports!!!!!!!!! THIS IS A COMPLETE SECURITY RISK!!!!!! You can connect to your local IP or am I wrong? If you can't connect to your external IP something is wrong with the port forwarding. Have you already tried to connect from an external source?
  7. This is wrong and an automatically created site. Actually it would do nothing if you forward TCP because the container only has the forwardings for UDP in it. PLEASE DON'T OPEN PORTS THAT YOU DON'T NEED/USE SINCE THIS IS A SECURITY RISK! Plex works a little different.
  8. @Flippo Thank you for the great Plugin! Would it be eventually possible to integrate espurna: Github? He also has a neat little RESTAPI that you can get data from: Click
  9. Can you try it also from an external source? Eventually NAT reflection or something isn't working from your internal network. Are you also sure that your ISP doesn't block certain ports? Yes/No, Valheim Plus is a "Modpack" that uses BepInEx as a modloader. BepInEx is a tool that allows you to load other mods too (integrated it because ValheimPlus often does interfere with other mods).
  10. There should be nothing to change since it's already configured for public connections and with a default password. Only set it to 'true' and the container will download the files needed for BepInEx, no additional files needed. Please read the second recommended post on the top of this thread and try it through the Steam Server Browser. Also please make sure that you turned on NAT reflection in pfSense. Like @Nanobug said it takes sometimes a little bit to show up in the in game server list.
  11. No should not be an issue, just make sure that you don't block the access to Github in AdGuard. Please report back, it should hopefully work, if not please post the Diagnostics again (since these are individual on every reboot).
  12. Have you now changed the DNS server from the server? Nice, thank you!
  13. Yes please delete the two plugins with the 'Delete' button and then install first the Nvidia and then the GPU Statistics plugin (you can already do that with the running Parity Check). And PiHole or something like that is not running on your Unraid box? Have you the Diagnostics for me so I can look into why it won't install or at least the syslog from this boot?
  14. From what I see in your diagnostics, yes: '/mnt/user/system/docker/docker.img' Try to restart the server once and see if the Docker service comes back online. If not, stop the Docker service, then click on 'Delete Image' and click 'Apply' (this will only delete the Docker containers but not your settings) and after that creat a new image, but I would recommend that you use the 'Directory' option and give it it's own path (the Directory option actually saves space because it doesn't creates a image it creates a directory where all the files are instead like in a .img file). After that try to start the Docker service again and go to the Docker page, you should see an empty page, click on 'Add Container' and then on the drop down where it says 'Select a template' (there are all your templates in the section [ User Templates ] with all your settings in). Simply create one by one and you should be up and running again.
  15. Ich nehme mal an du sprichst von Android wenn du Google Play und Samsung schreibst. Ich selbst benutze den Cx Datei Explorer, mit dem kannst du mittels SMB, FTP, WebDav,... auf deinen Server zugreifen und Dateien kopieren, löschen, vom/zum Handy übertragen,... Wenn du nicht zu Hause bist kannst du dich mit OpenVPN, ZeroTier, Wireguard,... in dein lokales Netz verbinden und auch normal wie wenn du zu Hause wärst verbinden. Zum Automatischen sync nutze ich jedoch Nextcloud da du in der Nextcloud App Ordner auf deinem Handy, Benutzerdefiniert, automatisch (wenn du zB im WLAN bist und das Handy zum aufladen anschließt) synchronisieren kannst.
  16. Can you post your Diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drag the file here into the textbox)? Is it now working?
  17. Are you sure that the image is now corrupt? At the first look, I don't see anythin suspicious. If you are using the docker.img I would strongly recommend to switsching over to a directory/folder. The image was in use or the port on your proxynet? Can you post a screenshot from your template from Jellyfin?
  18. Does this affect the function of the cards itself? As said above this could or is most likely a problem with the cable between your satellite dish and the cards itself.
  19. Which drivers are you using? Are the tuners properly grounded? It seems like there is some kind of problem with the cable itself or the connections. Does this affect the function of the cards (stutters, or something similar)? Does this only happen on tuners #4, #5, #7? If so are these physical connections?
  20. Simply no, because it runs on the bare metal but isolated... In a Docker, on a VM yes.
  21. Okay, dann darfst dich aber nicht wundern wenn du dann mal einen Docker hast der nicht funktioniert... Das Problem ist einfach das ZFS noch nicht nativ von Unraid unterstütz wird.
  22. You can also set a path/directory instead of a docker.img, in my opinion the better choice... Thank you than something messed up your docker.img I think...
  23. @mgutt Nur so nebenbei kann man von schalfenden Platten einen SMART report bekommen? Glaub nicht oder? Da müsste die Platte jedes mal anfahren oder täusche ich mich da?
  24. There you go: root@Development:~# sensors amdgpu-pci-0400 -j 2>errors { "amdgpu-pci-0400":{ "Adapter": "PCI adapter", "vddgfx":{ "in0_input": 0.750 }, "fan1":{ "fan1_input": 676.000, "fan1_min": 0.000, "fan1_max": 3700.000 }, "edge":{ "temp1_input": 27.000, "temp1_crit": 94.000, "temp1_crit_hyst": -273.150 }, "power1":{ "power1_average": 8.206, "power1_cap": 127.000 } } }
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