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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Erwünscht auf jeden Fall, neuer Thread wäre das beste, bitte evtl. Hidden posten damit sich das vorher nochmal wer ansehen kann und freigibt bzw. dir auch noch Rückmeldung gibt (ich lese OSCAM).
  2. Can you share a screenshot from you Docker template, something must be wrong there, have you changed any ports or something else? Glad to hear that it works now!
  3. Please don't put in Steam credentials if the aren't marked with a red asterisk (*) in the template. You have to enable the console on your game client in Steam and issue the command from the in game console, when you are connected to the server, here is how you do that: Click You have to be also admin on the server, here you can find how you give a user admin rights: Click
  4. Have you enabled the autoupdate within the container? If not please restart the container then it should update (my containers update the game on every start/restart of the container through SteamCMD), mine, with the auto update enabled, did the update about 8 hours ago. Here is the part from the log where it updated: UPDATE CHECK: ---New version of Valheim found, restarting and updating server in 10 seconds--- ---Checking if UID: 99 matches user--- usermod: no changes ---Checking if GID: 100 matches user--- usermod: no changes ---Setting umask to 000--- ---Checking for optional scripts--- ---No optional script found, continuing--- ---Starting...--- ---Update SteamCMD--- Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/serverfiles/Steam/logs/stderr.txt' [ 0%] Checking for available updates... [----] Verifying installation... Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation -- type 'quit' to exit -- Loading Steam API...OK. Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK Waiting for user info...OK ---Update Server--- Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/serverfiles/Steam/logs/stderr.txt' [ 0%] Checking for available updates... [----] Verifying installation... Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation -- type 'quit' to exit -- Loading Steam API...OK. Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK Waiting for user info...OK Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0) Update state (0x1) running, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0) Warning: failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 98.05 (795715936 / 811503124) Success! App '896660' fully installed. And here a screenshot:
  5. No problem here: I can connect and it works without a problem.
  6. Keep in mind that you have go through the build script line by line or at least condition by condition for everything you need.
  7. You can add everything you want to the images, simply enable the 'Custom Build' mode and the container will stop right at the beginning and copy the build script to the specified appdata directory for the container and you can open up a console and do everything step by step and include whatever you want.
  8. The drivers are not compatible with the Quadro 2000 only the Pascal based Quadro P2000. The Quadro 2000 won't work for accelerating your Docker Containers since the nvidia-container-tools needs a card that is from the production branch or from the new feature branch, you can see a full list here: Click (if you click on one of the drivers from the two branches and then click on "SUPPORTED PRODUCTS" you can get a full list what cards are compatible).
  9. Then something is wrong with your configuration since bot use port 27015 and you can't run them at the same time or have you assigned static IP's to the containers?
  10. But not when running Chivalry at the same time or am I wrong? The log looks fine, have you changed anything in the template. I will look into this tomorrow and try to setup the container on my server.
  11. I will look into it ASAP and try to sopve this... Eventually it's a permission problem.
  12. Bitte probier mal einen anderen USB port aus und probier den legacy boot mode aus.
  13. I made this because of a reason. Eventually the mods are causing this, I really can't tell if this is the problem.
  14. Do you got the log open in another window for that container or do you have turned on the advanced view, if so please close the window in the first place or disable the advanced view, this has strictly speaking kothing to do with the container. Keep in mind that this is why the container is marked as beta because I run it through WINE simply because there is no linux dedicated server available and that such a behaviour is expected. This is a browser thing as mentioned above and has nothing to do with the container. Until now I don't get such errors and the server runs just fine, have you changed anything special in the config or the template?
  15. Keep in mind every application is different and every application needs eventually it's own custom "things" so that it will run in a container. So a write up could be really difficult and I have a few containers in the CA App that I try to keep up and running and give support for them.
  16. Like the description says, simply restart the container and it should update itself. Also as said above it is not a good idea that a plugin changes another plugin.
  17. As @tjb_altf4 said, the Passed Through switch within UnassignedDevices should solve this "issue", also you should always use this switch wether the disk is passed through to a VM, iSCSI is using this device or something else.
  18. Can you contact @Spectral Force about that? He also has a Discord server for that: https://discord.gg/VwwYA5h Have you eventually set the Validation variable in the container to 'true' if so please leave it empty and try again. EDIT: The file shouldn't be overwritten every time the container is started, have you changed anything in the template? Eventually keep me updated here in the thread what I can change to solve this after you contacted @Spectral Force or joined his Discord about that.
  19. This is a container basically for me where I build stuff in it or let scripts run, for example new versions of the nvidia-contianer-runtimes are built in there but that is only one of many things I do with it. Yes, I run basically every GUI application through the base image, I've wrote you a PM.
  20. You have two ways, you can use x11vnc as backend or TurboVNC, both are available in the contianer. For example if you want to use x11vnc look at the Chromium container or if you want to use TurboVNC then look at the Firefox container. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
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