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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Nope, nothing in your logs. Anyways, please remove this line immediately from your syslinux.conf and reboot: acpi_enforce_resources=lax First of all this is really dangerous to your hardware and secondly that is not necessary with the IT87 plugin at all because it works completely differently! If that issue persists after you removed that line I would recommend that you create a post in the Dynamix Autofan plugin support thread.
  2. I hope my translation software is correct... Don't use insmod in the first place, insmod has in my opinion a completely different use case and you should not use it on Unraid since Unraid even doesn't. I recommend using modprobe instead because modprobe is able to detect and insert modules which are maybe needed for the module that you want to insert which insmod does not automatically do. However I haven't gone through the complete repository that you've linkend since I can't read most of that. If you've compiled the module yourself make sure you do a `depmod -a` first and then do a modrpobe.
  3. Is the container running? What is the output from the log?
  4. Nein ich glaube um LXC und dort ist es auch möglich.
  5. Then please take a look here (that's exactly the same that I've already linked). It's right there and I assume you know where your game files are on your server.
  6. Sorry, I didn't create that and I only can recommend that you reach out to 0xFoxx because over on GitHub. He issued a Pull Request to my repo to add the documentation, maybe you can comment on GitHub in the Pull Request and tag him. I can't help here much because I have no Qnap NAS on hand to test. However if you don't have anything in there the chances are high that you NAS is not supported or has a newer not supported chip, but I could be wrong about that since I don't know how these NAS work.
  7. ? What have you done? Where is the quote from? I'm not sure if that is a quote from my documentation.
  8. Do you have Diagnostics or anything? Is it even related to any of my plugins? Anyways I don‘t think that I can change that.
  9. Du müsstest mich bitte immer quoten, ich sehe nicht immer überall rein und folge allen Threads sonst würde ich kein Leben mehr haben. Bin aber froh das du es gefunden hast...
  10. Weil es am Host geladen werden muss und geladen sein muss. Welcher? Ich habe mich mit USBIP in LXC noch nicht beschäftigt und mir fehlt momentan auch die Zeit dazu muss ich zugeben.
  11. Danke @saber1 Auf der letzten Seite vom Support Thread hab ich glaub ich wie das mit dem template von PiHole funktionieren würde verlinkt. Die Implementierung in die CA App dauert noch ein wenig.
  12. Sorry aber ist das nicht over engineered? Warum installierst du dir nicht im LXC einfach USBIP und bindest dann dort die Geräte ein, das wäre doch viel, viel, viel einfacher... Du meinst über die WebGUI? Eigentlich sollte das keinen Unterschied machen weil die WebGUI macht einfach ein lxc-stop und dann ein lxc-start, hab ich aber ehrlich gesagt noch nie probiert.
  13. Ich würde noch immer empfehlen das ganze in einem LXC container aufzusetzen da es aus meiner Sicht viel einfacher ist und auch die Wartung vom container selbst euch überlassen ist, ist aber nur meine persönliche Meinung. Hab mittlerweile auch templates dafür damit man nur mehr ein "Image" zieht das so wie bei Docker vorgefertigt ist. ...egal ob AdGuard oder PiHole.
  14. Can you please answer questions to? And not only post screenshots? What is not working? I'm really lost helping you here because I have to figure out what exactly is not working instead of you telling me... Anyways I see in this screenshot that you've changed the UDP1 port, if you do it like that, it won't work: See the description from the port itself (this is also true for all other ports) : I see in that screenshot that you have specified no server password, have you yet tried to specify a server password and see if it consumes more CPU/RAM? Have you yet tried delete everything and leave everything as it is in the Docker template?
  15. Are you really sure that you are on the latest version from the container? I've pushed an update a week ago or I think. It is working fine over here: Please also see this post (you maybe have to delete BeamMP-Server in your server directory) :
  16. You can because all my components at home turn off power based on that, if the power is lower than n amount of Watt for n amount of minutes then turn off device x <- nothing more to it. If you do it like that you even don't need a complicated timer in Homeassistant, just make sure you set the n amount of minutes to something like 5 or 10
  17. Why not connect a power meter (that is integrated into Homeassistant) to the server that you are running the backup on and let the script turn off the server after 10 minutes after it finished, then Homeassistant can check after two hours if the power is lower than 3W so that it can power off the machine or leave it on if it's greater than 3W and try again in one hour.
  18. In your screenshots I don't see the container where I can see how much RAM and CPU it uses, go to your Docker page and enable Advanced View in the top right corner. If the container does not restart and uses about 14GB of RAM it is running, the first startup can take quite some time so please be patient and be sure to tick the right boxes when you search it in the server browser.
  19. Then it has something to do with your routing. If it's a simple network check again the ports and the protocol in your router, otherwise it can't be much else. That's what I was talking about. Exactly, to match your config, look for example at the pinned post on top of this thread for Valheim (where you have to set a variable for the port and not change the config) and then create a new port entry if you want to change the port.
  20. Listen on EOS has to be true if you want your server listed in the server browser. BTW, have you read the description about changing ports in the configuration that you also have to delete the old ports in the template and create new ones? I'm not 100% sure but if you set secure, don't you also have to set a password?
  21. Unraid nutzt cgroup v2 nicht cgroup v1 also müsste es heißen (im support Thread ist das jetzt mittlerweile veraltet da früher cgroupv1 verwendet wurde und mit der umstellung auf 6.11.0 dann cgroupv2 als Standard gesetzt wurde) : lxc.cgroup2.devices.allow = ... Hab die posts im support thread mal angepasst. Bei deinen Beispielen musst du sicherstellen wenn ud den container normal startest das auch der Pfad vorhanden ist wo deine mounts hinzeigen weil nur die Datei selbst erstellt wird. Du kannst deinen container auch im "Vordergrund" von einem Unraid Terminal aus starten und dann siehst was nicht passt bzw. bekommst du eine Fehlermeldung warum er nicht startet: lxc-start -F <CONTAINERNAME> Beim mir hier läuft zB Homeassistant komplett im LXC und bin wesentlich zufriedener als mit den Docker container die verfügbar sind, der Zigbee Stick bei mir hängt an einem RockPi E auf dem Zigbee2MQTT läuft und das wird wiederum in Homeassistant eingebunden.
  22. Sorry but I really don't understand what you are trying to accomplish and I think you maybe overthinking what you want or need. Why not make a timeout form 10 minutes at the end (or maybe 5 if you are more comfortable with that) and abort the script when you want to run the server as usual. I'm not really sure what you want to do since this seems like a unique issue that you have to solve on your own I think.
  23. Can you please share a bit more details about your setup and how that you set up the containers and if you changed anything in the templates? Screenshots from the templates? You configurations? ...? Maybe lets start with Valheim or V-Rising Without that it's really hard to troubleshoot. Exactly.
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