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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I can't reproduce this over here, everything is working as it should and the container is showing up in the server list after about two minutes after starting the container.
  2. Sorry but I don't accept any container requests anymore because I have now almost 200 apps in the CA App.
  3. But please don't forget to unset validate since this will slow down the server start significantly...
  4. These ports are not necessary. Are you sure that you've also selected to show password protected servers and set all options correctly? Do you have any geoblocking in place?
  5. Yes, but in your case it can't because your iGPU is blacklisted. Please remove the file /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf and reboot your system. The plugin is just the application intel_gpu_top and makes sure that your iGPU is enabled (of course only when the iGPU is not blacklisted).
  6. I think he was talking about the plugin itself (please also read the recommended post on top of this thread).
  7. No, because the container does that on it's own. This is hard to troubleshoot for me because there are to many variables involved, I just recently started my Valheim instance, it pulled the update just fine (since I haven't played in about a months), it started and I could connect because someone, I think on the previous page, needed information about Valheim+. This is most certainly a issue on your side and some users report it from time to time that the containers won't update but not that it always fails the update process. Just to name a few things that can be the cause of the issue: What is your DNS for the server Do you have a LAN Cache set up Does the server have exclusive access to the Internet Do you Unifi network gear Do you have any ad blocking somewhere on your network ...
  8. Please provide your Diagnostigs alongside with the file: /tmp/gpujson (or simply open up a terminal and issue: cat /tmp/gpujson)
  9. Yes, it's a bit hard to implement and it would be more beneficial to have a configuration page for LXC like it exists for Docker but that is in my opinion a bit overkill since a LXC container shouldn't be changed after you've set it up and also the configuration can get messed up really quick and you are presented with a non functional container if you change the wrong settings. My concern is that it causes more confusion then it solves, I hope you understand this... You could maybe use homarr, overseer,... even on Unraid set it up and link the services there so that you have one place to quickly access all your services without even needing to open Unraid. EDIT: Also a member recommended: Homepage (you'll find that also in the CA App). Hope that makes sense.
  10. I think you mean that Plex isn't transcoding correct? Please note that the GT710 is a pretty low end card and is only capable of transcoding h264 (AVC) and not h265 (HEVC), so this might be the issue here. Maybe look for something like a Nvidia T400 it is pretty low power, a recent card (Turing based), doesn't need external power and you can get it for pretty cheap.
  11. Can you please explain what the exact use case for this would be. I'm not really tempted to implement this because the dropdown will get longer and longer and longer and longer... This can get also pretty complicated quick in terms of the plugin and introduces other concerns (at least to me). Why not install something like homarr in the container, link that to the WebUI button and use that to get to your services (there are maybe also better alternatives out there then homarr)?
  12. Yes exactly, but please also read the recommended post on top of this thread!
  13. As you can see here you have a Code 79 XID error (like it was before): NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:01:00): 79, pid='<unknown>', name=<unknown>, GPU has fallen off the bus. (You can read more about that here in the table of possible causes) Sadly enough this error is a bit hard to troubleshoot since it can mean almost anything like: that you have a faulty card (frame buffer error), aerror in the PCI bus, issues with the power supply, a thermal issue or an issue with the driver (the last one is actually unlikely because on other systems the driver is working as expected since the plugin always uses the same driver package which is pre-compiled). Did you change anything in your system, a BIOS setting, added hardware or similar,...? Are you also sure that your power supply is still up to the task and can deliver enough juice to run the card properly (IIRC the last user had a faulty power supply)? Please also make sure that you enable Above 4G Decoding in your BIOS and Resizable Bar Support (if you have that option) in your BIOS. Have you yet tried to boot with UEFI instead of Legacy mode (don't forget to allow UEFI boot)? You could also try, if this is possible for you, to put the card in another system, install the driver and put some 3D load on it for half an hour and see if the card is working properly.
  14. I can't help here since nobody is interested in fixing this (not even AMD itself), I hate to say that but you are on your own, for a more detailed explanation head over to this conversation on L1 Forums (this post from gnif itself, the creator for the first vendor reset fix, is really eye opening and it really should open the eyes from everyone that AMD is not better than Nvidia). A few years ago I would have replied with something like that: "...AMD is not that far in terms of virtualization like Nvidia and you should better stick to Nvidia cards when utilizing virtualization..." nowadays I would more reply with something like: "...AMD learned nothing and you should if you plan to use the card for virtualization stick to Nvidia, so to speak sell your AMD card and buy Nvidia..." I'm usually not that harsh and I'm far from a Nvidia fanboy but it's the cold, (sad,) hard truth...
  15. Über welchen Befehl? Um was gehts hier genau? Der Post den ich dort zitiert habe ist nicht von mir. Bitte den Post ersteller anschreiben/quoten nicht mich, ich hab dieses Skript bis heute nicht getestet. Sorry ich schreib sowas nicht geren aber: Suchmaschine bemühen wäre das erste was ich tuhen würde.
  16. Sieh dir mal meine Antwort über deinem Post an, ist vermutlich das gleiche weil der die derzeitige Geschwindigkeit der Disk ausließt (was auch nicht falsch ist meiner Meinung nach).
  17. Please upgrade your Unraid version to 6.12.6 and if the issue persists please upload new Diagnostics after the error occurred from the latest Unraid version. You don't need to upload that since everything that I need is included in the Diagnostics.
  18. Hmmm... this is strange, did you change anything or did a BIOS update? So it's now "solved"?
  19. Usually you have to set this in the BIOS which GPU is the preferred one and then replug the cable from your monitor to the correct one after changing the setting in the BIOS. You don't need a second GPU for this scenario. It is possible to use the iGPU for Plex and for the display output/PiKVM. ...and if you are worried about giving up performance when doing it like that for transcoding for Plex, its negligible.
  20. I'm only providing base functionality and modding is up to the user, anyways, I've already posted here a possible solution to your question:
  21. For the Discovery, the installation was done properly from what I can see in your log. It should look something like this: Please make sure to open all the ports in your Router/Firewall with the corresponding protocol from the template.
  22. Oh sorry, I‘ve tried the wrong server. 😅 Sorry I lost track about which game you where talking about. For Wreckfest you have to forward the ports and make sure it‘s available through the Internet since otherwise it won‘t show up. After creating/startig the container you have to wait a few minutes that it is populated in the server list.
  23. Can you please share a bit more details on how you set up the container? Did you change anything in the template (Screenshot from the template)? What paths did you set in the template? To what is the share set in terms of primary storage where the game files are located? How much CPU and RAM does your container consume? (please note that I'm running that in the screenshot above on a 12 core processor - Intel i5-10600) Please note that the first server start can take a while even after downloading the game files. On what hardware are you trying to run the container? I've now tried it and in the log you should get some kind of this output (please ignore the errors, on most game servers they are perfectly fine and the developers did not strip them out properly):
  24. See here: https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/release-notes/6.12.4/#fix-for-macvlan-call-traces
  25. Bitte beachtet hier das Unraid Linux unterliegend nutzt und das Linux zuerst in den RAM schreibt und dann wenn der dirty cache voll ist dann wird der cache geleert und erst auf die Festplatte geschrieben, ich weiß aber auch nicht ob die WebGUI bzw. der Filemanager das richtige Tool zum testen ist. Probier mal eine Datei auf den Server per SMB zu schieben und dann sieh am Main tab nach, dort wirst du dann sehen auch wenn er schon über das Netzwerk kopiert das du noch keine Writes auf der Platte hast, wenn der "dirty cache" voll ist dann wird der geleert (sprich auf die disk geschrieben) <- wenn du eine NVME oder SSD nutzt dann kopiert der viel schneller als über SMB weil er einfach den dirty cache vom RAM leert und direkt auf die Festplatte schreibt. Hoffe das macht Sinn für euch.
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