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Everything posted by NewDisplayName

  1. Eh... 33MB/s is 300-400 Mbits. Which isnt that bad! Look at the directory, these are very very very very much small files... i would say, thats a good rate! Limiting factor.... do you use cache (ssd?). While u download just check the server (CPU?, RAM, HDD, SSD), for 10GBits you also need fast HDDs/SSDs on both ends. - just btw.
  2. Omg. l2l (learn to life). What about the salesmans everyday work? If the costumer is just taking advice (probably 60% of all customers) and then buy online/or at other store... you can say that about every job. AND (!!!!) if you do a good and usefull software, i guess its possible to get SOMETHING back from the community. Besides this, who says i wouldnt pay for a good piece of crap? Like i do so many times? Why all people always think like "ohh, this only happens to me".
  3. Hi there, sincei bought new Raid Controller 9201 16e. And i dont really know (theres nothing on it) what cheap PSU i have. I wanna buy this one: AeroCool Project7 P7-650W Platinum Why? Bc in reviews it has a 90+% efficiency even at low load 10-20% (which i have with like 100watt) and its semi passive (wont spin up till, i believe 50% usage) 8x sata modular I know its single rail and that this is important, but how do i know if the 54a are on sata power? Would you take AeroCool Project7 P7-650W Platinum (would be more efficient) or AeroCool Project7 P7-750W Platinum - would have more A Atm i only have under 10 drives, but i want probably to add every year, like its needed. If i understand correct, my drives use under 1 A while running and when starting not more then 2 A (rounded up), so i guess i could atleast put 20 drives in it?!
  4. Why everyone makes all suggestions bad? I dont get it, whats wrong with you guys. They also added terminal, its also possible to SSH direct to unraid.
  5. Yeah, RAM is really a issue today... NOT. Also, all this nice options could be en or disabled in advanced settings. So that everyone can make it like someone want.
  6. atleast we have now a terminal, but i guess file editor and file browser should be added extra.
  7. Thats good. Does cache gets deleted? So its normal a few times a gday disks spinning up?
  8. SMB, just clicking the shortcut. Now i tried again - didnt changed anything - and disks didnt spin up. Does he delete cache? Btw, where is the cache stored?
  9. So i removed the include and just put an exclude in. Yesterday it worked, now it wont work...i dont get it. root@Unraid-Server:/# ps -ef | grep cache.dirs root 5974 1 0 Dec30 ? 00:01:10 /bin/bash /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/scripts/cache_dirs -u -e http_cache root 15167 15096 0 11:56 pts/2 00:00:00 grep cache.dirs
  10. root@Unraid-Server:~# ps -ef | grep cache.dirs root 374 1 0 12:50 ? 00:00:15 /bin/bash /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/scripts/cache_dirs -u -e http_cache -i Archiv -i downloads root 9381 9296 0 15:22 pts/0 00:00:00 grep cache.dirs This time no hdd spined up. I will go now, and when i come back check again if it works now, if not, i come back and report.
  11. Like i said, i added Archiv and downloads (but downloads is on cache ssd anyway) Archiv is the array, and its added. Still disks spin up, just when i visit the folder. If u change config, it reloads automatic, it seems like.
  12. Hey, i use the cache thingy, but doesnt seem to work correct. I added /Archiv/ and /downloads/ If i visit /Archiv/ a drive spinns up...
  13. yea, edit steamcache dns -> bridge to -> br0 -> and change your dns settings to the new ip.
  14. Thanks, i know that, my router actually even supports it. BUT i cant use it because i dont have fixed internet. I have 2 LTE wans load balanced.
  15. Hey, i have another question i would like to limit downloading while X,X IP is reachable. (I want to limit it, when my PC, or a other PC is startet) I know the inbuild sheduler, which is working, lets say, okay. But i guess, someone with some small coding expierince could write a fast script which checks ping 192.168... OR 192.168. and if its there, limit download to X. Could be easy implemented via every 5 min schedule, and set limit or remove it. I would pay for it. Thanks for any help.
  16. Edit: finally i got it working with origin, i changed standard ip from unraid for 80 and 443 (settings identifiication). So i could run both dockers on same ip (bridge). 1Gbits Origin
  17. Hey? Did you got my messages? Could you please combine sip proxy with Steamcache? Atleast only this 2 dockers. (i wrote on picture combine with steamcachedns, which is wrong). It need to be combined snip proxy + steamcache.
  18. This seems liek something i look for, https://github.com/maliceio/malice https://hub.docker.com/r/malice/virustotal/ Could someone "translate" it for unraid? It even has "watch" folder option, perfect for unraid i guess.
  19. Î dont <need> it. But i would like it. VM is a idea, but since i dont need to run a vm till now, and only for av seems a little overkill. Btw kaspersky is free now
  20. Thanks for your fast answer. That i know already myself. "If your antivirus on your PC keeps saying such and such file is infected, then maybe you shouldn't be downloading that file... " Oh yeah, thanks, ill stop downloading "this is a virus" files. If Server would delete it, clients wouldnt go crazy, thats why i want av, like i said. Yea, thanks, but thats not possible (or lets say, i dont want it that way), i would like a docker or plugin for unraid.
  21. Is there any Anti Virus Docker for Unraid? I would like some with virsustotal integration or something like this. Not that i click the clickthisifyouwanttogetinfected.exe but my antivirs on my pc getting crazy when i visit the "completed" downloads directory...
  22. LANCACHE_IP = Steamcache Docker IP ORIGINCACHE_IP = SNiPPROXY Docker IP -> i guess SNIPPROXY then redirects to his own IP, which ofc, is not working bc Steamcache is another IP UPSTREAM_DNS = very important, i use google dns, but i guess any work, if there is no upstream DNS the docker uses your own, which may or may not your own local DNS (loop). How hard is it to bundle Steamcache, Steamcache DNS and Snipproxy into one docker?
  23. Okay, no response so far, i guess they wont add it. Simple solution: bundle ATLEAST steamcache (not dns) and snipproxy into one docker (best would be all together i guess). I guess Snipproxy redirects at local docker ip. I add screenshots of all my settings, if u have any questions, feel free to ask:
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