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Everything posted by Rothan

  1. I found this error when i hit F12 on the page. Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at wss://foundry.web.address/ My SWAG nginx file. server { listen 443 ssl; listen [::]:443 ssl; server_name foundry.*; include /config/nginx/ssl.conf; add_header Referrer-Policy "same-origin" always; #add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin always; client_max_body_size 2048M; fastcgi_buffers 64 4K; #enable for ldap auth, fill in ldap details in ldap.conf #include /config/nginx/ldap.conf; location / { #enable the next two lines for http auth #auth_basic "Restricted"; #auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd; #enable the next two lines for ldap auth #auth_request /auth; #error_page 401 =200 /login; # Set proxy headers proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; # These are important to support WebSockets proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; resolver valid=30s; set $upstream_app foundry; set $upstream_port 30000; proxy_max_temp_file_size 2048m; set $upstream_proto http; proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port; } } Looks like a websocket error.
  2. Hi, When i log in from the domain i get a grey screen with the Foundry logo. When i do it from my internal ip it all works fine. My upload is 100mb. I seen some people suggest upload is the issue on reddit but that is not my issue. Any ideas?
  3. I got it sorted. Turns out the Downloaded zip from foundry goes into the Container Path: /foundry/fvtt I was putting the files in the wrong place. I did it late at night so i don't know if i was just tired or the instructions. Thanks anyway. Loving it now.
  4. I am having the same issue. Can you or anyone post a screenshot of your working Docker config. Thanks Also i see this in the log Current FoundryVTT Release version is 0.7.5. However i have downloaded version is 0.7.7 from the foundry website.
  5. Hi, Would love a docker for Dominions 5 if possible. If you are interested and want help let me know. Thanks
  6. Hi, As i am having the same issue can you share how you resolved the problem. I get to the nginx welcome page for my subdomains nextcloud and sonarr on or off my network. Thanks