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Everything posted by Skylord123

  1. Anyone have success getting a Killing Floor 1 server running? I've been trying for a while without any success. I tried forwarding all the ports mentioned in the docs and it still isn't working. I even gave it it's own IP address (so all ports are open) and still nothing. I'm wondering if something is wrong with the container. Can someone else try to start one and see if it works?
  2. oooooo, nice! I was going to add it but been pretty busy lately (especially with the Holidays). Btw, thanks for the steamcmd docker container that I used to create this one. Saved me a lot of work I also use your other containers and they have all been great. I was able to fix my issue with my sven co-op server by using the cache drive directly instead of the share (changing /mnt/user/appdata/svencoop to /mnt/cache/appdata/svencoop). I'm not sure exactly what broke _stat calls for share mounts. If anyone else has an idea of what it could be I would love to hear about it.
  3. I wrote a post about using Xeoma to trigger automatic lights by using Xeoma, Node-RED, and Home Assistant: https://skylar.tech/send-motion-events-over-mqtt-from-xeoma/ Hope some find it useful. It has been pretty handy. I did recently switch over to some PIR motion sensors in some areas and actually use my PIR sensors to trigger recording on the cameras (on top of motion detection). I may have to write another post about how to do that.
  4. You can set env variable "TZ" to whatever your timezone is. I am in Utah so my timezone is America/Denver. Containers will always use UTC by default and you must specify their timezone. I have not had any issues with version fetching at all. I don't know why you are having issues. Lots of software uses a release cycle like this and it is nothing new or complicated. All you do is go to Xeoma's change list and see what versions were released while your license was active. I have all my keys and their purchase date in Lastpass to keep it easy (as well as their expiration date) and just compare the release page to what dates I have for my licenses. Here is the Xeoma change history page they always update: https://felenasoft.com/xeoma/en/changes/ I prefer this release cycle because if they don't release updates when my license expires I just keep using the same version (latest) and not paying until they actually release a new version. This actually means you can go periods of time without having to renew your license so it actually saves you money while still having the latest version (and also gives the company incentive to keep updating their software since you only pay for upgrades outside of your license).
  5. All went well except my Sven Co-op (half life 1 mod) server is now failing to start with this error: I can't seem to figure out why this update is causing this error. I created a sven co-op docker container and it is erroring inside of that: https://github.com/skylord123/docker-svencoop-server
  6. I'm guessing because they want it added to the UI. Least I am +1 for a UI.
  7. The link to the github (in the first post) links to binhex delugevpn repo instead of the one listed (https://hub.docker.com/r/binhex/arch-delugevpn/ instead of https://hub.docker.com/r/brettm357/unifi/). I noticed this when trying to use it. Thought I would mention it
  8. Update: Xeoma does log failed logins and the log is available (at least in beta) to be viewed without shutting down Xeoma (I know a couple versions back this was not possible). The error looks like so: I replaced my IP with "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" but shows how these are logged. Just need to setup fail2ban with a filter to watch for these. @coppit What are your thoughts? Would be nice to have fail2ban a configurable option on this Docker. Extra: logins and logouts are logged into the log file. Could be handy if you want to list logged in users or when the last login was.
  9. Ah yeah, all android phones here. Didn't know the app wasn't as nice on iPhone, that's a bummer. I ended up just opening the port.. I would really love to get fail2ban working with the Xeoma logs though for extra protection (I contacted the Xeoma devs and they said failed logins are logged). Maybe we could get it as an addition to this docker? I think the only issue was that Xeoma didn't finish writing the log file until the server shutdown (you cannot open the log file) but this may have been fixed in recent versions. You add a "Web Server" module on any camera and configure it via that. You must put a module on each camera you want accessible via the web server. I would recommend the app/program over the web interface for constant viewing of the cameras though.
  10. I had this issue with my Reolink cameras recently. Ended up being I had turned the H.265 profile to "High" on the cameras during some testing and forgot about it. This made the cameras use too much bandwidth and Xeoma started getting corrupt archive videos and the live stream was delayed by a couple seconds. After setting it back to "baseline" this issue went away and I am back to live streaming. I wonder if this has to do with your cameras or setup rather than Xeoma (I even have some wireless Foscam and Insteon cameras that only have a half a second latency between live and Xeoma. I run gigabit ethernet lines to all my cameras, have a gigabit router, and I make sure to monitor my LAN bandwidth usage via DD-WRT on my router. You may be able to do the same to figure it out. Also Xeoma support should be able to help you figure it out as well. Just make sure to set the H.264 profile to Baseline like I said above and you will get amazing results with these Reolink cams. I don't get a delay switching from preview to full view on any of my cameras. If you want to setup the two different streams you just have to make sure that your camera supports it and if so just add in the two URLs under the camera module like so: This is for the Reolink cameras I have. You can see that I have placed a different URL under "Preview stream parameters" as I did with "Full URL of h264-video stream..". I then have "Use H.264 stream (from Archive) in single camera view mode" which allows me to use the higher quality stream when I am viewing a single camera. I have some other cameras that only have a single URL but this works great for cameras that support it. (I don't know why my full h264 url is prefixed with "-rtsp_transport tcp -i" as I did not add this. I believe this is something Xeoma added afterwards). I'm interested in what issues you are having? I have nothing but great success with Xeoma. My wife also loves the app on her phone and uses it all the time. I would guess that the latency issue has something to do with the setup rather than Xeoma (I just added another camera so now I run 7 total and I am still having no issues and everything is very near real time as possible). Are you really accessing Xeoma via the web server rather than use the app? I could see why you would have issues if that is the case. I literally use the web server in Xeoma just to get camera feeds into Home Assistant. I would never use it as my primary source for viewing my cameras. The app runs way better than a web interface could ever.
  11. Only issue I had with Xeoma and running in a docker was when I moved from Ubuntu to Unraid. I reset the key so I could re-activate and then I also changed my network settings on the docker from bridged to host. This ended up making it so I had to re-activate the license again but I had already used my reset so I had to contact support (and this was a weekend but luckily they still responded on a saturday). I have had no issues with the license and my internet (and I lose internet a lot). I have my docker setup to use the hosts network. If you are having issues try switching to this network mode and resetting your key. Then check next time your internet goes out if you have issues. I also saw in the version just released 4 days ago (July 31, 2017) they have some updates that fixed the instability of virtual networks. So see if upgrading also fixes your issue. http://felenasoft.com/xeoma/en/changes/ ("Fixed frequent deactivation of licenses on virtual machines when Internet access is unstable.")
  12. I've been using Xeoma for over 2 years now. Before that I was using iSpy on a windows machine and before that I was using Zoneminder on my Ubuntu server. My summaries of other camera software: - iSpy: Great software but I hated that it didn't run on Linux and I had to have a machine with a keyboard, mouse, and monitor attached. I did use this for a while but it was not my favorite. The software is very configurable but being locked to Windows was a no-go. - Zoneminder: It was.. okay. I honestly wouldn't use it. The interface feels very old, configuring things was far from fun, and many things were lacking. I did like that it ran on Linux and headless but I hated the web interface. * I have used other software but these are the only ones that I have tried out for more than a day. * Last I tried either of these was 2 years ago. I did a ton of searching and finally found Xeoma. At the time I already had a home server lying around for other things I was doing. The server I had was a Poweredge 1900 built in 2008 that I got from a company going out of business. I wanted to find some camera software I could run on this server to free up resources on my other devices (plus, home server should be handling this crap anyways IMO). It should be noted that when it came to buying Xeoma I try to save as much money as possible (Getting two new processors for the server I had was literally $60 for both off ebay cause it's so old) but the cost of Xeoma was totally worth it. About two months ago I switched from Ubuntu to Unraid on my home server and installed a bank of 5x2TB drives and a single 256GB ssd cache drive (running on the same Poweredge 1900 server). This gave me the ability to specify 200gigabytes per camera (I have 6 cameras running). Now this server I am running is an OLD beast (2008 is almost 10 years ago) and yet this server runs Unraid with Xeoma like a beast. I attached an image of my resource usage for the time I am writing this post. And that is the usage with my server running Plex, Home Assistant, MySQL server, MQTT Server, Xeoma, an Ubuntu VM (w/ 4GB memory), Crashplan w/ VNC, and a couple other apps. Note: Switching from Ubuntu to Unraid gave me a performance boost in Xeoma. Plus running Unraid gives me the ability to make more advanced setups on how I store my data (I use my SSD drive throughout the day for faster speed but then dump my recordings onto the large array at night). One of the cool things I did with Xeoma recently was set it up to be able to use the HTTP Request Sender to send requests to a python server that then turns those HTTP Requests into MQTT messages that Home Assistant can listen for (my repo is: https://github.com/skylord123/xeoma-mqtt). This way I have it so when motion is detected on the path going up to my front door my front door light will turn on (by having two motion modules on a camera at the same time, one for recording and the other for sending events to home assistant). Saved me the expense of building a PIR Motion sensor to do the same thing (and the ability to detect during daylight unlike PIR is nice). And this way I can also set up home assistant with a switch so I can get a text message when someone is at my front door and I am in the workshop. Just one of the awesome things I have been able to do with the modules that Xeoma comes with and the ability to chain them together. So coming from me, Xeoma is worth every penny. I've been able to do so much with it and I am only on their standard pricing plan. It just really depends on what your setup is and how you want to do things. This last year I didn't have the funds to buy the new version for a couple months but that doesn't matter because you can use all versions that were released while your license was active. So I just waited about 6 months until I got my tax return and I bought the license again and upgraded Xeoma. Also it should be noted: Xeoma support is pretty decent. They have helped me with so many different things (even building custom updates to see if they fix my issue). So just with that I feel I am getting more than what I paid for. If you have any questions feel free to ask them and I will help the best I can. As long as @coppit doesn't mind. We can move to another thread if necessary as well. I feel that Xeoma is underrated and would love to help others find how awesome it is. EDIT: I am running 6 cameras at the moment. I use 4 outdoor Reolink cameras that are 2560x1440 and work awesome: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B010LH48F4
  13. Thanks @coppit for updating this quick and responding to my issues on github promptly. Runs even better via a docker on unraid then it did in Ubuntu (headless) on the same machine. @tucansam I prefer Xeoma because of the Linux support. Just runs awesome. I'm running 6 cameras right now with a license for 8 (plan on adding more in the future). They allow you to stack licenses. So you can buy a 4 and a 2 camera license and activate both to get 6 cameras. The support is pretty decent as well, usually responding within 1-2 business days. Have helped me out with a couple issues. Their module system is pretty cool. I was able to setup a camera to trigger using my PIR motion sensors (via HTTP Switch module) or the motion sensing built into Xeoma and mark them in the archive accordingly (by chaining the modules together). Then I can filter the archive based on what motion sensor was triggered (front door, driveway, living room, etc) which makes it really quick to find something.
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