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Posts posted by Josh.5

  1. So I'm sorry if this has been brought up but I'm having the same issues with this that I did with the other docker image intended for this purpose, the debian-nvidia one. Controller input works in steam big picture, but nowhere else when doing remote play. I've tried with my phone, and with another computer in the home. Otherwise it seems to work perfectly.
    Is this controller input using your phone?
  2.  So I was looking into this as well. From what I know only certain games are linux compatible which is what is likely of the case. I know while using linux machines you can install certain packages which allows to play windows steam games on linux. But I have yet to get it working form the research I have done 
    I'll do my best to get tools setup in this image for simple setup/installation of games. I'll take a look at among us and see if it can be done. Once we get lutris and some other things installed, it should increase what can be done
  3. 5 minutes ago, Sqibble said:

    Going over the logs I found some things referring to localhost.


    in /mnt/user/appdata/steam-headless/.cache/xorg.err there's:

    tcpserver: fatal: temporarily unable to figure out IP address for localhost: network unreachable


    and in /mnt/user/appdata/steam-headless/.cache/x11vnc.err:

    10/01/2022 17:41:06 x11vnc version: 0.9.16 lastmod: 2019-01-05  pid: 185
    10/01/2022 17:41:06 XOpenDisplay(":0") failed.
    10/01/2022 17:41:06 Trying again with XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME=localhost ...


    This led me to reconsider my network settings. I had the container set to use br0, changed it to host and changed the extra parameter --hostname='steam-headless' to my device's hostname. And now it boots. Not sure why it didn't work for me using br0 but I don't think the problem is with your container.


     So thanks for your time and sorry for wasting yours 😅

    Sweet as. Glad you got it working.


    I wonder if I should set the template to use the host network by default. It is a bit simpler than creating a custom network. I personally have too many things running and this is not a good idea to use host on my server and bridge network with port mapping will become really annoying as more game services are added to the container.

  4. 1 hour ago, Sqibble said:

    Hi there and +1 on the thanks for this.


    I can't clear the errors on this though when trying to start the container with or without my Quadro M2000.


    Thing I've tried / confirmed:

    • in the bios the default display output is set to onboard (mobo = ASUS P10S-I), with a dummy VGA plug plugged in (I see the Unraid text ui when I connect over IPMI)
    • made sure I booted Unraid without GUI
    • disabled all other docker containers and rebooted
    • checked the nvidia-smi output to see nothing else was using the GPU


    Is there anything else I can check or try out?

    steam-headless.txt 14.38 kB · 2 downloads

    Can you take a look at the logs found in /mnt/user/appdata/steam-headless/.cache/logs/

    Assuming that you have that as your home directory mount.

  5. 6 hours ago, fogbottom said:


    Thanks for this, tested with a few games and works great so far.

    One issue I ran into while using Steam Remote Play was not being able to set a resolution/refresh rate higher than the settings available in noVNC.

    Is there a way to add extra resolutions to noVNC so I can stream games to another PC at say 3440x1440 at 144hz?


    Yup. I personally have one of those dummy HDMI things plugged into my GPU, so I have not fully tested this. I'll reboot my server and play around with out the plug.

  6. 5 hours ago, Joly0 said:

    Hey, great Project. Maybe it could be a good idea to integrate protonup/proton ge https://github.com/AUNaseef/protonup

    You could do this by adding a script in /home/default/init.d/protonup.sh

    # Install application
    pip3 install protonup
    # Set installation path as user
    # Note: Run command with su because init processes are run as root but this is a user thing...
    su ${USER} -c "protonup -d '/home/default/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/'"
    # Update to the latest version on startup using the users Downloads directory
    # Optionally, switch the the line below to run process in background and continue with boot
    su ${USER} -c "protonup -y -o '/home/default/Downloads/'"
    # su ${USER} -c "protonup -y -o '/home/default/Downloads/'" &


  7. 43 minutes ago, Irithor said:

    Ahh. Initially thought to myself "Can't be that, I definately don't have any containers or VM's using the GPU at all other than the occasional Plex transcode." until it dawned on me i've been booting into GUI mode since watching a Spaceinvader One vid on doing that to force GPU's to idle for lower power consumption over time.


    For anybody getting the same error as myself and @kl0wn, go to your 'Main' tab and click on your flash under 'Boot Device' and change the boot from 'Unraid OS GUI Mode' back to 'Unraid OS' as this will in effect count as a 'screen'.

    A shame to lose that power/performance ratio though. If anything can be done to allow multiple screens that would be awesome but as I understand it is a limitation of the operating system. Thanks again, going to have a play now!

    Would you not get the same ratio using the Linux driver in the container? The desktop environment inside the container is pretty much going to do the exact same thing as what booting unraid to gui mode did.

  8. 38 minutes ago, s449 said:

    Awesome container, really excited to test this.


    I do have this issue on Safari, doesn't happen in Firefox. I can still use the VNC, it just is in the way. No big deal, I can set up in Firefox and shouldn't need to touch it again.




    Thank you for making this!

    Thats interesting to know. That is the audio websocket failing on your browser. It was a pretty thrown together bit of JS and could do with a bit of refining. I could disable audio for that browser.

    Could you try something. In the VNC settings there is a checkbox for enabling audio. Can you unselect it before connecting?


  9. Just installed this, the "--runtime=nvidia" value was already there by default.
    I also didn't modify "Nvidia GPU UUID" value as it was set to "all" by default and that seemed to work fine.

    Got it running, have tried playing Factorio and all worked well! Thanks OP!

    I will be removing that runtime param from the template once I add support for other hardware. For now it can stay there.
    Also, you are right. The only reason to specify the GPU uuid is when you have multiple and you specifically want to use one.

    5 hours ago, ich777 said:

    Shouldn't it be possible to set up multiple containers (better speaking 3 on consumer cards because of NVENC) to stream from one unRAID box to multiple Steam Play instances?

    After a bit of digging, I think the answer to this is no.
    But perhaps I can modify this container such that the X server starts as root and then we make configurable the number of VNC desktops we want to run. This should work with the exception of the sound output hack that I added. This will also need to be rewritten. But then again (thinking out loud here...) There will still only be one IP assigned to the container, so I think only one remote stream will work at a time.
    Another option is to create a X server container separate to this one and have this container share that process. This may work as there will be a dedicated X server for the single GPU hardware, and then each container that connects to it would still be able to have their own IP.



    May I ask two things:

    1. If I play through Steam Play if it's possible to plug in a controller and if that is working fine?

    In all honesty, at this point I don't have an answer to this yet. Up until now I have only been using it headless and with controllers connected through the steam remote play. Getting usb devices to be recognised should not be too difficult right?


    Shouldn't it be possible to set up multiple containers (better speaking 3 on consumer cards because of NVENC) to stream from one unRAID box to multiple Steam Play instances?

    Yea, this is what I am working on currently. I keep getting the errors that the other people have reported here when starting x while running another container. But I believe that this should be possible.



    Sure thing, I'm also happy if someone comes up with newer/better idea(s) on how to do such a container and make it more easy to install and I also don't think we need two different container that do basically the same thing... :)

    I was going to say before, part of the reason for creating this container was because I wanted something that was 100% focused on being run headless for steam remote play. I wanted the container to not have any configuration requirements that may bloat it for people who are not wanting to connect hardware or output to a monitor. I wanted this container to be able to easily reboot in seconds back to Steam. So it was my intention to palm any people who wanted to setup hardware I/O for a Steam docker to your Buster container... But then here you came and ruined that plan. 😆 
    I guess at this point I want to focus on getting the container to run real smooth as a headless and no direct hardware I/O solution, and then later on look at either forking it for that use-case or implementing it if it does not mean adding a lot of configuration to the the template.

    • Like 1
  12. 21 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    @Josh.5 nice container. ;)


    I will deprecate my Debian-Buster-Nvidia container and will point users to your container if that's okay for you.


    I actually planned on creating a Bullseye based Nvidia container but got no time currently.


    Thanks @ich777. I had inspiration from your Buster container. 

    You are maintaining a lot of containers, so totally fine with you doing that if you want and if that helps you out with your stuff.

    • Like 1
  13. It was my plan originally to base this on Arch seeing as the new SteamOS was going to be Arch based. But that took me down a road of chasing my tail for no reason considering that most of the benefits of and Arch base is kernel level, which has nothing to do with Docker containers. So in the end I started by basing it off the current SteamOS builds and the bumped it up to bullseye when I felt it was working well.


    I also toyed with setting up the webUI in Steam Big Picture mode all the time to make a much more streamlined experience and lighter image, but i found that that defeats the purpose of the webUI where you can go in and modify/install whatever custom applications you want. So in the end I just went with a light desktop. Steam always runs on startup, so you could always configure it to load into Big Picture mode as it is now.

  14. 11 minutes ago, randomninjaatk said:

    Does this support intel or amd gpu's?


    EDIT: NVM, you said the others (intel/amd) are to follow shortly.


    It sounds like you can use this as a steamlink host... do controllers work?

    This Docker image is targeting games played in the browser or via Steam Remote Play (as you say using something like Seam Link). I've tested Steam Link pretty extensively and it works really well. I have tested it on my TV (Android TV), my phone and my MS Surface. All three devices work perfectly with a wireless Xbox controller. The phone also has the options for touch controls.


    I've tried to make this container super simple to setup with Steam. From scratch I can install it and setup Steam for remote playback in about 10 mins.

    I don't currently own an AMD GPU, so I may need help from someone else or I may need to go buy one to get that working. But it is definitely something I want to try.


    I'm also looking at adding Epic Games, Retroarch, Lutris, etc. And I am looking at adding the ChimeraOS app for remotely managing steam/retroarch/etc. if possible.

    • Like 1
  15. store_home_share.thumb.jpg.8e7e9b807df336d49c6ccf6ea101d290.jpg


    Application Name: Steam (Headless)

    Application Site: https://store.steampowered.com/

    Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/josh5/steam-headless/

    Github: https://github.com/Josh5/docker-steam-headless/

    Discord: https://unmanic.app/discord (Not just for Unmanic...)




    Play your games in the browser with audio. Connect another device and use it with Steam Remote Play. 




    • NVIDIA GPU support
    • AMD GPU support
    • Full video/audio noVNC web access to a Desktop
    • Root access
    • Support for Flatpaks and Appimages
    • Compatible with EmuDeck installer (not supplied)



    If you wish to install additional applications, you can generate a
    script inside the "~/init.d" directory ending with ".sh". This will be executed on the container startup.


    Everything that you wish to save in this container should be stored in the home directory or a docker container mount that you have specified. All files that are store outside your home directory are not persistent and will be wiped if there is an update of the container or you change something in the template.


    It is recommended that you mount your games library to `/games` and configure Steam to add that path.


    In this container, Steam is configured to automatically start. If you wish to add additional services to automatically start, add them under Applications > Settings > Session and Startup in the WebUI.



    If you want to use the container as a Steam Remote Play (previously "In Home Streaming") host device you should set the Network Type: to "host". This is a requirement for controller hardware to work and to prevent traffic being routed through the internet since Steam thinks you are on a different network.



    Setup Guide:


    1. Navigate to "APPS" tab.
    2. Search for "steam-headless"
    3. Select either Install or Actions > Install from the search result.
    4. Configure the template as required.



    This container can use your GPU. In order for it to do this you need to have the NVIDIA plugin installed.


    1. Install the Nvidia-Driver Plugin by @ich777. This will maintain an up-to-date NVIDIA driver installation on your Unraid server.
    2. Toggle the steam-headless Docker Container template editor to "Advanced View".

    3. In the "Extra Parameters" field, ensure that you have the "--runtime=nvidia" parameter added.

    4. (Optional - This step is only necessary if you only multiple NVIDIA GPUs. If you have a single GPU, then leaving this as "all" is fine.) Expand the Show more settings... section near the bottom of the template. In the Nvidia GPU UUID: (NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES) variable, copy your GPU UUID (can be found in the Unraid Nvidia Plugin. See that forum thread for details).



    1. Install the Radeon-Top Plugin by @ich777.image.thumb.png.197974d8a61c268525794394dadb70ba.png
    2. Profit



    Unraid's Linux kernel by default does not have the modules required to support controller input. Steam requires these modules to be able to create the virtual "Steam Input Gamepad Emulation" device that it can then map buttons to.

    @ich777 Has kindly offered to build and maintain the required modules for the Unraid kernel as he already has a CI/CD pipeline in place and a small number of other kernel modules that he is maintaining for other projects. So a big thanks to him for that!


    1. Install the uinput plugin from the Apps tab.
    2. The container will not be able to receive kernel events from the host unless the Network Type: is set to "host". Ensure that you container is configured this way.
      Be aware that this container requires at least 8083, 32123, and 2222 available for the WebUI, Web Audio, and SSH to work. It will also require any ports that Steam requires for Steam Remote Play
    3. No server restart is required, however. Ensure that the steam-headless Docker container is recreated after installing the uinput plugin for it to be able to detect the newly added module.
    • Like 9
    • Thanks 3
  16. 17 hours ago, Jurak said:

    Sorry dont expect you to know what is happening on my computer. Sorry if that is what came across. First where would I get the logs for the NVidia plugin? below is a screen shot on the completed tasks details screen. This is where I have been getting the info I have been posting. Let me know what logs you want and where to get them and I will post them. I appreciate your help on this. If you want you can DM me so we are not filling up this thread. Or not its not a problem :). I have also attached the newest logs in the logs folder.

    unmanic.log 21.7 MB · 0 downloads tornado.log 10.76 kB · 0 downloads

    For now disable that plugin.

    I have opened an issue to resolve this: https://github.com/Unmanic/unmanic-plugins/issues/154

  17. 11 minutes ago, Jurak said:

    I dont know any thing about this below but it looks a lot of repeating but yeah I will leave that you.





    ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel info -i /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.mkv -strict -2 -max_muxing_queue_size 4096 -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dan.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.Dutch-Belgium.srt -map 0:s:3 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dut.srt -map 0:s:4 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fin.srt -map 0:s:5 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fre.srt -map 0:s:6 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.Norwegian-Bokmal.srt -map 0:s:7 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.pol.srt -map 0:s:8 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.Portuguese-Brazil.srt -map 0:s:9 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.srt -map 0:s:10 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.swe.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.EN.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.ES.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.EN.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.ES.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ara.Arabic.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.cze.Czech.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dan.Danish.srt -map 0:s:3 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ger.German.srt -map 0:s:4 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.gre.Greek.srt -map 0:s:5 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.English-(SDH).srt -map 0:s:6 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.Spanish.srt -map 0:s:7 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.European-Spanish.srt -map 0:s:8 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fin.Finnish.srt -map 0:s:9 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fre.French.srt -map 0:s:10 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.heb.Hebrew.srt -map 0:s:11 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.hrv.Croatian.srt -map 0:s:12 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.hun.Hungarian.srt -map 0:s:13 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ind.Indonesian.srt -map 0:s:14 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ita.Italian.srt -map 0:s:15 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.jpn.Japanese.srt -map 0:s:16 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.kor.Korean.srt -map 0:s:17 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.may.Malay.srt -map 0:s:18 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.nor.Norwegian.srt -map 0:s:19 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dut.Dutch.srt -map 0:s:20 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.pol.Polish.srt -map 0:s:21 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.por.Portuguese.srt -map 0:s:22 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.por.Brazilian-Portuguese.srt -map 0:s:23 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.rum.Romanian.srt -map 0:s:24 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.rus.Russian.srt -map 0:s:25 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.swe.Swedish.srt -map 0:s:26 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tha.Thai.srt -map 0:s:27 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tur.Turkish.srt -map 0:s:28 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ukr.Ukrainan.srt -map 0:s:29 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.vie.Vietnamese.srt -map 0:s:30 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.chi.Simplified-Chinese.srt -map 0:s:31 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.chi.Traditional-Chinese.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ara.Arabic.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.cze.Czech.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dan.Danish.srt -map 0:s:3 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ger.German.srt -map 0:s:4 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.gre.Greek.srt -map 0:s:5 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.English-(SDH).srt -map 0:s:6 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.Spanish.srt -map 0:s:7 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.European-Spanish.srt -map 0:s:8 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fin.Finnish.srt -map 0:s:9 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fre.French.srt -map 0:s:10 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.heb.Hebrew.srt -map 0:s:11 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.hrv.Croatian.srt -map 0:s:12 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.hun.Hungarian.srt -map 0:s:13 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ind.Indonesian.srt -map 0:s:14 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ita.Italian.srt -map 0:s:15 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.jpn.Japanese.srt -map 0:s:16 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.kor.Korean.srt -map 0:s:17 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.may.Malay.srt -map 0:s:18 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.nor.Norwegian.srt -map 0:s:19 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dut.Dutch.srt -map 0:s:20 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.pol.Polish.srt -map 0:s:21 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.por.Portuguese.srt -map 0:s:22 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.por.Brazilian-Portuguese.srt -map 0:s:23 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.rum.Romanian.srt -map 0:s:24 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.rus.Russian.srt -map 0:s:25 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.swe.Swedish.srt -map 0:s:26 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tha.Thai.srt -map 0:s:27 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tur.Turkish.srt -map 0:s:28 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ukr.Ukrainan.srt -map 0:s:29 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.vie.Vietnamese.srt -map 0:s:30 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.chi.Simplified-Chinese.srt -map 0:s:31 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.chi.Traditional-Chinese.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.EN.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.ES.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.English.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.English-(United-States).srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.SDH.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.SDH.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.English.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dut.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.SDH.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.CC.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.CC.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.CC.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dan.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ger.srt -map 0:s:3 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.España.srt -map 0:s:4 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.México.srt -map 0:s:5 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fin.srt -map 0:s:6 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fre.srt -map 0:s:7 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.hin.srt -map 0:s:8 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ita.srt -map 0:s:9 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.jpn.srt -map 0:s:10 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.nob.srt -map 0:s:11 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dut.srt -map 0:s:12 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.pol.srt -map 0:s:13 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.por.srt -map 0:s:14 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.swe.srt -map 0:s:15 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tam.srt -map 0:s:16 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tel.srt -map 0:s:17 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tur.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dan.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ger.srt -map 0:s:3 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.España.srt -map 0:s:4 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.México.srt -map 0:s:5 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fin.srt -map 0:s:6 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fre.srt -map 0:s:7 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.hin.srt -map 0:s:8 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ita.srt -map 0:s:9 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.jpn.srt -map 0:s:10 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.nob.srt -map 0:s:11 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dut.srt -map 0:s:12 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.pol.srt -map 0:s:13 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.por.srt -map 0:s:14 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.swe.srt -map 0:s:15 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tam.srt -map 0:s:16 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tel.srt -map 0:s:17 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tur.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dan.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ger.srt -map 0:s:3 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.España.srt -map 0:s:4 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.México.srt -map 0:s:5 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fin.srt -map 0:s:6 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fre.srt -map 0:s:7 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.hin.srt -map 0:s:8 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ita.srt -map 0:s:9 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.jpn.srt -map 0:s:10 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.nob.srt -map 0:s:11 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dut.srt -map 0:s:12 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.pol.srt -map 0:s:13 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.por.srt -map 0:s:14 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.swe.srt -map 0:s:15 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tam.srt -map 0:s:16 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tel.srt -map 0:s:17 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tur.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dan.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ger.srt -map 0:s:3 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.España.srt -map 0:s:4 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.México.srt -map 0:s:5 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fin.srt -map 0:s:6 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fre.srt -map 0:s:7 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.hin.srt -map 0:s:8 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ita.srt -map 0:s:9 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.jpn.srt -map 0:s:10 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.nob.srt -map 0:s:11 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dut.srt -map 0:s:12 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.pol.srt -map 0:s:13 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.por.srt -map 0:s:14 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.swe.srt -map 0:s:15 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tam.srt -map 0:s:16 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tel.srt -map 0:s:17 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tur.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dan.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ger.srt -map 0:s:3 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.España.srt -map 0:s:4 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.México.srt -map 0:s:5 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fin.srt -map 0:s:6 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fre.srt -map 0:s:7 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.hin.srt -map 0:s:8 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ita.srt -map 0:s:9 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.jpn.srt -map 0:s:10 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.nob.srt -map 0:s:11 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dut.srt -map 0:s:12 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.pol.srt -map 0:s:13 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.por.srt -map 0:s:14 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.swe.srt -map 0:s:15 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tam.srt -map 0:s:16 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tel.srt -map 0:s:17 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tur.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dan.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ger.srt -map 0:s:3 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.España.srt -map 0:s:4 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.México.srt -map 0:s:5 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fin.srt -map 0:s:6 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fre.srt -map 0:s:7 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.hin.srt -map 0:s:8 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ita.srt -map 0:s:9 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.jpn.srt -map 0:s:10 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.nob.srt -map 0:s:11 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dut.srt -map 0:s:12 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.pol.srt -map 0:s:13 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.por.srt -map 0:s:14 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.swe.srt -map 0:s:15 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tam.srt -map 0:s:16 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tel.srt -map 0:s:17 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.tur.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.SDH.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.SDH.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.SDH.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.SDH.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.SDH.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.SDH.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.SDH.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.SDH.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.SDH.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.SDH.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.srt -map 0:s:0 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.srt -map 0:s:1 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.eng.SDH.srt -map 0:s:2 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dan.srt -map 0:s:3 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ger.srt -map 0:s:4 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.Latin-American.srt -map 0:s:5 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.spa.srt -map 0:s:6 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fin.srt -map 0:s:7 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fre.Canadian.srt -map 0:s:8 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.fre.srt -map 0:s:9 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.ita.srt -map 0:s:10 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.jpn.srt -map 0:s:11 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.kor.srt -map 0:s:12 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.dut.srt -map 0:s:13 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.nor.srt -map 0:s:14 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.pol.srt -map 0:s:15 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.por.Brazilian.srt -map 0:s:16 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.por.srt -map 0:s:17 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.swe.srt -map 0:s:18 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.chi.Cantonese.srt -map 0:s:19 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.chi.Simplified.srt -map 0:s:20 -y /data/media/tv shows/1080p/Hawkeye (2021) [tvdb-367146]/Season 1/Hawkeye (2021) - S01E05 - Ronin WEBDL-1080p.chi.Traditional.srt

    Can you send me the full command log. This looks like the extract subs to srt plugin, not the nvidia plugin that you said you were using. I cannot see your screen so you need to provide me with all the details you can, Give me screenshots of everything and dont assume that I know what is happening on your PC

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