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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Not sure why you're getting the connection error, but to prevent the stun errors you need to map port 3478 for udp: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-unifi EDIT: I believe when a docker container has its own IP, it is sandboxed from the host for security reasons. That is why letsencrypt (running on host) cannot connect to that container but you can from another machine on the lan. I could be wrong though.
  2. Check the site config you posted. Read the parts with the cp example. You'll see multiple mentions of the base url. If unsure, Google will lead you to plenty of info on reverse proxy and base url.
  3. It seems you blindly followed a guide. You have an upstream alias definition that is not used elsewhere. You won't see the default nginx page because your homepage redirects to /ombi You also did not set the ombi reverse proxy correctly. See chbmb's config posted a page or two back. I suggest you start over with a fresh config, make sure your cert works properly with the default homepage, and then implement the ombi reverse proxy. Or, you can contact the guide's author
  4. Thanks for the report, I'll look into it. Certbot documentation is pretty awful when it comes to command line options. They believe everyone should use the interactive script the first time and only automate the renewals, which makes our job very difficult since interactive stuff doesn't really work through docker
  5. Well, you may have to custom compile the kernel. Look into the dvb builds. They provide custom built kernels through a plugin, and they contain the dvb drivers
  6. It's only possible if the os loads the drivers for it. Unraid doesn't (not for cameras)
  7. You don't need to provide any personal info to cloudflare other than an email address (use a burner one) and the ip it should forward to.
  8. Just fired up a fresh image and entered emby server details. Then hit manually run cacher and it synced fine. I used the server ip, http port (no ssl) and an api key I created for ombi in the emby settings
  9. Cloudflare is a pretty legit service. They have many big clients and a good percentage of the internet goes through their servers (As of 2015, it was the most popular CDN, used by 3.9% of all websites)
  10. No plans at the moment, however cloudflare is free and is a great option for dns. Remember, you're not tied to your registrar for dns. All you need to do is get a cloudflare account and point your name servers there
  11. Literally 5 posts up, by chbmb, replying to a message about a gray screen. And the post after that (the one right above your first post) is chbmb's own config that works
  12. Is it reverse proxied? If so, see the posts above If not, it works fine here on chrome stable on Android 7
  13. That's not docker related. You should ask in ombi forum
  14. Library syncs are on a timer via cron. You can also go to the media server settings and trigger a manual update
  15. And that's why port 80 is not enabled by default in the nginx site config If you check the site config, it tells you what needs to be done to enable it
  16. Put this in right underneath the location block but outside of it : if ($http_referer ~* /ombi/) { rewrite ^/dist/(.*) $scheme://$host/ombi/dist/$1 permanent; }
  17. V3 is released. Requires new settings and a database so you'll get the wizard after update. If you want to go back to v2, pull the tag v2, instructions on docker hub
  18. You posted this message a month ago, saying that you originally had port 80 forwarded to your sbs server. It was not reverse proxied through le/nginx. Clients accessed it directly through port 80 via router forwarding. When le required port 80 for validation you changed it and forwarded it to le. That's when your sbs server stopped working (externally). It has nothing to do with nginx or reverse proxy you never reverse proxied it before.
  19. If I remember correctly, you posted about your issues with sbs before, but then, you weren't actually reverse proxying your sbs server. You were connecting to it directly but thought you were reverse proxying. You need to provide more details on your setup. Is sbs running on a separate machine? If so, sbs also running on port 443 is fine, it's a different machine, different ip. If le and sbs are running on the same machine, sharing the same ip and network interface, they cannot both run on port 443.
  20. If it works inside the lan but not outside, the only thing I can think of is that your le is actually not working, but that you somehow set your local dns (router) to redirect to the right ip. Check your router settings to make sure your port forwarding is correct
  21. Those scripts would also work. Just name the file the same and drop it in the right folder
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