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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. That seems like the plex transcoder is having issues with those files. You should ask on the plex forums. They'll probably ask for the logs and maybe a sample file.
  2. That's the docker log. The plex server log is in the config folder
  3. Dude, the file is literally named "donoteditthisfile.conf" so no, do not edit it, lol. Check the docker hub or the github page for this image. It tells you how to add additional domains (hint: optional settings)
  4. Clear your browser cache. The = in location blocks results in permanent redirects. Your browser may have cached that from before
  5. If the drives are mounted on the host, you can map those locations in the container settings
  6. Can you access directly? Does it work fine? Most of the container guis work with this basic config. The only ones I tried that need custom settings are nextcloud, emby and plex
  7. Are you trying to access it at ?
  8. You can also check out this guide: https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/54206-the-complete-unraid-reverse-proxy-duck-dns-dynamic-dns-and-letsencrypt-guide/
  9. Are you on the same network subnet as the plex server? Are there vlans involved? Post the container settings (screenshot) and which ip you're using to connect to it
  10. All the plex aplication data should be under the /config folder that you set in container settings
  11. Make sure you keep the mount points and the folder locations the same and it will be fine. I think I moved my plex install about 3 times over the last couple of years. No issues
  12. Technically everything is a security risk. If a device is connected to others, there is always a security risk. Openvpn happens to be much more secure than https and a password, because the password can be brute forced. Unless you use a firewall like fail2ban (works great when properly configured). If a reverse proxied docker container gets hacked into, it would be like someone breaking into your car and stealing what's in the glove box. Not much. But getting the unraid gui hacked is like someone stealing your alarm code and getting into your home, where they can get all the valuables, and the car keys. That's why they recommend using a vpn for the unraid gui.
  13. There is no dns entry for the www subdomain. Either create it, or remove the subdomain setting from container settings. I don't know what you mean by the port number with nextcloud ddns and the vpn
  14. There are mainly two methods to reverse proxy with nginx. First one is the root url / base url / url prefix method. If your app already has a base url like sabnzbd by default does (you access it directly at http://ip:port/sabnzbd) or allows you to set one, then you use the location block in the nginx site config to proxy that app from the address https://yourdomain.url/sabnzbd This is the easiest way to proxy. As long as you match the root url to the proxied location name, it should pretty much work with no effort. If your app doesn't support the base url, where you can only access it at http://ip:port then you should probably use the second method, subdomain. That way, you would access it at https://appname.yourdomain.url this is done in a new server block in the nginx site config. The default nginx site config that comes with this container has samples (commented out) for both. There is also a ton of info in this thread and a couple of others in this forum.
  15. Is that the end of the log? I doubt it. That error is harmless. It means you just changed the settings so it is trying to revoke the previous cert before generating the new one. However, it seems last time there was an error an no cert was generated so it can't find it.
  16. If calibre is indeed using the /tmp location (I don't know whether it does or not) you can simply map it to any location on your unraid in the container settings. No need to mess with calibre settings
  17. Wrong thread. You are using limetech's plex docker, not linuxserver.io's And according to the logs, you are using a mounted share (/nas/music) which fails to mount when plex is attempted to be started
  18. That was the second option I had proposed but chbmb gets all the credit. I see how it is ?
  19. Glad to hear it's working for you. If you can give them vpn access, they can ssh or telnet into your unraid and run that command (without the -c option) and their username and password will be appended to the htpasswd file. Or, you can have them create the one way encrypted hash and send that to you, which you can manually append to that file. That way, you won't know what their password is and it would be easy to set it up.
  20. It sounds like when you created that docker container, you didn't map the locations that hold your user data. You can use nano or vi to edit the file and restart the container. Don't recreate or update the container because you will lose all of your data since they are all inside the container.
  21. Post the docker log as well as a screenshot of your container settings. Is the config folder on a mounted share/unassigned disk by any chance?
  22. Your issue is that unraid gui is using port 443 See if you can turn off https in unraid settings. Then you should be fine
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