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Report Comments posted by PSYCHOPATHiO

  1. On 6/28/2022 at 5:34 PM, Forty Two said:

    Not to argue with CCIE laureates, but I do have some network experience, and this sounds like "it's not a bug, it's a feature".  :)

    did u set your network card mtu, also if you have a switch you need to enable mtu as well.


    Also there is an issue with setting it to 9000 my dockers become unaccessable via reverse proxy


    in the end i revered back to default.

  2. I just join one of my servers to Active Directory & the interface shrunk similarly lol, I will try leaving the and see if it changes.

    EDIT: Yup, leaving the AD returns it to normal.

  3. 2 hours ago, bonienl said:

    Do you still have your original network configuration?

    What is your network setup?

    1st pfSense box with physical LAN " and 2 VLANs "" ""

    2nd pfSense box with 1 VPNLAN ""

    L2 Switch with 2 connected pfSense boxes and 3 VLANS in total.


    Server 1 has an intel i350 Quad GBe (Balance xor) "LAN" & a built in 1GBe "SLAN"

    Server 2 has 2 built in NICs "LAN & "SLAN" 


    The issue mainly was a mis-configured VPNLAN port that was able to get into the routing table via br0

  4. 5 hours ago, Higgins12 said:

    I'm having the exact same issue. After updating to RC6 the Server is unable to communicate with the outer world. Reverted back to RC5 all good again.

    I had the same issue on both servers, then i downgraded back to RC5. Eventually I upgraded both servers again to RC6 but I deleted the /boot/config/network.cfg file and rebooted the servers & after that all was working fine.


    There was a long list of troubleshooting including reseting my switch & fine tuning my pfsnese.

  5. On 2/18/2019 at 4:04 PM, John_M said:

    This issue is believed to be fixed in this rc (see Tom's first sentence at the top of the page and confirmation from other users). Maybe you have something else amiss that your diagnostics would show.


    I confirm the issue has been resolved in RC4, thanks for the tip.

  6. I noticed in all 6.7 RC1, RC2, & RC4 didn't try RC3, on both my servers the transfer rates are extremely slow around 15MB/s both servers have encrypted Arrays.

    both servers are running multiple intel cards to a single managed switch (Vlans) & managed by a pfsense with a quad port intel i350 card.



    I had to revert to 6.6.6

  7. So, I have decided to Encrypt my array in this release but to my surprise while trying to move data from HDD to  another the speeds wont surpass 15-16MB/s I tried moving files internally via "Krusader", then tried a VM with "FreeSync", then tried on my PC with "FreeSync",  then resorted to "Unbalance".

    Non of the above options worked faster & I noticed the speed will fluctuate between 90MB/s to Flat 0MB/s & the system will be unresponsive for a couple of seconds befoor heading up slowly back to 90 (the unraid MAIN tab reads a stable 15-16MB/s).


    When I restored 6.6.6 back the copying with all the above was very fast, so I re-updated to make sure it is an issue with the new update & the copying was broke again.

    I re-downgraded back to 6.6.6 & probably will stick to it till I'm done copying.


    EDIT: Transfer to an unencrypted drive are at normal drive read/write speeds on 6.7RC1, the issue is only transferring to encrypted from an unencrypted.

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