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Everything posted by CorneliousJD

  1. Hi all, I'm trying to setup my Windows box to have the full Deluge interface (there's somethings I just can't do via the WebUI) and I'm trying to follow this guide here: http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient however I'm stuck at the point of adding/modifying the auth file - it doesn't seem to work. I go to my addpdata/deluge/auth and edit it and add a user/pass and auth level but i still can't connect. Also more importantly, after I modified the auth file and restarted the Deluge container all my torrents are gone?!
  2. Thanks for the second read on that - I had cleared cache a few times via automated tools but that didn't work... tried on a laptop that hadn't visited the site before at all and everything was good, so was totally a cache issue. doh. I cleared manually on my main desktop and everything was fine. Time to stop trusting tools to do things for me. Thanks for everything, all running how I want it to now with HTTPS from Let's Encrypt! Awesome job LSIO Team!
  3. So I made progress on this - I got HSTS disabled - that worked okay. And I got HTTP to HTTPS redirect working, but that caused another problem. I have links on that site to http://mydomain.com:8881 etc that do not use HTTPS because it is not supported or offered. To try and get around this I tried to set a location on my redirect but that doesn't seem to be working to let it through on http:// only, it still tries to force an HTTPS redirect. My default site conf looks like this at the top server { listen 80; server_name _; location = / { return https://$host$request_uri; } }
  4. EDIT: Thanks I'll look into the nginx redirect part, and see if I can find a way to disable HSTS as well due to the below issue I had just posted. Unless someone knows a quick way to disable HSTS? Another, separate issue - I use my www.mydomain.com as kind of a shortcut page to other services, e.g. a shortcut on there links to my UniFi setup, which runs HTTPS on a different port than 443, and obviously doesn't use the same certificate. When I try to browse to that site I get Because this site uses HTTP Strict Transport Security, you can’t continue to this site at this time. That's in IE, and in Chrome it shows You cannot visit mydomain.com right now because the website uses HSTS.
  5. Got everything setup and running now - but when users to go to www.mydomain.com it fails to load, but if you go to https://www.mydomain.com it will load fine, and then going to the plain old HTTP version (no HTTPS) will auto-redirect after that. How can I get visitors to not have to first enter HTTPS and get it to auto-redirect? Thanks!
  6. Turns out I have both turned on - so it's not showing because dynamix is checking daily. Thanks!
  7. I can't find it in the changelog that I looked at - but there's no more way to manually check for plugin updates in 6.4.0 it seems? The button is just gone? Unless I'm mis-remembering something as I just started using unRAID last week but I swear in 6..3.5 there was a way to force a check for updates?
  8. Did you give the Docker container a static IP address (since this is now part of 6.4)? If so that may be messing with something that was previously set? I currently am not using this container right now but that may be a good place to start troubleshooting. For some insight when I setup a Debian VM and installed pihole last night, it lost my static IP after a reboot of the VM, I had to go into /etc/network/interfaces and make my changes there.
  9. 6.4 is out now - but to combat this kind of stuff I had just setup PiHole on a very slim (~3GB) Debian 9 VM and setup a crontab to run pihole -up at 5AM nightly. I'd like to use the container but how often is it updated or if development on the container ceases how can we get this updated? I want to be sure I'm not throwing away all my config on Debian and getting things *just* right haha.
  10. That's actually what I watched that made me go get the plugin
  11. After installing the temp plugin and PERL I was able to locate a coretemp driver by detection and then see sensors/temps, but I never really set and saved them. I came back later it doesn't show anything under the sensors/temps, the driver shows but that's it. The command line also shows the following error over and over until I go delete the plugin. sensors_init: Can't parse bus name
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