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Everything posted by CorneliousJD

  1. Thanks, I don't have much data to bring INTO next cloud really, since Plex allows access to all my media I'm not worried about media files, so it's all just documents/photos for one user (just me) and I can import those in fairly easily I think. What did you do in MariaDB for setting up NextCloud, did you just use your root user/pass?
  2. Hi all, I posted over in the MariaDB forum but haven't heard anything back just yet. I want to make sure I'm doing this correctly. New MariaDB install that i want to use for Nextcloud for now, and possibly more in the future. I have HeidiSQL on my Windows box that I can manage the DBs with. I was going to create a separate user that is NOT root as I understand this is the right way to do things? e.g. create a "nextcloud" user and a "nextcloud" database. My question is what privileges does that user need and how do I grant them just to that one database? Thanks. PS - Right now my /data is just going to /mnt/user/nextcloud which is a share I have setup for nextcloud data - is this the correct way to do this? I'm under the impression I shouldn't point it at a share that I already have existing with documents/pictures/etc in it?
  3. That's super weird. I have a Supermicro server and haven't had any call traces like that so that's really odd, sorry you're having such trouble. Hopefully more people report it if/when it occurs so that it can get the attention it needs then. In the meantime I would suggest setting up a quick debain VM, if you're not familiar with the linux terminal you can install a GUI and still run pihole with a few simple commands on the terminal. The GUI will help you with things like setting a static IP for the VM, etc. This is what I was doing up until I decided to give the docker container another go and got that working so I killed off my VM.
  4. This is also how I used to run it. I just had a debian VM setup with command line only and no GUI for being as lightweight as possible. It worked well, but I've since migrated to the docker container and I run it with its own IP... sounds like you have some deeper issue if running a container with its own IP is causing call traces. Post diagnostics and logs in the general support forums maybe? If you can get that sorted out then this docker container should work for you.
  5. Hi All, I want to make sure I'm doing this correctly. New MariaDB install that i want to use for Nextcloud for now, and possibly more in the future. I have HeidiSQL on my Windows box that I can manage the DBs with. I was going to create a separate user that is NOT root as I understand this is the right way to do things? e.g. create a "nextcloud" user and a "nextcloud" database. My question is what privileges does that user need and how do I grant them just to that one database? Thanks.
  6. According to this https://github.com/diginc/docker-pi-hole/releases you SHOULD be able to edit the container to have this as the repository diginc/pi-hole:v3.3 I'm not 100% sure that will work, basing this off of my Ombi container that is linuxserver/ombi:65 from here: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-ombi/releases As I'm running the version listed as tag 65 due to a bug introduced after that. EDIT: To add to this I would suggest you submit bug reports with logs so they can get this corrected, as this container is simply a template to use diginc's pihole container. https://github.com/diginc/docker-pi-hole/issues -- report issues here.
  7. Thanks! didn't know you could do that without breaking things in the container. Just upgraded - the bug I was having is indeed fixed, thank you!
  8. Just checking in to see if there is an ETA for the 1.7.5 release on Organizr yet? 1.75 did come out 8 days ago, not trying to rush it, just checking in since i know it fixes a bug i'm having.
  9. I was able to fix this by changing INTERFACE variable to eth0 as that seems to be what the docker container actually names the interface. things are running and working now it seems. Not sure why it worked on first launch with br0 picked but not 2nd launch, but this changed fixed it and i've started/stopped/forced updates and all is good. Note I also had to CHMOD the setupVars.conf file in order to edit it from my Windows machine using Notepad++, I wanted to change a few settings there. Namely these DNSMASQ_LISTENING=single DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED=false DNS_BOGUS_PRIV=false DNSSEC=false
  10. I'm currently getting the following issue - this is a new setup for me, and I had things working, added a few whitelists from my old Pi.Hole config and restarted and it doens't seem to actually want to block anything or process queries now. dnsmasq: warning: interface br0 does not currently exist br0 is what it is bound to on my docker container network type, br0 with and the variable for INTERFACE is also set to br0.
  11. Figured out what I was doing wrong. Leaving config here for anyone that needs to do something similar in the future. The websockify needs to be port 7910, while the vnc itself is 7810. Oops! Also the "auth_request" portion of this config is only if you're using Organizr with server-auth configured. Comment those lines out otherwise. # CRASHPLAN CONTAINER location /websockify { auth_request /auth-admin; proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_read_timeout 61s; proxy_buffering off; } location /crashplan/ { auth_request /auth-admin; proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $host; }
  12. Ok so I understand what you mean now @Djoss, here's my current config and the error I'm seeing. Still getting an error when the websocket goes to make the connection, gets error 200, so something is still off. # CRASHPLAN CONTAINER # NOT CURRENTLY WORKING # location /crashplan/ { # auth_request /auth-admin; # proxy_pass; # proxy_http_version 1.1; # proxy_set_header Upgrade "$http_upgrade"; # proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; # proxy_read_timeout 86400; # } # NEW TESTS BELOW location /websockify { proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_read_timeout 61s; proxy_buffering off; } location /crashplan/ { proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $host; }
  13. Super new to nginx and reverse proxying, so maybe I'm missing something but this isn't working for me? I just keep getting bad gateway or if I do get anything to load it's the VNC wrapper that shows it's disconnected and the image is broken in the top left too. If you know what I'm doing wrong let me know, would be very helpful, thanks!
  14. Is there a way I can reverse proxy to this container? I want to be able to check it from the outside when I'm logged into Organizr. I'm not sure what kind of VNC web service it's using so I haven't been able to find a working config. Thanks!
  15. Thanks for the update, working great again now. Hope whatever is in your plate isn't bad stuff!
  16. Any update on getting this integrated into the actual plugin and updated in CA? Would like to avoid the patch provided as I know I'll forget that it's there and stumble on it in 6 months asking myself "what the heck is this..."
  17. So I did get the reverse proxy working on radarr/sonarr, etc, but I'm confused by all the different arguments for different containers in your configs, how do you know what you need to set? This concerns me that i'll add a new container or service and not know how to get it to open up properly with the proxy. Also the whole subdomain vs domain.com/destination/ seems like a bigger hassle too. My biggest hurdle with all this was I got HTTPS'd Organizr to load, but the homepage or settings wouldn't load so I couldn't even edit my tabs to the new /radarr/ and /sonarr/ to test within Organizr with. I kind of gave up for the moment but am saving my letsencrypt container config to revisit if any of this makes sense?
  18. You know, I may not have stopped it, but it was definitely running w/ torrents again and i did a stop/start just for kicks w/out doing anything in between and it lost data again the day. I haven't stopped/started it since in fear of losing all the torrents again. They're all in the state folder for me to re-add, but it takes time/effort to do so each time.
  19. Also wondering this before i kill off my VM for this container.
  20. No problem! It wouldn't even let me save the XML at all so it's on PCI and all the other settings/drivers/etc are all there.
  21. So I'm on unRAID 6.4 and have a new Windows 10 VM. Followed the other steps but it says that an address type cannot be "drive" so I cannot change these settings. I changed everything but left address type as 'pci' and it still shows as a normal hard disk instead of a thin provisioned drive. Any advice on what to change it to instead of pci? Thanks!
  22. I guess I don't really understand how fully to do that. Is there a step by step guide available for this? Also, with reverse proxy setup is it possible to still use an app like nzb360 on Android to connect to Sickbeard/Sickrage from outside my home? Right now that relies on my domain.com:port to get it to work properly.
  23. If I password protect each service (and require login for them to show up) do I really need to mess with trying to get this to work via the LetsEncrypt container? That seems like so much work and since all of the services (e.g. Sonarr, Radarr, etc) aren't HTTPS protected I'm not even sure how I'd get them to load in a frame on an HTTPS main page?
  24. New install - VNC only loads to a black page and nothing is ever visible?
  25. I've had Deluge lose my state data of ~100 torrents twice today now... I got the thin client part setup and working fine but I've lost state again as I was testing a few things. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? Losing the state of 100 torrents is a major pain to go through and re-add everything...
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