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Everything posted by CorneliousJD

  1. Yep, in the admin section it's the "news's" option! You can add text and a background image there.
  2. Make sure your allowed_host is set to * because that sounds like it's now allowing your host through, once you get it working that way you can mess with it a little more and change your allowed_host to be something else. It's normal for everything else you mentioned, the spinning on browse, and the lack of any error with the lack of login happening for it to be an allowed host issue. Also appdata remains empty until you start uploading photos for recipies, so that's normal for now! PS, if you load up Adminer or another SQL server manager (or just look via command line) you should see these tables in your openeats database, if you don't see them all then something went wrong with the database.
  3. Yeah unfortunately that wont be in the cards, and I know entering recipes can take a while to move over, lots of copy/paste or typing everything in again.
  4. Hey all, just wanted to update you that I got this up and working and it's live in CA now. Support page for it is here!
  5. About OpenEats is a recipe management site that allows users to create, share, and store their personal collection of recipes. The usage for the app is intended for a single user or a small friends/family group. Demo: https://open-eats.github.io/ GitHub: https://github.com/open-eats/OpenEats In my hunt for a self-hosted recipe manager on unRAID, I found a lot of interest in people wanting an OpenEats container, but due to the offical OpenEats containers being split into 3 different containers (nginx, web, and API) it didn't seem like anyone had it successfully running. I took the liberty of trying to get this done for everyone in the community! I found a request for this type of setup (single dockerfile) on GitHub and decided to start diving in to see if I could get this running on unRAID through a reverse proxy, and here we are! I based my template for this container off of this GitHub repo and this Docker Hub repo. Requirements MariaDB (I recommend LinuxServer's container) or compatible MySQL server. Note that there IS a version of this container that comes with MariaDB baked in but it is NOT currently functioning. It is the :mariadb tab, but currently attempting to run it will get you a command failure due to +x permission error. I've reached out to the devs to fix this hopefully! I would recommend the separate MariaDB container anyways, regardsless! Setup MariaDB: You simply need to setup a MariaDB database. I would suggest just calling it "openeats" and you can attach permissions for a user to that database. You should be able to use Adminer (there's a CA docker container already!) if you need a GUI-based way to add databases/users/permissions, etc. Once you have your database, user, and password setup, just put it into the corresponding spots on this docker container's template. Alternatively, you CAN use the SQL root user/password, but I do not recommend that, it's better to have a user with permissions only on this single database. First Run: Please wait while the container creats all the necessary tables in the SQL database. This can take 5-10 minutes or so and the container will have NO log output when it does this. Please be patient, if you interrupt this by stopping the container it will leave you with a broken database! You'll know it's done either when the site is fully working or when you start seeing log output for the container. Users & Groups: After you get everything running, you can login with your sueruser account and you can even create other users who will have access to the site. I would suggest going in and create a group and granting the permissions you want them to have, and then adding users to those groups if you plan on having more than just yourself access this OpenEats instance. Variables OPENEATS_VERSION: This will let you choose a specific version, you can choose "master" here to get the latest version direct from github on each run/restart of the container, or you can choose a speciric version from here as well. If you want to run a specific version just enter the version number for example 1.5.0 ALLOWED_HOST: This will default to * (all), however to be more restrictive you can list your IP address of your unRAID server (allows local LAN access), along with any reverse-proxy domain you want to access from (for access over the Internet), e.g. it may look like this:, openats.yourdomain.com DJANGO_SECRET_KEY: This needs to be a long randomly genrated string for cryptography. See here for more information. Other Variables: A list of other OpenEats variables is available here. Reverse Proxy This should work just fine in either an Nginx reverse proxy (like LinuxServer's Let's Encrypt container, or Nginx Proxy Manager). I would recommend setting this us as a subdomain, such as https://openeats.yourdomain.com My current Let's Encrypt reverse proxy server block looks like this. #OPENEATS server { listen 80; server_name openeats.yourdomain.com; return 301 https://openeats.yourdomain.com$request_uri; } server { listen 443 ssl http2; server_name openeats.yourdomain.com; location / { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; proxy_pass; } } Known Issues When running behind a reverse proxy, I cannot seem to get the admin page to load. A workaround for now would be to just access it locally to make changes you need, since there shouldn't be too much you regularly have to do there, I don't see this as being a huge issues, but I will try to figure out why this is and work towards a fix. I didn't see this as a reason to delay release of this template/container because it works fine locally still. When creating a recipe it will show a broken image as the placeholder until you upload your own. Saving it without uploading one will still auto-generate a placeholder one after saving. Cosmetic-only issue. Creating a recipe link does not seem to currently work, it just gets stuck at saving the recipe and nonthing ever happens. Thank you /u/ziggie216 on Reddit for reporting this.
  6. Quick update all, I have made a LOT of progress here on this today, I have a working container. I plan on releasing into CA once I do some more testing here.
  7. Did you have any luck? I went down the rabbithole today in self hosted recipe management, and open eats looks great. For now I deployed "chowdown" but it's missing a ton of what I consider "critical" features for a recipe manager, and only would really work for smaller collections. Would love to assist where I can but I've only created very basic dockerfiles and have a few templates in CA. But if there's anything I can do or test along with you let me know!
  8. I currently have my docker.img file set to 25GB however overnight up until right now I had just been getting notices of 70-75% utilization on and off constantly. My container sizes are only 13.2GB and then if wirtable adds onto that too, then my total size is 14.5GB. However if I look at my docker volume info I see it's using 19.5GB. I'm not sure where the discrepancy is coming from or how to fix it. Total devices 1 FS bytes used 14.50GiB devid 1 size 25.00GiB used 19.52GiB path /dev/loop2 Total to scrub: 15.72GiB Rate: 0.00B/s Error summary: no errors found Name Container Writable Log --------------------------------------------------------------------- HomeAssistant 1.36 GB 1.75 MB 89.1 kB UniFiVideo 1.03 GB 214 MB 13.9 kB Dolphin 1 GB 33.8 MB 517 kB UniFi 724 MB 177 MB 8.40 kB HA-Dockermon 723 MB 151 B 3.75 kB Lidarr 702 MB 44.3 MB 12.3 kB Sonarr 670 MB 67.7 MB 7.10 MB Grocy 660 MB 144 MB 4.46 kB Ombi 606 MB 230 MB 181 kB Radarr 574 MB 22.4 MB 1.47 MB Plex 482 MB 302 MB 18.0 kB NodeRED 478 MB 29.3 MB 222 kB CrashPlan 454 MB 163 kB 110 kB Monica 393 MB 728 kB 1.40 MB NginxProxyManager 360 MB 9.79 kB 115 kB MariaDB 351 MB 344 kB 4.44 kB Nextcloud 351 MB 65 kB 4.89 kB PiHole 325 MB 30.1 MB 27.4 kB LetsEncrypt 291 MB 9.66 MB 11.2 kB Stash 281 MB 0 B 862 kB JDownloader 259 MB 0 B 0 B Deluge 256 MB 303 kB 9.53 kB Tautulli 245 MB 7.75 MB 371 kB CloudBerry 235 MB 3.46 MB 220 kB Bitwarden 130 MB 0 B 4.08 kB Heimdall 121 MB 41.7 MB 9.87 kB Organizr 70.1 MB 38 kB 192 kB Mosquitto 6.30 MB 0 B 2.31 kB
  9. I had assumed the same when i was checking this out, never tested it with any additional proivders though, glad you sorted it out. The readme is updated for anyone new that comes along that wants to poke at it too at least Thanks!
  10. Reminder that I did not write SUI, someone else did, I just adapted it for a container and made some fixes. You are correct though, all providers.json does after researching is simply show it on the UI, it doesn't actually code the function in. In order to do that, you must edit search.js at line 59 It's pretty easy to add your own though, see my example added in here above allmusic. The "case" or trigger is "z" so /z will trigger this in the search bar. You can also add it to providers.json so it shows up in the GUI correctly as well so you can reference it later. EDIT: Also updated the repository readme.md file on github with a similar example for future users wanting to do the same! function search(text) { var option = text.substr(1, text.indexOf(' ') - 1) || text.substr(1); var subtext = text.substr(2 + option.length); if (text[0] === '/') { if (text.indexOf(' ') > -1) { switch (option) { case "z": window.location = "https://www.testdomaon.com/search/all/" + subtext; break; case "am": window.location = "https://www.allmusic.com/search/all/" + subtext; break;
  11. Can you post your provider code? I'll take a peek.
  12. Well, thankfully I set a budget on this - backing up less than 50GB of data cost me $18 over 2 days. Cancelled that idea right away. Going to just go with Backblaze B2 I think instead, at least pricing is extremely predictable that way, they don't charge for Class A API calls, where Google, Azure, Aamazon Glacier, etc, all do, which is what kills these ideas for us.
  13. Well this ended up being $20 for 2 days worth of backups... Looks like I'll migrate over to B2. What is everyone's retention policies for B2 and delete policies? My initial thought would be to keep 30 days from modification date, always keep last version, and 3 versions, and delete 30 days after as well so we aren't dealing with too much data retention. Thanks all.
  14. I'm going to try using this to get away from CrashPlan (I have INotify limits and high resource usage with CP Pro daily, and my pricing finally went up to $10/mo a while back) That being said, I'm trying to use it with Google Archival Storage, I think I'd like to also supplement with a local backup disk some day as well so I do not have to rely on Google Cloud for restores unless a disaster strikes. My understanding with Google Archival storage is pricing is only $0.0012/GB/mo, very cheap. But any file that touches the service you automatically pay for storage for a full year on. 365 days. I have my retention policy setup like this, would this be accurate to get the best "bang for my buck" with their storage then since I'm paying for 365 days of storage per file anyways? I also have daily block level backups with monly forced full backups. PS - the /flash mapping to /boot no longer works anymore it seems, the flash folder is empty inside the container. PSS - If Google Archival storage is a waste of time and i should just go for B2 that's fine, I'm just trying to keep costs as low as possible. With my ~800GB of data to backup, this is just less than $1/mo where B2 is $4/mo. Thanks in advance!
  15. Fixed the favicon errors, removal of files being forced when they don't exist, and the forcing of links to open in new tabs. The logic of what will be copied into appdata is now improved too! It will check for each individual file index.html favicon.ico apps.json links.json proivders.json If any of them are missing it will copy in the default files. Then it check the assets folder as a whole and copies that in if it doesn't exist, this way any customizations you make to any files can be kept. I should really do the same logic with the assets folder but I just don't have the time right now to do so, anyone editing them should be able to figure out how to revert their changes, or they can always just download a fresh file from the github if needed.
  16. Hi all, looking for some advice to help speed up Nextcloud, if possible. I'm starting to use it more and more for my private cloud needs, but the speed does leave something to be desired. I'm running it via the LetsEncrypt reverse proxy. I don't think there's been any real changes to my nextcloud appdata files other than configuring some auto-deletion of deleted files after 30 days? Here's my reverse proxy config. If there's anything else I can do to help speed it up that would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! server { listen 443 ssl; server_name cloud.domain.com; root /config/www; index index.html index.htm index.php; ###SSL Certificates ssl_certificate /config/keys/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /config/keys/letsencrypt/privkey.pem; ###Diffie–Hellman key exchange ### ssl_dhparam /config/nginx/dhparams.pem; ###SSL Ciphers ssl_ciphers '(full cipher list removed here)'; ###Extra Settings### ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m; ### Add HTTP Strict Transport Security ### add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains"; add_header Front-End-Https on; add_header Referrer-Policy no-referrer; client_max_body_size 16000m; location / { proxy_pass; # proxy_max_temp_file_size 2048m; #Disabled max temp file size to be able to share files greater than 2GB in size. proxy_buffering off; include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; } }
  17. Sorry I fixed this shortly after posting this. For some reason the default webUI password of "deluge" got set again. After using that to login and change it again I'm back up and running. May be a bug in the container so I figured I'd update and alert you guys to it incase it is. Thanks!
  18. Hello all, I'm having a new issue that I've noticed today. Sonarr and Radarr can no longer communicate with Deluge any longer, stating my password is incorrect. I cannot access via the web UI either, it says my daemon password is wrong. I've tried opening a local client I have installed on a workstation on my network and THAT can still connect to it, but I cananot edit the daemon password as it fails with "NoneType" object is not subscriptable. Nothing has changed as far as my server goes so I'm not sure what's happening - any advice is appreciated!
  19. So the errors are just a lack of favicon.ico. I suppose I could add one to the container. I don't think I'll be coding a settings page but I could force new tabs instead of same window, that's an easy link modification in index.html. When I have some time I'll look at both of those things and update accordingly, in the meantime you can change your index.html file to show the a href="url" section to also have target="_blank" if you're familair with HTML and that will force open a new tab for your links. This is surely your cache, hold shift and refresh, or just clear your cache, try incognito, etc. I'm able to change those links just fine on my side and they're working over here.
  20. Thanks for reporting this, I just modified the starup script to modify the permissions of the files that get copied into appdata. I'd recommend clearing out your /appdata/suistartpage/ folder entirely and checking for updates or forcing an update on the container, as I just published an update that should fix this for you. Along with that update I fixed it so you now have to manually specify http vs https in your URLs as before it was forcing https as a base URL. Now that it's changed you should see a new example apps.json file being populated into the appdata folder as long as it's an empty folder when you update. From here you should be able to specify and point to local http or https items or even web URLs that you might be reverse proxying. If you run into more problems let me know and I'll see what I can do about getting them fixed up!
  21. This is a container running ngixn and serving up a custom homepage develped by jeroenpardon. I've forked it to fix a few minor issues and create a working docker container and unraid template. Original repo is here: https://github.com/jeroenpardon/sui My fork is here: https://github.com/CorneliousJD/SUI-Startpage This should be quick to setup and use, just edit the apps.json and links.json files. You can also add new search providers if you wish by editing the provider.json file. When first starting this container it will determine your appdata folder for this is empty and copy in the basic template files that you are then free to modify yourself. If you ever want to "start over" with the container, just empty the appdata folder and restart or force-update the container and it will give you a fresh set of files to work with again. Enjoy!
  22. Thanks guys! I appreciate it. I guess the appdata share is what I was worried about being hit, but nothing seems to be broken or non-functioning at all so I think we're okay at this point. I'll run docker safe perms and let it ride. Thanks!
  23. So I did a really dumb thing today... I accidentally changed /media in the container to /data (I thought it was wering seeing /media when it was all my user sahres, so I figured i'd make it something more logical). After this it was doing the "Setting permissions recursively on volume mappings..." for about 5-10 minutes before I realized something was off and stopped the container. I then realized in the dockerfile that you map /data... # map /data to host defined config path (used to store data from app) VOLUME /data How bad is this? What kind of damage could it have done? Since it was my /mnt/user/ dirdrectory I assume it would have just been going in alphabetical order, in my appdata first, then my backups, then my emulation folder (with thousands of ROMS). I have backups of everything in the first two folders but I'm not sure what kind of dmage it could ahve done, if any. Any assistance here on what I should check if anything would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  24. Ok, template has been updated, but CA will need to re-scan it to reimport it, it will take a few hours. I've updated the top post here for newcomers to see some much-needed info on how to get this to run. Here's what the template should look like now. Note that the end Dashboard URL is a hidden variable and shown under "More Settings". Most people shouldn't need to change this.
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