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Everything posted by CorneliousJD

  1. Hey all, having an odd issue where Radarr is being reported as having 1 item in the queue, however my queue in Radarr is empty and all missing movies are currently unrelased still. This has been going on for a few days now, can't figure out what is still stuck in the queue anywhere? Screenshots below. Thanks in advance!
  2. The more I look into this, the more it's just a nextcloud thing... Everyone that uses it at any sort of scale seems to have problems with speed. For now I've given up and just continue to use it as a file-sync (and the rare share of a file/folder) but I've stopped using it for much else because it's so awfully slow. I have no issues personally w/ the sync features.
  3. Really just want to say THANKS for bringing this template to the community. Paperless (OG) left something to be desired for me, but Paperless-ng really does what I want and has the look/feel I was after too. (Was probably just the dated look/feel of the original I guess) I opted to run with PostgreSQL isntead of the baked-in SQLite, so I ended up adding DB host/port/name/user/pass variables to mine, as well as the Secret Key -- I do believe Secret Key is important and should be included in the template for everyone. https://paperless-ng.readthedocs.io/en/ng-0.9.2/configuration.html If anyone needs it later and isn't able to figure it out from the documentation, here's the setup needed for Postgres
  4. I had this issue with one specific document, it worked with others though, I think it had something to do with how the PDF was saved/malformed or something. For this one already-existing PDF I had, I just ended up printing it and scanning it back in and that worked fine. I have a scanner setup to scan via FTP to my consume folder, and use the Paperless-App to scan documents on mobile devices that upload straight into my Paperless-NG instance. I guess try some other files, or try scanning a file and putting it into your consume folder instead of the web UI's upload, see what happens with that? PS - All this is for Paperless-ng which I assume you're also talking about, the OG paperless has it's own support thread.
  5. In regards to paperless-ng, I believe there should be PAPERLESS_SECRET_KEY variable setup. I'm also having an issue where uploading files via Paperless app (android) or via web UI on my mobile phone will sometimes fail to actually upload the document, which is pretty strange. I don't see anything in the running log or any .log files in appdata. Any idea where I can look to troubleshoot this more? Thanks!
  6. For sure! The idea though is that you would have data point to a "Stash" share and put all your media into that, but if you need access to more shares, you can add mappings like this This would be /pics inside of the container
  7. You would pick one or the other, correct. NPM and SWAG are different (NPM does not contain SWAG), but they both run their reverse proxies via Nginx. SWAG is all config-file based, but can support some really advanced configs. NPM is GUI-based and keeps everything really simple. This can make some advanced configs challenging, but I've been able to work around that and have migrated from SWAG to NPM personally. If you're just getting started, I'd suggest NPM for sure. If you hit a wall with NPM and have an actual need for more advanced configs, you can easily swap over to SWAG if you ever need to.
  8. I didn't really do anything? I have ~35 proxy hosts though so I had just assumed certbot was running trying to process/check renewals, so I just let it sit and it started working. Not having any other issues with it. Have you checked logs to see what might be up?
  9. I am getting the same error as of today when trying to add certs. Anyone else also getting this issue? EDIT: I let the container sit for 15 minutes or so and tried again and it worked... lol
  10. Glad you're enjoying it! Just an FYI - I am NOT the docker author, I know sometimes people get confused about who releases a docker template vs the actual author! @MitchTalmadge is the author of the actual container here: https://github.com/MitchTalmadge/AMP-dockerized I just put together the template to get it running on unRAID. If anyone deserves the donation it's him, not me, just want to make sure it goes to the guy that did the actual hard work
  11. OpenEats does not support this. Another container that I've publisehd to CA does though, it's just called Recipes
  12. So I did PM you but ended up plugging away at this today and I got it... I updated NPM's GitHub issue #40 about this. https://github.com/jc21/nginx-proxy-manager/issues/40#issuecomment-749770892 In short, /plex sitll woudn't work for me, but adding /web DID work. I think it's because the way the plex container expects /web at the end of everything that it worked like this, but regardless, it allows me to fix my issue! I now have Organizr setup with Plex OAuth, SSO across Plex, Ombi, Tautulli, and "watch on plex" buttons working, all via NPM hope this comment helps someone else in the future!
  13. Awesome, thank you! I just updated the tempalte so users will get the update now and new users will see the TZ variable to fill in. Thanks!
  14. Sorry to say but I just do not know the answer. This is their official container with no modifications whatsoever, so you should be able to just raise an issue on their GitHub page for cloudbeaver, and if/when they make a change to add or resolve this issue, it should take effect on your next scheduled container update, since this will pull directly from their official dockerhub build. Hope this helps!
  15. Just reverse proxy the NPM interace itself at proxymanager or npm.domain.com instead. I do not believe you can access locally via HTTPS.
  16. The unRAID Web UI? I wouldn't recommend opening that up. There's somethign that will help with this coming soon anways
  17. I agree it doesn't make any sense, but thanks for making me look into it more - it ended up being a cookie issue, cleared all cookies for and the login page shows up now Problem solved!
  18. There doesn't seem to be a TZ or Timezone variable in the container config so you'll want to submit a github issue on the author's github page for the project and ask if one could be added or if there's a way to set it in a config, since this doesn't seem to be an unraid specific isse. (He does frequent this thread though too, so it may be something he will see here even, but no guarnatee)
  19. So the last few days I've lost local access to this container completely for some reason. I don't really understand why? But it works via my reverse proxy still? How weird.
  20. thank you so much for continuing to reply and trying to help. I really do appreciate it very much! So I added a few other /locations for testing and pretty much nothing works like that. I can get some pages to load their title in the browser, but no contents, and I can get some to show their authentication pages but then fail to load once logged in, etc. ALL of these services work fine on sub.domain.com however with no issues. So it seems like it's trying to load the proper site, but for whatever reason having them at a /location vs a subdomain is breaking things. I used to have a /plex location working in a SWAG/LetsEncrypt config, but it was pretty simple, so I'm not sure what I'm missing here. Here's my old SWAG/LetsEncyrpt config # PLEX CONTAINER location /plex/ { proxy_pass; include /config/nginx/SSO.conf; } if ($http_referer ~* /plex/) { rewrite ^/web/(.*) /plex/web/$1? redirect; } And SSO.conf was all of this client_max_body_size 10m; client_body_buffer_size 128k; proxy_bind $server_addr; proxy_buffers 32 4k; #Timeout if the real server is dead proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500 http_502 http_503; # Advanced Proxy Config send_timeout 5m; proxy_read_timeout 240; proxy_send_timeout 240; proxy_connect_timeout 240; proxy_hide_header X-Frame-Options; # Basic Proxy Config proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; proxy_redirect http:// $scheme://; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Connection ""; proxy_no_cache $cookie_session; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; If I add all that into the custom config for the location then I'm still not getting anywhere unfortuantely. Something really weird the the /plex location happens too where sometimes it will try to load domain.com:4443/plex (where 4443 is the port NPM runs with my internal network) - Nothing should be configured to ever add port 4443 in there so I'm not sure why that's getitng added either. So weird.
  21. Also working fine for me on this end as well. I think you might need to watch your log files or something while trying to import. I don't think your error is specific to unraid/docker setup but rather specific to something on your end. I can't replicate the issue so I can't speak more on exactly what's cuasing it, but with some logs we all might be able to work together to figure it out.
  22. How would I check/know if I have DNS rebinding allowed for plex.direct? If you mean internally and NAT loopback, then yes that is enabled and working. For what it's worth. i'm getting same 401 unauthorized when testing via my phone off of WiFi. I don't understand what would be different about our configs since there's almost zero config in NPM.
  23. This doesn't apply to NPM. I can add those directories but the /plex part isn't even working, it's just giving me a 401 error in the first place. I can't even get anywhere with it. https://github.com/jc21/nginx-proxy-manager/issues/40 Seems like an extremely common (and long-term open) request. The way custom locations portrays itself, everything should already work like this but it just doesn't...? If someone actually has domain.com hosting Organizr and domain.com/plex working please let me know - I'd love to take a look at your exact config. right now while I appreciate everyone's help they seem to just be saying "it's possible" when they may not have it working the way I need it to?
  24. Plex SSO doesn't have that type of setup though. The reason I'm trying to get this setup is because SSO for Tautulli and Ombi work just fine (they point to local dockerIP:port like you mentioned) but Plex does not, there's no option to do that. Also see here: https://docs.organizr.app/books/setup-features/page/sso#bkmrk-plex Specifically the part that mentions Plex SSO doesn't work if Plex Reverse Proxy is a subdomain To setup a /plex Reverse Proxy in Nginx, setup the location block
  25. Are you able to import from other websites? Perhaps just that site isn't supported for import?
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