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Everything posted by CorneliousJD

  1. @enriquezandrew92 I saw you psoted here and then it looks like it was deleted. Sorry you're having issues, I'm not sure what to suggest at this point, I have the docker up and working flalessly since day one with this - since your post is deleted I can't look into anything on it at this point but when I have more free time I can try to take a deeper look.
  2. Container requires a MySQL (MariaDB) database in order to function! Photoview is a simple and user-friendly photo gallery that can easily be installed on personal servers. It's made for photographers and aims to provide an easy and fast way to navigate directories, with thousands of high resolution photos. If you have questions regarding setup or development, feel free to join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/jQ392948u9 Demo site Visit https://photos.qpqp.dk/ Username: demo Password: demo More info here: https://github.com/photoview/photoview
  3. Here's my setup screenshots, hope it helps! AMP/Configuration/Networking Valheim Instance Ports Then in Valheim instance, configuration, server, you can set your wold name, seed, and password (must have password from everything I'm reading i think?) Then forward ports 2456-2458 *UDP* through your firewall, or to test locally just connect to your unraid IP running AMP on port 2457 (the actual port it uses to connect). e.g.
  4. This container allows you to have a working Joplin desktop app, reachable via a http noVNC that can be placed behind a reverse proxy. More information about the noVNC baseimage here : https://github.com/jlesage/docker-baseimage-gui More info about Joplin : https://joplinapp.org/ This can also be used with the JoplinServer container as well to have a full Joplin stack runnin on unRAID. NOTE: If you're going to put this behind a reverse proxy be sure to either use the VNC password that you can set in the template or provide your own means of access control via proxy.
  5. If anyone is interested, I have Valheim running on this without issues as of now.
  6. yep, that static MAC is definately needed otherwise when the conatiner is restarted or updated it will get a new MAC address and thus need the license keys again. That should fix it moving forward though, happy to help!
  7. Do you have a static MAC address set? What error with the auth URL are you receiving?
  8. Brand new Valheim install here, not having any luck... Added --dns= already to extra paramaters but making no difference. Tried validate=true as well but still looping over and over. not sure what's going on. Is there other logs you need to see in order to be able to help? Thanks in advance! Valheim.log.txt It just keeps looping every minute or two from here.
  9. I don't know the actual answer here, but until then you can just run two instances of the same container, it's super lightweight.
  10. Try doing the force update, if it's not pulling any actual update then it's possible that your feature request was closed as it was added/working in DEV but hasn't been actually combined with the master branch yet, meaning you may need to wait a bit longer until the developer of Recipes actually pushes it to part of his master branch of code.
  11. Ideally you should be using CA's Auto Update on a schedule, but if you do not want to do that you can just check for updates or force an update from the docker page. Turn on advanced in the top right of hte docker page and then you can force an update for any container you'd like.
  12. This container is the HealthChecks dashboard which needs your *view only* API key. Instructions for use should be inside the tempalte itself as follows. If you've ended up here I assume you need more assistance. This is what you need to look for. The line you're looking for to edit looks like this. You should be able to change it to something like the following.
  13. The one running br0 should have all ports open to it since you don't have to actually pass any through, does that one still not show up unelss you manually add it in Minecraft? Mitch is saying that bridge networking in docker will at least for sure not allow multicast packets to flow, so you would need to use host networking. I THINK br0 would work simlarly to host networking, which allows any ports requested to flow through to the assigned IP?
  14. IIRC Minecraft will bind to an interface and use multicast on that to be discoverable, so this might not be making it out of hte container, or might be bound to the wrong interface? I'm not sure off hand, @MitchTalmadge might know more on this specific aspect. Although, since your unRAID server presumably has a static IP address, you could have people on your LAN just add the server once and have it saved/bookmarked anyways, not exactly what you're looking for but way back when I used to hose MC worlds that's what we all did over WAN and on the LAN regardless.
  15. This should be possible. I don't think it *broadcasts* out but as long as the ports are open the clients should scan the network and find it?
  16. I've had issues with the "database is locked" for SQLite with other containers and I already had Postgres spun up so I opted to just do it on this from tbe start. I don't think you'd see any performance improvements until you have hundreds of thousands of documents, or multi users. Hope this helps!
  17. That's also a good idea as well, good thinking!
  18. Not exactly, favorites isn't a feature of OpenEats, but ratings are, you can rate your recipes and give them 0-5 stars, and you can sort by rating, and if you give your favorites 5 stars then you effectively can bookmark a page for your favorites https://openeats.domain.com/browse/?rating=5
  19. Awesome! Glad you got it working!!! Just a heads up. I am able to turn on/off my android TV devices via this method. I'm using NodeRED to automate and trigger these commands, but you should be able to use the same service calls in HA directly, since all this is doing is sending the service call to HA from NodeRED! Here's a screenshot of the commands I'm sending to get it to do it. Hope this helps you in your pursuit as well Idea here is that the MENU button will wake it up and turn it on. There is a "power" command but it will turn it off if it's already on. I only wanted this to turn it on and never turn it off. One of my TVs I reboot once a day because there's some performance issues if I don't. (it's a cheap HiSense TV) I also use {"command":"INPUT"} and {"command":"HOME"} on a few automations that are specific to my workflows.
  20. So just to clarify and confirm, when you console into this container and run adb reboot, it will actually work and reboot the shield TV? That's a good sign then, it means the container is actually working to connect to the devices.
  21. Ok so this is what I see all the time with my setup that is working as intended. - So i suppose USB + Network debugging on is a good thing here, unless you see exactly the same with just network debugging? It will repeat this over and over again though which is a good sign, saying it's already connected. What's concerning though is this line here: failed to authenticate to adb I 02-03 19:18:32 8 8 adb.cpp:114] offline I'm not sure I understand why this is happening, something is preventing the action from authnenticating. Can you try blowing away this docker container and re-creating it from scratch? All that I've ever had to do is accept the prompt for debugging when it connects the first time and that's been it, it "just worked" after that without any hassle on the TV's I've used it on. For reference here's my sample config #Media Players media_player: - platform: androidtv name: Office Android TV host: adb_server_ip: With .192 being the TV, and .10 being my unraid server.
  22. IIRC I ONLY have USB debugging on, so I'd try that first - just USB, and if that doesn't seem to do it, try with both USB and Network debugging on, check docker logs each time to see if they change, let mek now the results. Glad to hear SUI is being used, I forked it and brought it into an unraid template, I didn't make it but did it because there was a request for it, glad it's being utlized
  23. Are you doing NETWORK debugging or USB debugging? I am not using this personally with a Shield TV at this point in time, but an android TV with android built into the TV, and I had to turn on USB debugging for it to work, not network debugging. Perhaps that's worth a shot? I do have a Shield TV I rarely use anymore, if I can find the time (which is hard to come by right now) I can try hooking it up and see if I can replicate the issue you're running into. Let me know if you get anywhere with USB debugging though instead, keep me posted and I'll see if I can find the time to hook mine up soon to check it out.
  24. So what we should see is that it's "already connected" over and over again, so this is kind of weird to see that you have it saying offline then connected. Is anything ELSE trying to connect to USB debigging on that IP address? Also, just something to check, but have you tried setting it up WITHOUT the ADB server? Right on the HA page it now says
  25. Check the docker log for the ADB container - click the "uptime x minutes/hours" section and it'll load the log, anything interesting in there? You may want to restart the docker container, let it run for 5-10 minutes then look at it so you have a fresh look at what hte log is saying. It SHOULD be telling you it's trying to connectg to over and over again and saying that it's already connected to that device every few minutes.
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