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Everything posted by CorneliousJD

  1. You need to turn on communication between docker host and macvlan networks to allow the to communicate. Try turning off docker engine in settings then the option to turn that on should be there, then enable docker engine again.
  2. Currently (info gotten from GitHub) is that it only passes on a VALID SSL cert, and if it's a self-signed or epxired cert it will fail the check, so for now it's checking validity. The dev did mention he plans to add a toggle to ignore invalid certs though in the future too.
  3. Uptime Kuma is a status monitor, similar to Uptime Robot that supports multiple notifications systems. Docker is based off official container, very simple and easy to use! If you have issues with the software, please contact dev on his github page here https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma Post here if your issue is specific to unraid setup/docker implementation for Uptime Kuma.
  4. So it looks like they changed the port number for some reason from 5000 to 5100... try changing these manually. I'll edit my templates and push updates to CA After I edited everything to 5100 it works. REMINDER: Toggle advanced on and edit the WebUI port as well to 5100
  5. Can you describe what you mean about the path before installing? Perhapsd a screenshot will help? Also, if you're interested in another container, I personally run OneTimePassword istead of Password Pusher now, both are good options though!
  6. Perfect, was waiting for this. I'm going to migrate over to the official docker container this weekend (time permitting) Appreciate you putting this together for us.
  7. Thank you for continuing to update everyone on this, I appreciate it even though I've been able to work around the issue with a VLAN. My only "fixes" are workarounds for now - I'm only sharing them here to help people who are frustrated by the crasahes to do something free or at least very cheap (add a $15 NIC for another interface) to get around the issue. hoping someone here has real answers at some point though, that would be great! If there's anything else I can provide from my system please let me know, happy to keep providing logs/diags/etc.
  8. What service is it? Out of curiosity at this point really. What about adding another NIC (if your motherboard doesn't already have 2 or more LAN ports?) That could be a very cheap $15 card for a gigabit NIC. https://amzn.to/3zfpmzF (referral link) I beleive that way you could keep the same IP address, but give it its own network interface instead?
  9. Is there a reason you can't run a VLAN? (hardware doesn't support it?) Alternatively, you could add a 2nd NIC into your server and run it on a separate IP address from that I believe? I don't know the specifics of this exactly, but I think that would work so it's not assigned to br0 anymore? Also, are you able to simply not run that container on its own IP? I don't know of any other way besides those two options personally that will fix this. I had success with the VLAN method, and implemented it in less than 10 minutes total.
  10. To each their own, a single vlan for Dockers is easier than setting up ESXi IMO. Well I agree, I didn't want to complicate my home network any further either, it was an extremely simple process that took me less than 10 minutes to complete. In my eyes 10 minutes to avoid crashes was definitely worth it. I've already linked to post somewhere in this thread that goes over the details of adding a docker VLAN, complete with photos!
  11. Not a dev, but as noted in this thread a few times it's your br0 ones causing the issue. Not bridge vs host. You probably need to put those on a separate vlan. This is admittedly a workaround, but one that's worked for me. Stable with zero crashes since doing it over a month ago
  12. So I would actually strongly recommend against using SQLite. SQLite in photo apps like this scales HORRIBLY and is bound to cause you all sorts of slowness, issues, and headaches. You would probably need to specify sqlite as a db driver tho. see here: PHOTOVIEW_DATABASE_DRIVER=mysql is the default. I would really just suggest spinning up MariaDB though, it's not difficult to do.
  13. You can, or you can just create multiple databases inside of one MariaDB container. Choice is yours
  14. @limetech Is there work being done on this still since it wasn't resolved as previously thought?
  15. It's case sensitive, try /photos in the container, no capital.
  16. New send container is working, however I cannot seem to get passwords to work, I enter something easy like "test" or "test123" as a password and it then tells me later the password is incorrect. EDIT - Disregard, once I actually set it all up via reverse proxy, it seems to be accepting passwords now. PS you do need some Redis persistence. I have mine setup like this, databse saved to appdata, and AOF disabled, to keep the Redis database extremly small (given it's expiring nature)
  17. Sorry, I'm not using custom scrapers, but is there a config page that you have to tell it where the scrapers live? Would need to make sure that it matches up with what the container expects so the container path and your appdata for scrapers line up. Maybe someone else with Scrapers enabled can chime in here?
  18. In the container template you need to pick "Show more settings ..." at the bottom and configure all your Postgres stuff there. the /data/recipes.db is the default location of the SQLite database. If you're using postgres that should just be a database name like "tandoorrecipes" Here's my config as an example, with password redacted
  19. https://cubecoders.com/AMP#buyAMP Bottom right, you don't need a business email. Just use your personal email account when you pay.
  20. So that was just merged into develop branch 4 commits ago, it's likely not live yet and not in the container yet unfortunately.
  21. This is likely a question suited for their github page or more direct contact w/ the developers, this thread should be used for unraid-specific releated issues/support.
  22. I don't beleive so, this container would have no way of communicating with that file.
  23. Unraid-specific support for Pastey, please post here. For Pastey-related issues, it's best to contact the dev on GitHub https://github.com/Cesura/pastey
  24. You still need to have something automatically checking for upates. I would definately suggest using CA Auto Update for this. Yes, I am on Current Version: 0.15.1 There has been updates the past 2 days.
  25. Do you have ca auto update installed? It will check for updates and install per your config.
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