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Everything posted by allroy1975

  1. I'm just another lost soul who found your post and it worked perfectly, i wanted to say thank you! Add me to the list of fools who spent HOURS trying to fix this themselves - unsuccessfully. depends how you're getting to it i think. @ghost82 broke it down pretty well right there, i think.
  2. just wanted to say thanks, i don't know how long i would have futz around before I tried a reboot. lol.
  3. my server is called tower. I have a dns entry for it, and had a nginx Proxy host set up for it. I was seeing the same thing. I got rid of the tower proxy host, created a proxy host for "unraid" and a coresponding dns entry.....I did this around midnight last night and haven't seen a single Exited on signal 6 all day. I've also had many tabs open to my unraid dns and a whole bunch, maybe ALL of the docker containers i created proxys for. i'm not sure WHY that'd fix it....but it seems to have worked for me. I also posted about it here: but wanted to suggest it in both threads i found when trying to troubleshoot the issue. I'd love to hear if that helps for other people....
  4. on the one hand i hope this helps someone (myself included) on the other hand, i'm afraid i'll show off my ignorance with the things i'm about to say. I'm not sure if i'm the only one who did this...but i *THINK* this might have been my problem. I was watching my logs to make sure they weren't doing the "exited on signal 6" thing. but...of course it was if Nginx was running. I have a proxy host set up for tower, cuz...duh, of course. and i got to thinking ...if maybe somehow that DNS name was interfering somehow? I'm not a networking guy per se, but i was resolving the hostname tower for a long time before i set up nginx. now, of course when i use Putty to connect i go to tower over port 22, but could the name resolution be being forwarded to nginx? I don't think so....but like i said, i'm not a networking guy. anyway, i disabled the forwarder for tower and the messages seem to have stopped. Made a new DNS entry for Unraid and it seems to work just fine. now maybe just a matter of getting out of the tower habit? can anyone else confirm similar stuff?
  5. hey @jademonkee did you have to DO anything? I feel like i'm having a real similar issue. I had some system problems around the beginning of the month and now that i'm stable again, I keep seeing "Synchronizing block information" but it climbs to 100% then just starts over. It looks like i changed the memory in the RIGHT place 😉 a few days ago to 3072 from 2048 which had been working fine. or did you just let it sit and after a LONG time it finally got itself all synced up and is working correctly?
  6. i was nervous with only 1 person posting this, but took the plunge this morning and am please to report that i'm also doing pretty well with 5603! Unraid still has an IOMMU group (13 for me) totally locked down...and that group has both of my NICs. I like to pass through a physical NIC to one of my VMs, so that kinda sucks, but....Fix Common Problems says i don't have any problems....so that's pretty sweet....i guess.
  7. my favorite thing is physical passthrough of hardware to vms I'd like to see some more options in the GUI vm editor so I wouldn't have to go into the XML editor so much
  8. I'm constantly talking about this software to friends and coworkers. Been around since the 4.5 days..... The whole experience just keeps improving! Keep it up!
  9. did you figure anything out with this? i get the same thing on every share i've tried. I finally tried setting up Unraid with AD again....and I got it the server to join the domain..but having trouble with permissions on the windows side. Edit: looks like in the Tools\New Permissions you have the option to reset the permissions on a share. sorry for dredging this old topic up.
  10. I don't know why, but I never did this. maybe too many people saying MSI didn't work for them, but after just upgrading my RAM to where i could give my gaming VM a full 16gb all the time I decided to finally take action. I had always avoided doing this because the sound was OK, but...would drift.... after seeing your post which basically said "make sure you're doing it on the sound part of the HDMI" i went in and did it on my HDMI audio and my onboard audio (which i'm actually using). when I realized it was a windows registry key.....OMG...I'm pissed at myself that I didn't do this like 6 months ago when i built the vm! it was SO easy...I am employed working in the Windows World, so... a reg change doesn't scare me. I just never read into it. Anyway.... your post armed me with a tiny extra piece of info that gave me the courage to delve in. it's so weird how we psych ourselves out with stuff like that. Anyway....just wanted to thank you.
  11. So here's my situation. I've wanted to upgrade and kind of overhaul my Unraid box for a couple years now...but life keeps screwing me over and money's been tight. So my wife sees me wanting this and I'd been talking about it and she says "what would you need?" and I just blurted out a motherboard, memory and CPU. A few days later, her mom has bought me a new Asus X370-Pro mobo, and a Ryzen 1700 CPU. I had to go pick up some RAM, but..got 2 8gb sticks to start out with at a decent price. I pulled the "good" video card out of my old gaming PC as I wanted to replace it with the unraid box and do a gaming VM. The "good" video card is a Geforce 9800 GTX+. which Wikipedia says is 9 years old. And doesn't seem to be enough to play Doom 2016, which I snagged on sale from Steam for 15 bucks a few weeks ago! it starts and then crashes with a “FATAL ERROR: wglCreateContextAttribsARB failed”, which bethesda addresses: http://help.bethesda.net/app/answers/detail/a_id/33141/~/what-do-i-do-if-get-an-error-stating-“fatal-error%3A-wglcreatecontextattribsarb I don't even get the options it suggests me making changes to. So I got that video card to pass through to a Win10 Gaming VM..but it's been REALLY shakey. I've had to modify my syslinux.cfg and enable PCIe ACS Override to get it done, mostly I think because of how Ryzen/AMD is handling IOMMU groupings....and it seems like this video card doesn't want to reset. So I've had instances where I reset the Windows VM and all of unraid reboots (not good at all) and after I powered off the VM yesterday (didn't cause a reboot of the whole box, hooray!) but the VM wouldn't power back on, throwing an "internal error: Unknown PCI header type '127'" error. if I edit the VM and use vnc it boots right up. So, I power cycled the unraid box, and got that VM to boot again. So it's like a 1 time use, then I have to reboot the VM because (i think) the video card isn't resetting. guess it's the same issue lotte is having here: so....I *think* i need a new video card...and I know Nvidia cards seem to be tricky with passthrough to VMs. Would I be better off Getting an AMD? is there any potential increase in compatibility with an AMD Proc & Video card? Any advice would be appreciated.
  12. Oh God....now I think I really f'd up. Wanted to watch a movie tonight so I set the array back to exactly how it used to be. It wanted to rebuild the parity drive....so I set everything back to how it used to be..... excluding disk 4.... exactly how it was.....and started the array. None of the users shares are available. Nothing is. Did I just wipe out my entire array somehow?
  13. I've actually moved 8 to 4 after telling the array to retain the current config. I've been running the array with the missing Disk 4 for almost a week, but I'm terrified to start the array. Any advice is appreciated.
  14. that's exactly what I'm saying. So, like I asked in my first post, should I move the old 5 to where 4 was, 6 to 5, 7 to 6 and 8 to 7, or just remove 8, and move it to where 4 was? Moving 8 to 4 seems like a smaller change, but....is there a "better way"?
  15. That's correct. When I start the array, that's what it says Disk 4 unmountable. I totally didn't really read what you said since I was out and about, but this is the exact behavior I'm seeing. I did unassign it before starting the array. The array is mounted, and right in the middle I have a big unpleasant missing drive. So this is proper? Since I'll be removing even more drives later, is there a way to clean this up? Thanks for clearing that up for me!
  16. You know... Even with my VMs stopped and all my Dockers stopped and no files open from my shares I've been having trouble stopping my array....and having to force a reboot. I saw someone suggest taking the USB drive out and put it in a Windows box and it'll probably say there are errors on the disk and to let it fix them. I'm out right now, but maybe that's a good idea at this point. Thoughts?
  17. been trying to follow the instructions here, and ....maybe i'm dumb or unclear on something, but it doesn't EXPLICITLY say what to do on this (sure feels like a dumb) question Like the subject says, I've got 8 drives in my array. Looking to take it to 7 as Disk 4 (a 1tb) is failing. I've got a couple 8 TBs I plan on adding to the array, but the first will take over my parity drive (currently 5tb). Ultimately I'm going to replace about 4 1tb drives and have them sink into these newer 8tbs. I've followed those instructions....twice now....In step 7 it says to unassign the drive i'm removing. I've done that. Twice now. on the Main page of the Array it continues to show Disk 4 as not Installed/unmountable. Here's my question: When I'm "double checking all of the assignments" am I supposed to move Disk 5 into the Disk 4 slot, 6 into 5, and 8 into 7? The instructions don't EXPLICITLY say that..so I didn't do it. I've been reading up, and checking/double checking my procedures and stuff so when the preclears on the 2 new 8tb drives finished (a mere 6 days later) I'd be ready to go. Well, today is the day....and here I am doing another parity check with a "Not Installed" Disk 4 just to be safe. Am I doing this wrong? Thanks In Advance, Allroy
  18. I assume lots of us got a message about topics we're following from 2011. hahaha. seemed real fishy....this is the only instance of "delmetowp" i found on the forum, but at least it explains it.
  19. this is fantastic! it's my first experience with owncloud and it's great! After doing some research and trying to understand how the back end works, I don't think I can do this thing I want, but figured I'd ask anyway. It's probably a security problem or whatever..but... on my Unraid I've got a Users share with everyone in the Family having their own subfolder where they can store their stuff. It's not possible to have Matt's owncloud folder live in his "users" share and Savannah have hers live in her users share, is it? It'd be like having a dropbox folder on your "personal" drive that gets updated photos from your phone and such. Probably not possible, right? Thanks Matt
  20. my google-fu is telling me these are symbolic links and I might be able to just delete the link using a rm command but typing "rm mnt" scares the dickens out of me. though...if it's just a link, it should delete that link, if it's a folder it should complain that mnt is a folder and I need to use rmdir right? but I user rm -rf all the time to remove folders.....not sure.. Edit: yep, i just suck at linux too much. Once I did the ls -lah I could see the symlinks were different than regular folders since they had an @ at the back of them. That gave me more stuff to google. Long story short, that's what they were. Symlinks and I was able to delete just the link with a simple rm command. Thanks trurl for pushing me in the right direction. ugh...I couldn't figure it out because I suck at the linux equivalent of "dir". I'm ashamed, but grateful!
  21. Ok, so you shouldn't (hopefully) have to hold my hand through all of this..I think I found what I'm looking for I believe those are mount points? or am I using the wrong terminology? Sorry...mostly a windows guy....that's why I explained my hacking my way through flavors of unraid and ending up with a mess like this without understanding or knowing how I did it. so...how do I safely unmountpoint them? or whatever?
  22. Thanks!!! I mean...I haven't googled this command yet, to see what I just asked of that directories permissions, but...I feel like you're trying to help. root@Tower:~# ls -lah /mnt/user/yamj/usr total 25K drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 288 Oct 4 08:41 ./ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 48 Oct 4 11:09 ../ lrwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 8 Mar 4 2014 adm -> /var/adm/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 17K Feb 27 2014 bin/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 2.0K Feb 25 2014 doc/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 72 Oct 4 08:33 include/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 6.9K Oct 4 08:38 lib/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 104 Oct 4 11:02 local/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 96 Oct 4 08:40 man/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 264 Oct 4 08:40 sbin/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 10 Mar 4 2014 spool -> /var/spool/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 8 Mar 4 2014 tmp -> /var/tmp/
  23. I've been running Unraid since I think about 2009 picking up and losing knowledge as needed. Mostly hacking and slashing my way through it, so I've got some old junk here and there, and now that I'm on 6.3.1 and stuff is amazing, I figured I'd go ahead and do some cleanup. Removing old shares was easy enough...until i got to my old YAMJ share...I don't run anything that needs YAMJ anymore (plex FTW!) and so I'm deleting everything in there...when I notice there's a /yamj/usr direcotry.... and stuff has been modified in it TODAY. I haven't used yamj in a couple years... so i start digging and it looks like \\tower\yamj\usr\local\emhttp contains folders like "boot" and "mnt" and other folders ....these appear to be live files..since when I renamed a test file in \\tower\yamj\usr\local\emhttp\boot\ then checked \boot the file had changed. I've run mount and df but neither shows where this could be mounting from? Ideas? thanks in advance! Matt
  24. I started over yesterday too. After using (lazily relying on) the crashplan Desktop Docker, it lost it's mind yesterday and I didn't do enough research, so I dropped back and punted. following Leifgg's tutorial and notes: I reinstalled the crashplan plugin, copied (via putty) the .ui_info and .identity to /boot (\\tower\flash) and from there I could copy and paste them to C:\programdata\crashplan ...then simply edited .ui_info and added my IP address to the file where it belonged. I connected to the engine and signed in....it promptly kicked me out. checking the logs I watched until each upgrade was complete. It seemed to go in about 4 steps. Something like 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 to 4.3.2 to 4.4.0 and then finally 4.4.1. I would restart the docker after each update, then once my apps\crashplan\engine_output.log finally said: [10.03.15 17:26:09.047 INFO main com.backup42.service.CPService] CPVERSION = 4.4.1 - I copied those 2 files again and edited .ui_info and changed to my and boom. I'm in business again. many thanks to Leifgg's notes! It really wasn't that hard once I saw that simple post and actually quit relying on that desktop It does suck that after every restart of the docker crashplan is changing those files. I was going to write a little batch file to copy those 2 files from \\tower\dockers\apps\crashplan\id\ to c:\programdata\crashplan and then do a find and replace it with my IP and then launch Crashplan, but...I can't copy from that crashplan\id folder as myself. grr....that's why i copied them to /boot first. probably not the cleanest place..but..it worked in a pinch. The only version of Crashplan for windows I used during this whole thing was x64 4.4.1, so don't worry about installing an old version of the desktop app to connect to the fresh Crashplan docker, even though the docker starts out at 4.3.0, you can connect. Just...give it some time and restart the docker until it's at 4.4.1 and I think things will work.
  25. looks like 4.4.0 was skipped. 4.4.1 is indeed available now: https://download.code42.com/installs/win/install/CrashPlan/jre/CrashPlan-x64_4.4.1_Win.exe
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