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Everything posted by comet424

  1. too bad there isn't a video as I learn better with videos part of my learning disability and dyslexia...
  2. is your script long.. can I copy it and import it... I skimming what guy wrote.. but doesn't look like he has a script just typing stuff I like your setup I need to re read it.. too bad they didn't make it gui version for rsync like freenas does it.. I need to re read this a few time
  3. ah ok ill give it a shot.. I didn't see rsync in any options settings plugins apps etc.. but ill check out the link.. ya as long as it works.. I know I having issues with my mini server Acer H340 I using as a backup server 4 bay but doesn't seem to work for WOL and I not sure if network cards newer one if I install would WOL the computer... but ill check out that link first thanks
  4. hi I like to know what you guys recommend for syncing folders from unraid to another unraid same network and 1 offsite so goes through internet.. and I like gui im not so good with command line... as rsync wasn't too bad in freenas but kept replicating itself but it worked.. but I don't see a rysnc in unraid.. id like it to WOL too if possible but id like it to do update either scheduled time through internet.. or instant on the local network backup server and a backup program like you know android backs up your photos to google photo thing id like it to backup my photos from my phone to my network just like that.. is that possible??
  5. that MC program is cool I could see the files I couldn't get the File Options on top I thought ALT would do but nope and the SMB share in unraid I looked I cant add all those features I cant choose a path.. heck cant even uncheck off samba … all I can do is add shares under shares but u cant specifiy a specific location.. unless I need to turn something on or off to get that feature I tired of ZFS when I delete files or move them... ZFS uses more data so even though I moved say 300gig off the freenas zfs it still increased the used data so it didn't minus 300gb just kept addng up so got fed up with that and the crap of plex with it doesn't work right.. rsync didn't work way I was hoping number of things
  6. minior error but I was trying to setup notification to like my cell under Notify My Android API Key the link for "the api key can be found here" and it links to www.notifymyandroid.com/ no longer exists for help for my api key thing.. this website is now for something else
  7. I found another article with using FileZila with SFTP what ever SFTP is I connected didn't even need a port but couldn't use my root account.. but I see the mediaserver folder how come I cant see these other folders in unraid like disk 1 disk 2 disk 3 of my unraid
  8. and how you set the mount point for zfs / I not much a terminal person.. is there a program to access these files how come I cant see root folders of unraid either in samba shares
  9. ok so I tried this in the unraid terminal zfs set sharesmb=on mediaserver it then was trying to share all the root folders but it cant cannot share 'mediaserver': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/Christmas': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/Install Programs': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/Videos': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/Videos/CHRISTMAS': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/Videos/Movies': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/Videos/TV Shows': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails/.warden-template-pluginjail-11.0-x64': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails/.warden-template-pluginjail-11.0-x64-20180308141237': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails/.warden-template-pluginjail-11.0-x64-20180405114202': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails/.warden-template-pluginjail-11.0-x64-20180526061450': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails/.warden-template-pluginjail-11.0-x64-20180611210409': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails/.warden-template-pluginjail-11.0-x64-20180612145922': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails/.warden-template-pluginjail-11.0-x64-20180612151208': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails/.warden-template-pluginjail-11.0-x64-20180612163655': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails/.warden-template-pluginjail-11.0-x64-20180612212249': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails/.warden-template-standard': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails/crashplan_1': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails/emby_1': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails/owncloud_1': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails/plexmediaserver_1': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails/sickrage_1': smb add share failed cannot share 'mediaserver/jails/transmission_1': smb add share failed does this for every root folder on the mediaserver
  10. I dunno I guess but I I cant make a unraid share specifiying share name "root" file location "/" it doesn't allow me to set where the shares go so I don't know how to access it if I cant share the folder
  11. so I ran the zpool import -a then zpool import -f like it told me to it printed " pool: mediaserver id: 7392266675859343005 state: ONLINE status: The pool was last accessed by another system. action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier and the '-f' flag. see: http://zfsonlinux.org/msg/ZFS-8000-EY config: mediaserver ONLINE sde ONLINE sdh ONLINE pool: mediadrive2 id: 11376497011458327039 state: ONLINE status: The pool was last accessed by another system. action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier and the '-f' flag. see: http://zfsonlinux.org/msg/ZFS-8000-EY config: mediadrive2 ONLINE sdc ONLINE" but I still don't see a file folder share of the 2 datasets nothing I can double click on the network share of the unraid server I see the isos appdata etc folders but no mediadrive2 or sdc folder how do I add those so I can drag and drop the files to unraid
  12. and I new to this Linux stuff unraid freenas stuff.. im been a windows user over 30 yrs so im used to windows shares etc so like a file folder and just copy or move drag and drop
  13. well I restarted over reformatted my usb and reinstalled unraid.. and I re ran that plugin but how you know its working I have now showing my 3 freenas drives under unassigned devices but I don't see a file share name to access these drives I thought I could just do add share and point to the drives but that isn't working.. if it shows up in unassigned devices is it imported? and how do I access them whats the next step? I typed in zpool import -a but I haven't seen a change that I can access the files and I got this from typing in that code cannot import 'mediaserver': pool was previously in use from another system. Last accessed by (hostid=5267ccb1) at Fri Jul 6 20:11:37 2018 The pool can be imported, use 'zpool import -f' to import the pool. cannot import 'mediadrive2': pool was previously in use from another system. Last accessed by (hostid=5267ccb1) at Fri Jul 6 19:58:31 2018 The pool can be imported, use 'zpool import -f' to import the pool. so do I do that -f but will that let me access the files
  14. I posted in the wrong forum earlier in the general support... I read this article from google and it didn't help me.. but here is what a I wrote " I been googling how to import the zfs I installed a zfs plugin I figured just a plug and play nope then I read you you type zpool import -f Poolname but that did nothing file not found is there exact steps to import the disks so I can copy it to the new hard drives then wipe the zfs format like detail steps be good"
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