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Everything posted by zmanfarlee

  1. @JonathanM Looks liek I am back up to 36 on the disk drives after taping etc. I will look ionto a case swap down the line. Area has space but that case is pretty tight on airflow.
  2. @JonathanM Done sir. Thank you. Will see how it goes!
  3. Ambient temp is usually 24c. I think I know one issue I can fix but it is likely cause the case is a t30 poweredge with 4 disks. SHoudl I do a case swap?
  4. I'll have to watch for it next time and quote you to ask but it's like a few degrees into the danger zone and then goes back down if I remember correctly but I will monitor more closely. I am not sure if it will have th record in my diagnostics report.... attached. You really go above and beyond here. Thank you. tower-diagnostics-20220828-2109.zip
  5. No other errors. I have reset. I dont have errors on the other disks. I only get the notifications in the popups and dismiss them. Maybe I shoudl set up an email. The issue is I get a lot of overheat and back to normal warningsa on disks (the yellow warning). No other issues though. Thank yoU!
  6. Look.... I am amazed I have used Unraid this long so far. For what to me would be difficult/impossible I get great help here so thank you. Saw the following issue with cache disk... should I be worried?? SysLog.zip
  7. I am trying to use Real Debrid as a downloader and the only thing I see that can do this is the following: https://github.com/rogerfar/rdt-client I saw someone posted about it before but it didn't really discuss how he got it set up. I have the compose.manager installed and I was able to make an docker image but all the file mapping has me confused. The only way I got sonarr and all of those things working previously was the easy to use file selection in dockers. Does anyone know of a guide for this? If nto no worries I jsut didn't want to keep. At the github page it discusses using /data/downloads as the main folder for downloads but I don't think that maps correctly. I am just throwing up a hail mary inc ase anyone has used this before. Thanks.
  8. nd this https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTk67puClDitrjLeAT3NrkgGQAUD2ZWSgVkj_NUAbmT-rBa4Tejx4uY7_-4Gpn_swNKIMjoS-g7255O/pub
  9. Is there a way to set up a Last Oasis Server on Unraid? I usually just use unraid for Foundry, Valheim, and Plex so I am normally in good shape but thought this could be fun. I only know how to install community apps so I am guessing this is to advanced for me. Anyone know of a guide to set something like this up? The below link is the only data I have found so far. No worries if it's too difficult. https://lastoasis.fandom.com/wiki/Last_Oasis_Dedicated_Server
  10. Dude getting unraid was one of my best decisions. Whenever I have had an issue I got help. You guys are amazing.
  11. should be. That was my hail mary. Hopefully someone else can help.
  12. @TheBrian Is your password short? I saw that if it is like 4 or less it could cause an issue.
  13. I hope this works: https://www.scribd.com/document/494433434/Valheim-Dedicated-Server-Manual
  14. Also anyone having server showing publicly it was a port issue for me. One friend still has the issue because valheim is a little buggy so he made a favorite server through steam to direct connect that way and it worked.
  15. Hey all valheim server is runnign beautifully. Saw this text on the server guide from the dev: "Administrating the Server and setting permissions You can edit three separate text-files to set 1) who has admin privileges, 2) who is banned from your server, and 3) who is permitted on your server. These three files, located in the default save path, are called ‘adminlist.txt’, bannedlist.txt’, and permittedlist.txt’. Add Steam IDs (one per line) to set desired roles." I can't find those files in the app data on unraid. Am I looking int he wrong spot?
  16. Dude.... you answered the question perfectly in a half hour..... what did I do to deserve this??? Thank you!
  17. Hello All. I got a Valheim server up and runnign pretty easily (for how I usually mess things up) but had a question: It says on the docker you can run mulitple Valheim servers.... A) How do I create an additional server on my Unraid docker. B) Will I have to create seperate ports for each server and forward or is that not an issue. Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Dude..... almost 3 years later and this post fixed my problem in 2 minutes... THANK YOU!
  19. @fithwum To say I am a big fan would be an understatement. This docker has been huge and my group has benefited immensely! Can't thank you enough. Two quick questions when you have time. One simple and one less simple: 1) If I need to update to a new release of foundry do I re-download new files from foundryvtt and put them in the same file as I had to originally (foundryvtt) or do I update on dockers page? If I copy files again all the modules and such stay the same correct? 2) If it's just push a button in the docker to update then is there a way to easily modify the main.js file in appdata/foundry/resources/app and add a file there for a plugin I use regularly? I have a feeling I copy files again and if so then Question 2 doesn't pertain to you. Thank you again for this docker. I tried so hard to make others work but I don't know how to copy a system from github to docker.
  20. Thanks bud. I know it's a super basic question but it makes me feel better.
  21. First off thank you in advance. Everyone here is always crazy helpful and it amazes me. I mean it you all have inspired me to do more with this stuff. I wanted to replace a 1tb with an 8tb (that is the size of my parity as well). Followed instructions and started the rebuild. I ran mover but I realize now maybe not do extra stuff during the process. Woke up this morning and tower was not responding at all and couldn't connect via putty. I did a hard reset and it popped right back up but I noticed some weird stuff. Had a message that said the drive was rebuilt and that it was rebuilding it as well (see attached pics). I turned off all the dockers except plex and foundry VTT (neither should be writing etc). My question is does it look like I am ok and just need to wait for the rebuild to be done? I think I got lucky here and just have to wait correct?
  22. Thanks bud. I think we are all set for now. It seems to have all moved over after the "Cache Preferred." Thank you again!
  23. @trurl Just an FYI it's all working. Just switching cache to preferred moved the docker image over over night and then everything else went. So a huge thanks. I only see a libvirt image in system files now but I am guessing that will go to. Thanks again!!!!
  24. Trying to get Caddy2 using the CA advanced search and going to the main for it. I matched up all ports and Paths per the old defaults but I keep getting this error listen tcp bind: address already in use. I'm hearing it may be because my tower is listening and so is the docker which is a nono.... Anyone have any idea how to fix?
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