Jidovu Marius Adrian

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Everything posted by Jidovu Marius Adrian

  1. Not sure if you did or not, but can you formulate it as a request and post it here and with an example. Also say how would you prefer to have the data saved other then json if lets say was possible to implement it in go-auto-yt. ( not that would be a priority but maybe down the road there will be a way to make it possible )
  2. It will save it in the same format as youtube-dl. Probably you will need something like this then. Local Metadata Agent Github link with the source code: LocalMetadata-Agent.bundle Different ones: YouTube-Agent.bundle lankz JSON.bundle If you find something better post it.
  3. I do not think it will be long until metadata is added since is just one extra command on top of the actual command.
  4. The docker template was changed to use 0022 umask for the folders which should fix your issue. To remove the root folder and all its contents you can use unraid terminal to do that with the following command: rm -rf /mnt/user/appdata/go-auto-yt If you changed the root folder in the docker template then change "go-auto-yt" with the name of the folder you speciffied in the docker template. After you do that edit the docker template of the application on the "User File Creation MASK ( UMASK ):" tab and click edit then replace 0044 with 0022 and click save. I was very tired that day and I totally forgot that the application uses umask and I had it setup to 0044 in the live docker template. I am sorry, my bad.
  5. The domain selected for the mail server needs to be changed in the docker template from yourdomain.com. It can be found by switching from BASIC VIEW to ADVANCED VIEW when you edit the template and is under "Extra Parameters:" tab. It is recommended that you select a name like mx.yourdomain.com for the A record of your mail server computer. This means that the A record in your Domain Name System (DNS) must point to the IP address of the computer where Mail Server will be installed and the Pointer (PTR) record on this computer must resolve the computer IP address to a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) as an opposite to what A record does. To verify the correctness of the settings for the A record the following command is used ( command used inside the mail server docker ) : dig -t A mx.yourdomain.com If everything is correct you should see the output which contains lines like these among the others: ... ;; ANSWER SECTION: mx.yourdomain.com. IN A {your IP address} ... Instead of {your IP address} the real IP address of the server will be shown ( command used inside the mail server docker ). dig -x {your IP address} It should return the output which contains lines like these among the others: ... ;; ANSWER SECTION: {your IP address} IN PTR mx.yourdomain.com. ... After you install Mail Server, you will also need to add an MX record to yourdomain.com so that it pointed to mx.yourdomain.com. This is required for mail to reach @yourdomain.com addresses. To get the IP address for the mail server docker use the following command ( command used in unraid terminal ) : docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' onlyoffice-mail-server Where ${MAIL_SERVER_IP} is the IP address for Mail Server. To link the the Only Office dockers you need to go to the "Integration" tab in your Only Office Community portal like in the example pictures:
  6. I changed the template to use umask 0022. I forgot to change it in the template before uploading it and I did not look into the live template to notice it... my bad. The change will be live in ~2 hours or less.
  7. That is because the main folder is owned by root, you need to create another unraid user and give all the permissions to that user and after that you need to use that user when you access unraid files over the network. In other words authenticate.
  8. You need to change the default download folder inside the docker container. Mounted Downloads Folder: /mnt/user/appdata/go-auto-yt/downloads Replace /mnt/user/appdata/go-auto-yt/downloads with your folder location.
  9. You can do that if somehow that file is owned by other user.
  10. Only the download folder and what is inside of that folder is setup to get the "user" group. The rest of the folders are created as root. You can use Krusader docker to delete files owned by "root".
  11. It did happen to me as well for the past days, I thought they are working on the server hosting the forum.
  12. Directory creation error got fixed - docker image updated. For the fix to take place the image must be re-downloaded.
  13. As you can see when you specify where to download for example it has a default template like so: /channels/%(uploader)s/audio/%(title)s.%(ext)s If you want to not have all those folders and just have the name included in the file instead of folders for example you do this: /channels/%(uploader)s-audio-%(title)s.%(ext)s As you can see you can remove the / so it will no longer create that many folders. /mnt/user/media/youtube/ In your case is already the starting folder so you do not need to add it again ( is the root folder), so anything that you download will get downloaded there
  14. The app is still in beta and being developed... You can change the folders by using "Enter custom download path" and specify the folder you wish, you can also change the mounted folder as well by editing the container template. I will forward this issue to the bugs reports as well.
  15. Go to your nextcloud docker and click it then go to the console cd apps/ git clone https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/onlyoffice-nextcloud.git onlyoffice chown -R www-data:www-data onlyoffice That is the connector you need for Nextcloud to function with Document Server. And configuring it with some easy steps: 1. Access Nextcloud, open the Not enabled apps page and click the Enable button for the ONLYOFFICE application. 2. Open the Nextcloud Admin settings, go to the ONLYOFFICE section and enter the address of the server with ONLYOFFICE Document Server installed: https://<documentserver>
  16. I will expand the guide write on the reserved post how to integrate nextcloud with document server.... In case you did not succeed read the how to again when it is done.
  17. You need to configure document server to use ssl by creating the certificates and then add them in the folder: /mnt/user/appdata/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/data/certs/ After you add them you need to restart the docker container. Then change the container view from basic view to advanced view and on WebUI change http://[IP]:[PORT:8082] to https://[IP]:[PORT:8082] And click apply for the container to restart with the new config. Did you succeed to integrate document server into your nextcloud?
  18. In next cloud click settings and then go to the apps page then open the dissabled apps section, enable the onlyoffice application. ( you can click the app store button to get the connector if you do not have it) Next open the admin page, on the basic settings tab scroll down to the onlyoffice section and copy the web address including the port of your onlyoffice document server. Now if you click the files section and then the + button you should have the onlyoffice files there. Do not forget to disable the test server though.
  19. I am not sure I follow what you say with demo server, do you mean where is the main site that controls them all ? As for that error you can ignore it. The file is empty because there are no errors to add into that log file.
  20. I will add a request for this to get a fix. Without the quotes the command will not work. Most of the times I still end up using filebot to manage the library names anyway