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Everything posted by laest

  1. Hi everybody! I am currently trying to get Joplin server up and running on my Unraid server. The problem isn't the seperate portgresDB oder the Joplin server itself, but the reverse proxy configuration (I use swag as nginx reverse proxy). If I set my unraid server IP as BASE_URL of joplin server, I can access http://UNRAIDIP:22300/login an everything works as expected. As soon as I change the BASE_URL to https://joplin.domain.com and add an proxy-conf for joplin server, I get an error like invalid origin. Anybody got this up and running behind a reverse proxy? Thanks in advance and have a nice day!
  2. Hi aremack, have you been successfull in running joplin with reverse proxy? I am trying to get it running behind swag nginx proxy with no success,..
  3. Thanks for the template. Is there any way to use authentication with the self-hostet version? Thanks in advance for any hint
  4. First of all, thank you for providing us this Template I just installed it and have one question: As far as I know papermerge should come with German and English lanugage support. But after installing your template all I can select for interface language as well as OCR language is English. Is there a way to integrate support for German language? Best regards!
  5. if anybody else is looking for a working reverse proxy config, here is a config that works fine for me. This one is based on the template of wekans github pages. All you have to do is to change the domain names in lines 12, 16, 23 and the internal IP of your Unraid server in line 38. # this section is needed to proxy web-socket connections map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade { default upgrade; '' close; } # HTTP server { listen 80; # if this is not a default server, remove "default_server" listen [::]:80 ipv6only=on; server_name wekan.your-domain.com; # redirect non-SSL to SSL location / { rewrite ^ https://wekan.your-domain.com$request_uri? permanent; } } # HTTPS server server { listen 443 ssl http2; # we enable HTTP/2 here (previously SPDY) server_name wekan.your-domain.com; # this domain must match Common Name (CN) in the SSL certificate include /config/nginx/ssl.conf; # If your application is not compatible with IE <= 10, this will redirect visitors to a page advising a browser update # This works because IE 11 does not present itself as MSIE anymore if ($http_user_agent ~ "MSIE" ) { return 303 https://browser-update.org/update.html; } # Pass requests to Wekan. # If you have Wekan at https://example.com/wekan , change location to: # location /wekan { location / { # proxy_pass http://192.xxx.xxx.xxx:5555/wekan; proxy_pass http://192.xxx.xxx.xxx:5555; #Change to your internal unraid IP and the Wekan container port proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; # allow websockets proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; # preserve client IP # this setting allows the browser to cache the application in a way compatible with Meteor # on every applicaiton update the name of CSS and JS file is different, so they can be cache infinitely (here: 30 days) # the root path (/) MUST NOT be cached #if ($uri != '/wekan') { # expires 30d; #} } }
  6. I just re-flashed my cc2531 stick and the error does not occur again. Don‘t really know why this helped since the cc2531 worked well with the initial firmware on my old raspberry pi.
  7. My device ID is changing without the device being unplugged and reconnected. So I cannot use the USB Device at all :( Would be great if somebody could help us with a solution! :)
  8. Hi everybody! I am trying to passthrough a CC2531 Zigbee USB stick for days now. As you might expect, without any success. My investigations led me to the following problem that might cause the initial problem with passing through the USB device. I am using Unraid 6.8.3 If I do a 'lsusb' to list the USB devices, the Zigbee stick shows up as "Texas Instruments ....." but as you can see from the attached screenshot, the Zigbee stick's device ID constantly changes every minute. The stick itself is plugged in the same USB port the whole time. Sometimes it even looses connection to UnRaid I guess, because it does not show up in the output. Is there any trick to get UnRaid to not change the device ID every minute? I guess this would help a lot to get the Zigbee stick passed through to my VM or a Docker container in the future. Thanks in advance! P.S.: UnRaid is running on a Asrock J5005-ITX board. I tried multiple of the board's USB ports, 2.0 as well as 3.0 ports, with the same result. Also wanted to pass through the whole PCI controller, but since the board only seems to have one, this is not possible. Even if the output says there are two buses, the Zigbee stick always shows up below bus 001, no matter what USB port I plug it in.
  9. Hi everybody! I am trying to passthrough a CC2531 Zigbee USB stick for days now. As you might expect, without any success. My investigations led me to the following problem that might cause the initial problem with passing through the USB device. If I do a 'lsusb' to list the USB devices, the Zigbee stick shows up as "Texas Instruments ....." but as you can see from the attached screenshot, the Zigbee stick's device ID constantly changes every minute. The stick itself is plugged in the same USB port the whole time. Sometimes it even looses connection to UnRaid I guess, because it does not show up in the output. Is there any trick get UnRaid to not change the device ID every minute? I guess this would help a lot to get the Zigbee stick passed through to my VM or a Docker container in the future. Thanks in advance! P.S.: UnRaid is running on a Asrock J5005-ITX board. I tried multiple of the board's USB ports, 2.0 as well as 3.0 ports, with the same result. Also wanted to pass through the whole PCI controller, but since the board only seems to have one, this is not possible. Even if the output says there are two buses, the Zigbee stick always shows up below bus 001, no matter what USB port I plug it in.
  10. Did you manage to find a solution for this? I also would like to install ecoDMS on Unraid but since it seems not to work properly,.. Edit: Okay got it up and running on UnRaid 6.8.0 with the following steps: Via Community Applications search for ecodms and install the converted Synology/QNAP version allinone 18.09 In the configuration page add the following path and port mappings (see attached screenshot) Download and install the ecoDMS client for your platform (Client Downloads here: EcoDMS) Add a new profile with your UnRaid IP, 17001 as port and login with ecodms as both, user and password. You can change this one you are logged in If the profile is created successfully connect to the new ecoDMS connection If you want to use the web interface of ecoDMS navigate to Settings -> Web/Mobile/API, enable remote access and start the service. Once the service started you should be able to access the web interface via your UnRaid-IP on Port 17004 (or whatever port you chose during setup of the Docker Container. Have fun
  11. Hi all! I am relatively new to Unraid as well as Docker, but I am pretty amazed about the opportunities of both But since I am not an expert on Docker, I guess I need some lessons how to get to work the Open XChange Docker from Dockerhub under Unraid (see Open XChange on Dockerhub). The thing is, I can get it to work in a debian VM, but I would like to run it as a Docker Container. Since I wasn't able to find a template that is adapted for Unraid, I tried to install the one from Dockerhub. As expected, it does not run out of the box I tried following the instructions on the Dockerhub page with no success. They say that you need a DB running for the Open XChange Docker, but do I have to install it inside the Open XChange Docker or is it possible to simply use the existing MariaDB Docker instead? Did somebody else try to get it working on Unraid? Or can you help me out with a working template for Unraid or some advices? Would really appreciate it! Thanks in advance for your help and have a nice day
  12. Hello everybody! As many other guys I followed Spaceinvaders Tutorial and set up OpenVPN on my UnRaid NAS. Connecting to my NAS from outside the Network works, but I do not have access to the UnRaid shares or other devices in the host's network. My setup is as follows: Location 1: NAS with UnRaid OS, OpenVPN set up, Fritzbox 7590 with Subnet Location 2: Fritzbox 7590 with Subnet, MacOS Client -> can connect to NAS via OpenVPN, but cannot access shares or the Fritzbox of the UnRaid Host Network I found out, that when connected via OpenVPN the MacBook's IP Adress is 172.xxx.xxx.xxx. In the OpenVPN Admin Interface I found the following: Dynamic IP Adress Network: Group Default IP Address Network (Optional): Routing (Yes, NAT):,, Should client Internet traffic be routed through the VPN? YES Should clients be allowed to access network services on the VPN gateway IP address? YES Do not alter clients' DNS server settings: NO Have clients use the same DNS servers as the Access Server host: YES Have clients use specific DNS servers: NO Can you help me out? I just want to access my UnRaid Shares via OpenVPN from outside the LAN of the UnRaid NAS. Thanks in advance! //EDIT: Found the solution by myself,.. stupid me 😮 -> Changed the Subnet of the second Location to, so now it is working perfectly
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