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Everything posted by repomanz

  1. Hi everyone, I'm looking to switch from shinobi over to zoneminder (like 30 minutes new to ZM). I have a fresh ZM install where i've set the variables to install yolo and hook. What I'm not clear on at the moment is how to enable the hooks / object detection / processing Does the unraid install xml _also_ configure zoneminder with this stuff already enabled / configured? If not, do I need to get into the zm container via shell and update some ini files to enable? When configured, do i need to make specific camera changes to enable hook / object detention processing (or is that already happening based on event id or is that some setting in the zm guide? I did browse through a couple of the links the dev/op mentioned but still a little fuzzy about it. Any direction regarding the above configuration would be appreciated.
  2. Hello - frustrated with Shinobi I thought i'd check out this container. Brand new install on unraid 6.8.3 however container never launches. *** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_regen_ssh_host_keys.sh... *** Running /etc/my_init.d/10_syslog-ng.init... Jun 12 01:28:25 650117497b87 syslog-ng[13]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.13.2' *** Running /etc/my_init.d/30_parse_config_file.sh... Creating config file. Please do not forget to edit it to specify your settings! *** /etc/my_init.d/30_parse_config_file.sh failed with status 1 *** Killing all processes... Jun 12 01:28:25 650117497b87 syslog-ng[13]: syslog-ng shutting down; version='3.13.2'
  3. Hi unraiders, I'm considering nx witness and would enjoy running this as a docker container within unraid. Is there a how-to guide somewhere I overlooked on how i can create this docker container within unraid? I see a shout out to our linuxserver.io crew as well in the link below. https://github.com/thehomerepot/nxwitness
  4. any luck here? I'm buying a gpu soon to handle handbrake/plex and would love for it to also handle shinobi. If not, no worries I guess, my 2 cameras only use about 9 to 11% cpu (i7 6700k)
  5. rajorrala. follow this instruction On 5/17/2020 at 7:29 PM, runraid said: I got this figured out and am able to use the MariaDB inside the container to make this work. No need to run a dedicated MariaDB docker instance. First, make sure the shinobipro docker container is running. Log into the console of the container, either by using the unraid feature or by this command: docker exec -ti shinobipro sh Next, create the database and tables... mysql source sql/framework.sql; source sql/user.sql; exit Now restart the container and it will work.
  6. look up a few posts about manually running sql in the container.
  7. followed this; unable to run this command: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/sacli start error RunStart warm None { "errors": { "crl": [ [ "error", "service failed to start due to unresolved dependencies: set(['user'])" ] ], "iptables_live": [ [ "error", "service failed to start due to unresolved dependencies: set(['iptables_openvpn'])" ] ], "iptables_openvpn": [ [ "error", "Service deferred error: IPTablesServiceBase: failed to run iptables-restore [status=2]: [\"Bad argument `[unsupported'\", 'Error occurred at line: 88', \"Try `iptables-restore -h' or 'iptables-restore --help' for more information.\"]: internet/defer:654,sagent/ipts:134,sagent/ipts:51,util/daemon:28,util/daemon:69,application/app:385,scripts/_twistd_unix:264,application/app:399,application/app:312,internet/base:1283,internet/base:1295,internet/epollreactor:235,python/log:103,python/log:86,python/context:122,python/context:85,internet/posixbase:627,internet/posixbase:252,internet/abstract:310,internet/process:273,internet/process:934,internet/process:946,internet/process:311,internet/_baseprocess:52,internet/process:948,internet/_baseprocess:64,svc/pp:141,svc/svcnotify:32,internet/defer:460,internet/defer:568,internet/defer:654,sagent/ipts:134,sagent/ipts:51,util/error:74,util/error:55" ] ], "openvpn_0": [ [ "error", "service failed to start due to unresolved dependencies: set(['user', 'iptables_live', 'iptables_openvpn'])" ] ], "subscription": [ [ "error", "service failed to start due to unresolved dependencies: set(['user'])" ] ], "user": [ [ "error", "service failed to start due to unresolved dependencies: set(['iptables_live', 'iptables_openvpn'])" ] ] }, "last_restarted": "Fri May 29 14:00:38 2020", "service_status": { "api": "started", "auth": "started", "bridge": "started", "client_query": "started", "crl": "off", "daemon_pre": "started", "db_push": "started", "ip6tables_live": "started", "ip6tables_openvpn": "started", "iptables_live": "off", "iptables_openvpn": "off", "iptables_web": "started", "log": "started", "openvpn_0": "off", "subscription": "off", "user": "off", "web": "started" } } WILL_RESTART [] ERROR: restart failed (ERRBACK)
  8. Hey dev - any future plans to roll in the db / setup within same container?
  9. Yes, follow "Phoenix Down"'s instruction about 6 posts up.
  10. Hey unraid crew, This status (the ! warning) is not valid). as you can see, none of the files are on the cache. What causes this or how can i fix the invalid error warning? repo
  11. I had to reinstall today and it seems there's a few problems. install scripts are not creating db (few posts above describe this) I'm not able to add this user: When i click add account, populate all the information and save, it doesn't do anything at all. No errors in UI or logs, no indication of saving. Refreshing the doesn't show the user I attempted to create. Noticed the author updated a day ago and also know that gitlab upgraded today. <maybe that's it>
  12. Hey Team, Trying to install Unbuntu 20.04LTS via ISO. Getting this error when booting up to install. Solution: bumped memory to 1GB.
  13. ^ I'm in the same boat I have it all documented (firewall routing, vlan configurations, physical connections, wifi vlans, etc) but she'll probably just flatten it. I keep telling my youngest son I need him to be my backup admin Anything is hackable but if coming into my network it'll be a more difficult chore to pivot around. Malware like wannacry would run rampant in a flat network if machines were unpatched. I have friends with massive IOT gear running on a flat network and that just gives me the heebie-jeebies.
  14. Hey guys, Fair warning; ended up trashing two VMs as I couldn't figure out what in the networking stack busted. Upgraded (from Debian 9) 4 VMs to Debian 10 today. 2 VM not on a bridge network; upgraded no problem 2 VMs on bridged networks no longer had functioning networking after upgrade I could ping the guest itself and the host's gateway (bridge) but other than that nothing would route beyond the gateway.
  15. yup - i couldn't change the parity to 12tb and put the former 8tb parity drive in the array at the same time. Got disk error so rebuilding parity on the 12tb while the former parity drive is sitting unassigned.
  16. before starting this above, I would need to power down, disconnect power from current 8tb parity drive. power up and then add the 12tb drive as parity?
  17. Hello everyone. I'm reading through this guide here: https://wiki.unraid.net/The_parity_swap_procedure and I'm a little uncertain about the steps I need to take. I want to replace the current 8TB parity drive with the unassigned 12tb drive (sdf) below. After the swap and parity has been rebuilt on to the new 12tb drive I want to take the 8tb drive (former parity drive) and add it as a data drive in the array. Current parity drive is healthy, zero errors on full parity scan/check yesterday. Preclear on the 12tb (sdf) drive is about 50% complete. In the guide it talks about powering down, removing data drives, unassigning etc and I'm a little unclear what steps apply to my setup / use case here. As mentioned, the new 12tb drive is already on and installed. Parity drive is healthy. Can someone provide simple step-by step info here that apply to my setup? Never done this before and I _really_ do not want to screw up my array in the process. If i have an issue during rebuilding parity (on the 12tb (sdf) drive) can i fall back to the current 8tb drive? If i have an issue during rebuilding parity (on the 12tb (sdf) drive) can i fall back to the current 8tb drive?
  18. i forced the parity check as I knew i had some unclean shutdowns AND I am planning on swaping the parity drive with a larger one. It went through that parity check, after finding 3126 errors said 'parity is valid'. I am running it again to ensure no errors found on the 2nd forced check.
  19. Ok - so it ran through, found 3126 errors but says "parity is valid". I guess this means it was able to correct the parity errors?
  20. point taken. Will hold the parity swap until i get a clean check.
  21. Hey team, I had two back to back unclean shutdowns recently and I'm in the process of running parity check. @58% it's found 3126 errors. I suspect this may have been from the 2 unclean shutdowns. All drives in the array are not reporting any errors and when it completes I assume all parity related errors will be fixed. What guidance is available here from the unraid team? I just shucked a new 12tb drive yesterday with the intention of growing parity drive ceiling but it's not in the unraid server yet.
  22. Hello. I installed sftp on unraid. Got the container to start after going through unraid console and manually adding a user. However; when I sftp (using putty) I authenticate and then putty just closes. Nothing in the sftp container logs that i can see, just that I had successfully authenticated. Apr 6 00:45:12 b34201513c63 sshd[52]: Server listening on port 22. Apr 6 00:45:12 b34201513c63 sshd[52]: Server listening on :: port 22. Apr 6 00:46:23 b34201513c63 sshd[73]: Accepted password for <username> from port 59361 ssh2 the first two lines above; do I need to configure this container further?
  23. Hey folks - this container / nzbget unpacking correctly now? Seems a while back there was a validation/unpacking issue that wasn't being fixed in the short term so I abandoned it. Taking a pulse from you guys to see if it's working properly again.
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