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Everything posted by SpencerJ

  1. Welcome! Let us know how the team build goes 😃
  2. Hola, Si entiendo, en este momento sólo aceptamos tarjetas de crédito y débito y paypal.
  3. See here: https://www.patreon.com/spaceinvaderone $30+ level will probably be where you want to be.
  4. Thanks for the heads up. Will update.
  5. Yes, that's right: the man, the myth, the legend Spaceinvader One has graciously agreed to sit down for an interview with us. Check out our interview here: https://unraid.net/blog/spaceinvader-one-interview
  6. You should be good to go @Liquidbings. Don't hesitate to reach out if this is not the case. Thank you
  7. Thanks for reaching out. We will be in touch shortly to get this fixed.
  8. On Friday, August 30th, using random.org's true random number generator, the following 14 forum users we're selected as winners of the limited-edition Unraid case badges: #74 @Techmagi #282 @Carlos Eduardo Grams #119 @mucflyer #48 @Ayradd #338 @hkinks #311 @coldzero2006 #323 @DayspringGaming #192 @starbix #159 @hummelmose #262 @JustinAiken #212 @fefzero #166 @Andrew_86 #386 @plttn #33 @aeleos (Note: the # corresponds to the forum post # selected in this thread.) Congratulations to all of the winners and a huge thank you to everyone else who entered the giveaway and helped us celebrate our company birthday! Cheers, Spencer
  9. August 29th, 2019 marks 14 years of Lime Technology being in business. On August 26, 2005, Tom Mortensen (@limetech), the creator of Unraid, posted the very first introductory post about Unraid and thus began the incredible journey and creation of this amazing community! To date, the Unraid community comprises over 130 countries, an untold number of languages, and thousands of friendly, enthusiastic, and welcoming users! This is the discussion page for the official Unraid 14th Birthday Blog. Feel free to chime in on how you use Unraid, what you thought of the Q&A or anything else that comes to mind! Cheers! https://unraid.net/blog/unraid-14th-birthday-blog
  10. ---------------THANK YOU YO EVERYONE FOR ENTERING! The winners have been announced at the end of this thread. --------------- August 29th, 2019 will mark the 14th anniversary of Lime Technology Inc. Much has changed from the early days but one thing has always remained constant: Our awesome community of Unraid users! Seriously, you'd be hard pressed to find a nicer, more helpful online community and we are constantly amazed at the excitement, positivity and all around friendliness of you all. In celebration of all of this, we're giving away 14 limited edition server case badges! See here! To enter to win a case badge, simply comment here. If you'd like, tell us what you enjoy most about your Unraid server, how long you've been a user, or anything else you want to share. It's as simple as that. 14 winners will be selected on August 30th, 2019. See the blog post for full details and pictures! From all of us here at Lime Technology, thank you very much for joining us on this incredible journey. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more special announcements! https://unraid.net/blog/unraid-14th-birthday-giveaway
  11. If you haven’t signed up or missed our July digest, check it out here 🤙🤙
  12. Here’s a link to our first newsletter for those who are curious and haven’t signed up yet: https://mailchi.mp/db4aba468043/unraid-monthly-digest-for-june
  13. Do you want to stay informed about all things Unraid? Sign up for our monthly newsletter and you'll receive a concise digest of new blog posts, popular forum posts, product/company announcements, videos and more! https://unraid.net/newsletter Cheers
  14. OK, in lieu of an RSS feed, sign up for our monthly newsletter and you'll receive a concise digest of new blog posts, videos, popular forum posts, announcements and more! http://eepurl.com/grLHDn Thanks to everyone for voting! Cheers
  15. In Unraid, data isn’t striped so if you had a 3 TB parity drive and 2 3TB data drives, you would be protected from one HD failure and could reconstruct from the parity drive. If somehow you had simultaneous double hard drive failure then you would be in trouble. If you want all of your data mirrored, you would need dual parity meaning you would need 4 total 3TB drives. 2 parity/2 normal hard drives. Or- have a secondary backup solution in lieu of dual parity. This is a pretty good video describing the parity drive and how it works:
  16. I haven’t ever used this calculator but in your situation I believe you would just need 3- 3 TB drives. Parity drive just needs to be as big as your largest drive on the array.
  17. For all of you Mac Users; Here is a written out guide on how to set up a Time Machine share on your Unraid Server: https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Configuring_Apple_Time_Machine#Guide:_Setting_up_a_Time_Machine_Share_on_your_Unraid_Server Note: This guide works for MacOS High Sierra
  18. For email notification- would you be fine with a monthly email newsletter type digest provided you signed up for it?
  19. @ijuarez 32 on twitter. Give it some time 😎
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