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Everything posted by SpencerJ

  1. That would be great. I DM'd you with more info. Merci!
  2. Hi there, I emailed you from support but just wanted to clarify that everything is ok on your end. Feel free to answer here or the support email. Thank you for choosing Unraid!
  3. Bonjour @Balooforever! Merci pour votre message. Je suis ravi de cette nouvelle section. 🙂
  4. ¡Hola y bienvenidos a la nueva sección en español del foro! Me gustaría presentarles @rquiceno y @Carlos Rodriguez. Son 2 moderadores de habla hispana aquí. Encantado
  5. If anyone wants to help and collaborate with @johnnie.black for Portuguese translation, it would be greatly appreciated. Please reply here or reach out to me for more details! https://github.com/unraid/lang-pt_PT
  6. https://github.com/unraid/lang-lv_LV
  7. Sveiki! @ingus16 would like to translate the Unraid webgui into Latvian and needs some help. Are there any Latvian speakers willing to help out and collaborate? Let us know here!
  8. If you have questions about word context or anything, feel free to ask here. Or- I can also set everyone up on a collaborative Project Management software for this project. Please let me know if interested! Thank you
  9. With the upcoming Unraid 6.9 release, one of the exciting new features will be Multi-language Support. This new feature will allow the Unraid webgui to be displayed in a number of new languages! With this, Unraid will be available to many new users and will require new language specific forums for technical support help. If you are: a savvy, experienced Unraid user are proficient in languages such as: Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Mandarin, Arabic, Portuguese, (or others!) And are interested in becoming a moderator here in those languages, please reach out to me for more information! I look forward to your DMs and emails. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them here. Cheers, Spencer
  10. If Github or the forum is not sufficient for collaborating, let me know and I can set you up on another project management platform.
  11. This Guest Blog by @T0rqueWr3nch is a brief guide on when and how to set up an NFS server on Unraid. It also includes more advanced configuration instructions on how to deploy an Unraid NFS server behind a firewall with static ports. Are you running an NFS server on Unraid? If so, what are your specific use cases for doing so?
  12. @ich777 has fearlessly began translating Unraid into German. If there are any other German speakers who would like to collaborate in this effort, please let us know here and I can provide further details and instructions. https://github.com/spencerjunraid/lang-de_DE
  13. You can only transfer the license yourself once per year, however you can always contact [email protected] and we can transfer your license for you if need be.
  14. Thanks @partyhat and welcome! I hope we can all get this working.
  15. thanks! Will share this in another thread having similar issues. Hope this works.
  16. Thanks! I will update the wiki and try to figure out what broke with Catalina....
  17. Thanks. Iirc, this guide was made using high sierra. Please let me know and I will have to update the guide if catalina is the issue.
  18. I will need to steal my wife's laptop and go through this again, as it's been some time since I've been using a Mac! In the meantime, have you tried following SpaceinvaderOne's video by chance?
  19. Are you a professional translator in Arabic, French, Mandarin or Spanish? If so, please contact us for an opportunity for paid translation work. Here are some of the requirements we are interested in: Native level ability translating text from English to Arabic, French, Mandarin and/or Spanish. An Unraid user. Technical translation experience preferred.  If interested, please reach out directly to me and provide me info on the language(s) that you know and how long you have been using Unraid for and more information will be provided. Gracias!  谢谢 Merci! شكرا Please post any questions here!
  20. Assuming your Unraid server is not the same as your gaming PC, the load would be removed.
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